Join Us

We welcome external industry and other non-academic stakeholders to register here to join as an affiliate to one or more of our Research Centres within the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Joining as an affiliate enables our Centre leadership to share opportunities for research collaboration and networking. 

We look forward to welcoming all affiliates to our annual VIP reception: Night of Science and Engineering

Please register your details below, indicating which Research Centres you are interested in affiliating to. If you wish to register for our cross faculty Centre for Predictive in vitro Models please visit that Centre's website directly.

Fields marked red asterisk: required field are required.

Once your registration is accepted, your details will be added to our internal mailing list. This will only be used for sharing opportunities for collaboration, networking and research related news. As an an affiliate, your organisation's logo will automatically appear on our affiliates webpage but no other information will be publicly available.

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Work email: not gmail, hotmail etc. Email address will only used in the context of this website and will not be sold, rented or leased to third parties.
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Company website: not LinkedIn, Google Scholar, ORCiD etc.
Research Centre(s)

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