
Jörg Neunhäuserer (TU Braunschweig): A new family of expansions of real numbers

Centre for Complex Systems 

Date: 27 March 2025   Time: 13:00 - 14:00    Add this event to your calendar 

Location: MB-503

For $\alpha>1$ we represent a real number in $(0,1]$ in the form \[ \sum_{i=1}^{\infty}(\alpha-1)^{i-1}\alpha^{-(d_{1}+\dots+d_{i})}\]with $d_{i}\in\mathbb{N}$. We discuss ergodic theoretical and dimension theoretical aspects of this expansion. Furthermore we study their base-change-transformation.

Contact:  Lennart Dabelow

Updated by: Lennart Dabelow