Dr Linda Cremonesi

Linda Cremonesi

Reader in Particle Physics
Head of The Centre for Fundamental Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Particle Physics, Neutrinos, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence


Linda's research interests revolve around neutrino interactions, neutrino oscillations and neutrino astronomy. Neutrinos are some of the most mysterious of the elementary particles, they are very abundant, but they rarely interact. Yet, neutrinos hold the keys to some of the most fascinating mysteries of the universe: why is the universe dominated by matter rather than antimatter? Linda's research is focussed on three main experiments:

NOvA is a currently running long-baseline neutrino experiment, aiming to make precise measurements of neutrino oscillations to understand the evolution of the universe. Linda is currently Analysis Coordinator of NOvA, overseeing and managing all of the physics output of this 250-scientist strong experiment.
DUNE is a future long-baseline neutrino experiment, using a higher power beam and a superior detector technology than NOvA is expected to make precise measurements of neutrino oscillations. Linda leads the development of the near detector simulation and reconstruction.
ANITA is NASA-sponsored balloon experiment based in Antarctica. ANITA periodically flies over Antarctica looking for signatures of ultra-high energy neutrinos and cosmic rays.