Dr Devis Di Tommaso

Devis Di Tommaso

Senior Lecturer
Deputy Director of Graduate Studies

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar X


Computational chemistry, Theoretical catalysis, CO2 conversion, Machine learning, Nucleation and growth


Dr. Devis Di Tommaso is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London. His research expertise includes:

Development and application of computational chemistry techniques: Dr. Di Tommaso’s group focuses on employing computational chemistry to address various problems in Physical and Materials Chemistry.

Crystal nucleation and growth: A significant part of his research is dedicated to modeling the processes of crystal nucleation and growth of organic and inorganic materials from complex solutions.

Theoretical techniques: His work involves a range of theoretical methods, including electronic structure methods, first principles and classical dynamics, and continuum approaches1.
Supercomputing: Dr. Di Tommaso and his team make extensive use of supercomputing facilities to conduct their research.

Mineral Carbonation and CO2 Utilization: His group also investigates mineral carbonation with applications to CO2 utilization, aiming to convert CO2 into value-added chemicals and materials2.
Electrocatalytic reduction of CO2: They provide theoretical insights into the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2, which is crucial for environmental sustainability.

Solution thermodynamics: Bridging molecular and macroscopic models of solution thermodynamics is another area of focus2.

Dr. Di Tommaso’s work is highly interdisciplinary, combining elements of computational chemistry, materials science, and environmental studies to tackle some of the pressing issues related to materials synthesis and environmental sustainability. His contributions to the field are recognized through various publications and collaborative projects.