Seminar: Weekly GAnG Seminar: Camille Laurent, Propagation of global analyticity and unique continuation for semilinear wave equations
Centre for Geometry, Analysis and GravitationDate: 10 December 2024 Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Location: MB503
Title: Propagation of global analyticity and unique continuation for semilinear wave equations
Abstract: In this talk, I will first present some known results of unique continuation for wave-like equations. I will explain the difficulties of obtaining global results under natural geometrical assumptions. Then, I will present a recent result, in collaboration with Cristobal Loyola, where we prove unique continuation for semilinear wave equations under the geometric control assumption. A crucial step is the global propagation of analyticity in time from open sets verifying the geometric control condition. The proof uses control methods associated with Hale-Raugel ideas concerning attractor regularity.
Updated by: Katy Clough