Enrico Amico (U Birmingham): Higher-order connectomics of human brain function
Centre for Complex SystemsDate: 26 February 2025 Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: MB-503
Traditional models of human brain activity often represent it as a network of pairwise interactions between brain regions. Going beyond this limitation, recent approaches have been proposed to infer higher-order interactions from temporal brainsignals involving three or more regions. However, to this day it remains unclear whether methods based on inferred higher-order interactions outperform traditional pairwise ones for the analysis of fMRI data. In this talk I will introduce a novel approach to the study of interacting dynamics in brain connectomics, based on higher-order interaction models. Our method builds on recent advances in simplicial complexes and topological data analysis, with the overarching goal of exploring macro-scale and time-dependent higher-order processes in human brain networks. I will present our preliminary findings along these lines, and discuss limitations and potential future directions for the exciting field of higher-order brain connectomics.
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Updated by: Lennart Dabelow