Prof Alan Drew

Alan Drew

Professor of Experimental Physics

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London



Professor Drew's main research interests are using spin sensitive and structural probes situated at central facilities to characterise and understand the fundamental properties of materials, backed up with laboratory based techniques (e.g magnetic, structural and electrical characterisation, thin film growth, raman/IR spectroscopy, electro/photo luminescence). His main research topics are:

Understanding spin and charge carrier dynamics in organic and biological materials, relevant for energy (solar cells), data storage (spintronics) and biological systems (electron stransfer)
The properties of materials with novel quantum mechanical states, relevant for energy (quantum dots for solar cells) and novel quantum states
Structure function relationships in biomass derived carbons, relevant for energy (solar cells and battery materials)
He is also active in international develpoment, most recently having founded the Indonesian National Batteries Research Institute (2020) funded via institutional GCFR QR grant, and a British Council Researcher Links Climate Change workshop “Delivering a battery revolution - reducing the drivers of climate change in Indonesia”), which is a satellite workshop of COP26 to be held in Glasgow.