
Directors of Research

Within each of the five schools within the Faculty of Science and Engineering, a Director of Research is responsible for the strategic and operational research leadership within that school. The Directors of Research also sit on the Science and Engineering Research Advisory Board (SERAG), chaired by the Dean for Research and supported by the Deputy Deans for Research and the Research Managers.

Emmanouil Benetos

Dr Emmanouil Benetos

Reader in Machine Listening
Director of Research for the School of EECS, Deputy Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI and Music

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Machine listening, Audio signal processing, Machine learning, Music information retrieval, Multimodal AI

Isabelle Mareschal

Prof Isabelle Mareschal

Professor of Visual Cognition
Director of Research

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

emotion, gaze, social interaction, adversity, global health

Jan Mol

Prof Jan Mol

Professor of Physics
Director of Research (SPCS)

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

quantum materials and devices, nanoscale thermodynamics, molecular electronics, solid-state nanopores, quantum sensing, atomically precise engineering

Yi Sui

Prof Yi Sui

Professor of Fluid Mechanics
Director of Research

School of Engineering and Materials Science

Biofluids and Cell biomechanics, Multiphase flows, Transport phenomena, Microfluidics, High-speed imaging, Real-Time AI

Juan A. Valiente Kroon

Prof Juan A. Valiente Kroon

Professor in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Director of Research

School of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical General Relativity, Computer Algebra