Dr David Mulryne

David Mulryne

Royal Society Universty Research Fellow | Reader in Theoretical Cosmology

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Cosmology, Inflation, Primordial Black Holes, Modified Gravity


I work in the area of theoretical cosmology and gravity.

Within cosmology, I’m interested in all aspects of the structure and evolution of the universe, from its earliest moments to its behaviour today, and in observations which inform us about the universe. Predominantly, however, I have worked on the very early universe, and in particular a phase of accelerated expansion known as inflation. Inflation is thought to be the origin of all structure in the universe, and so is a hugely important period in its history. Inflation and the phases which follow it can also give rise to gravitational waves and primordial black holes. I am interested in what we can learn about inflation and fundamental physics from these observable signatures.

Recently I have also developed an interest in modified gravity and black holes in modified theories.