A revolution in game sound design - Nemisindo
Based upon research in Prof. Josh Reiss' laboratory in the Centre for Multimodal AI, Nemisindo is a Queen Mary Univerisity of London spin-out company that creates real-time sound effects. Across the Creative Industries, sound effects are usually sourced from vast libraries of pre-recorded samples. Their use requires significant storage and editing, is susceptible to repetition and limited to existing recordings. This is especially problematic for video games, where the preferred sounds to render in a scene are not known in advance. Our alternative is Procedural Audio; real-time, controllable sound generation based on years of cutting-edge university research. Nemisindo (Zulu word for ‘sound effects’) is the only market player that can dynamically generate all the sounds of a virtual world. We aim to transform sound design with this innovative technology. We currently have plug-ins in the market for game engines, several contracts and an online service. However, the most promising proposition is partnering with games studios to deliver original, high quality sound design. This would allow us to gain a major foothold in the growing and lucrative game development market.
Digital game audio
- More information: Centre for Multimodal AI and Nemisindo
- Contact: Prof Josh Reiss