GAnG seminar - Betti Hartmann, Black holes and boson stars with wavy scalar hair
Centre for Geometry, Analysis and GravitationBlack holes and boson stars with wavy scalar hair
Static, spherically symmetric black holes can carry scalar hair when coupling standard Einstein gravity minimally to a self-interacting complex scalar field and a U(1) gauge field. For this scalar hair to exist, the frequency of the scalar field needs to be fine-tuned. In this talk, I will discuss these solutions and point out that for sufficiently large gravitational coupling, the space-time splits into two distinct parts: (a) an inflating interior and (b) an exterior which is described by the extremal Reissner-Nordström solution. Moreover, for a specific range of parameters, the scalar hair develops spatial oscillations, i.e. black holes can carry so-called wavy scalar hair. I will also comment on the globally regular counterparts of these solutions: charged boson stars.
Updated by: Katy Clough