- Differential Transmission Spectra of Terahertz Metamaterial Resonances for Sensing Microorganisms
Park SJ and Ahn YH
Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics, Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics vol. 27 (6), 229-232.
25-12-2016 - A class of invisible inhomogeneous media and the control of electromagnetic waves
Vial B, Liu Y, Horsley SAR, Philbin TG and Hao Y
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics vol. 94 (24)
13-12-2016 - Wide stopband millimeter/terahertz lowpass filter using improved split ring resonator
Ji DF, Zhang B, Wang JL, Xing D, Fan Y and Chen XD
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications vol. 32 (5), 579-590.
06-12-2016 - Design of a broadband UHF near-field RFID reader antenna
Min Y, Yao Y, Yu J, Chen X, Liu X, Qi L, Chen Z, Wang H and Yang C
2016 IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT). vol. 2, 988-990.
29-11-2016 - Compact triple band antenna array for GNSS application
Shao X, Yao Y, Yu J, Chen X, Liu X, Qi L and Chen Z
2016 IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT). vol. 2, 632-634.
29-11-2016 - Graphene-metal based tunable band-pass filters in the terahertz band
Yao Y, Cheng X, Qu SW, Yu J and Chen X
Iet Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, The Institution of Engineering and Technology vol. 10 (14), 1570-1575.
24-11-2016 - Design and performance analysis of pattern reconfigurable MIMO antennas for mobile smartphones
Shoaib S, Shoaib N, Shoaib I and Chen X
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Wiley Periodicals, Inc. vol. 59 (1), 148-156.
24-11-2016 - Analytical and Numerical Evaluations of Flexible V-Band Rotman Lens Beamforming Network Performance for Conformal Wireless Subsystems
Rahimian A, Alfadhl Y and Alomainy A
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Emw Publishing vol. 71, 77-89.
22-11-2016 - A meander line UHF RFID reader antenna for near-field applications
Yao Y, Cui C, Yu J and Chen X
Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 65 (1), 82-91.
18-11-2016 - A Flexible Printed Millimetre-Wave Beamforming Network for WiGig and 5G Wireless Subsystems
Rahimian A, Alomainy A and Alfadhl Y
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC) 14 Nov 2016 - 15 Nov 2016., 1-5.
14-11-2016 - Properties of subwavelength-core Silicon Optical Fibers
Ye Y, Xiao L and Hao Y
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)., 246-246.
10-11-2016 - High index contrast subwavelength-scale optofluidic waveguide in MOFs
Hao Y, Xiao L, Ye Y and Hua P
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)., 1010-1010.
10-11-2016 - THz Time Domain Characterization of Human Skin Tissue for Nano-Electromagnetic Communication
Chopra N, Phipott M, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K and Shubair RM
2016 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS)., 1-3.
01-11-2016 - Modelling of the Terahertz Communication Channel for in-Vivo Nano-Networks in the Presence of Noise
Zhang R, Yang K, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K and Shubair RM
2016 16th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS)., 1-4.
01-11-2016 - Millimetre-Wave T-Shaped Antenna with Defected Ground Structures for 5G Wireless Networks
Jilani SF and Alomainy A
2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC)., 1-3.
01-11-2016 - Conformal Phased Array Antenna with Low SLL Based on QCTO
Lei J and Hao Y
2016 Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC)., 1-3.
01-11-2016 - Effective Sensing Volume of Terahertz Metamaterial with Various Gap Widths
Park SJ, Yoon SAN and Ahn YH
Journal of The Optical Society of Korea, Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics vol. 20 (5), 628-632.
25-10-2016 - Investigation into use of double-layer grid structures as frequency selective surfaces for buildings
Callaghan P, Huelin R and Sagor MH
Iet Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation vol. 10 (13), 1372-1377.
22-10-2016 - Anatomical Region-Specific In Vivo Wireless Communication Channel Characterization
Demir AF, Ankarali E, Abbasi QH, ALOMAINY AHM, Qaraqe K, Serpedin E and Arslan H
Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
18-10-2016 - Message from the Technical Program chairs
Cheng Y, Xue Q, Hao Y, Jin Y and Bozzi M
2016 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)., 2-3.
13-10-2016 - Double Threshold Authentication Using Body Area Radio Channel Characteristics
Zhao N, Ren A, Hu F, Zhang Z, Rehman MU, Zhu T, Yang X and Alomainy A
Ieee Communications Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 20 (10), 2099-2102.
07-10-2016 - A coupling model for quasi-normal modes of photonic resonators
Vial B and Hao Y
Journal of Optics vol. 18 (11)
07-10-2016 - Surface Wave Manipulation based on Transformation Optics: from Design to Manufacturing
La Spada L and Hao Y
IEICE Proceeding Series. vol. 38 (1A4-2), 14-15.
01-10-2016 - Design of a Novel Meander Line Reader Antenna for UHF Near-Field RFID
Liang Y, Yao Y, Yu J and Chen X
2016 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory (ISAPE)., 19-21.
01-10-2016 - An analysis of the impact of the panel gap on quiet zone characteristics in the large compact antenna test range
Wang JB, Yao Y, Yu JS and Chen XD
Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications vol. 39 (5), 78-82.
01-10-2016 - Fibroblasts Cell Number Density based Human Skin Characterization at THz for In-body Nanonetworks
Chopra N, Yang K, Upton J, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K, Philpott M and ALOMAINY AHM
Elsevier Nano Communication Networks
30-09-2016 - Characterization of Volumetric Change in Collagen using THz Time Domain Spectroscopy for In-Body Nanonetworks
Chopra N, Upton J, Philpott M, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH and Qaraqe K
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication., 1-2.
28-09-2016 - A Novel Wide-Band Reflection-Based System for Measuring Abdominal Fat in Humans
URSI Commission B International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS 2016) Espoo, Finland 14 Aug 2016 - 18 Aug 2016.
22-09-2016 - Large scale mood and stress self-assessments on a smartwatch
Hänsel K, Alomainy A and Haddadi H
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct., 1180-1184.
12-09-2016 - Transparent electromagnetic shielding enclosure with CVD graphene
Zhao Y-T, Wu B, Zhang Y and Hao Y
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 109 (10)
05-09-2016 - THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Human Skin Tissue for In-Body Nanonetworks
Chopra N, Yang K, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe KA, Philpott M and Alomainy A
Ieee Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 6 (6), 803-809.
31-08-2016 - A Dual-Frequency Quasi-Optical Output System for a THz Gyro-Multiplier
Li X, Liu X, Alfadhl Y, Ronald K, He W, Cross A and Chen X
Ieee Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 6 (5), 674-681.
31-08-2016 - Wide and multi-band reconfigurable Vivaldi antenna with slot-line feed
Chagharvand S, Hamid MR, Kamarudin MR and Kelly JR
Telecommunication Systems, Springer Verlag vol. 65 (1), 79-85.
17-08-2016 - The Design of Push-Broom Scanning Satellite Antenna
Qi B, Liu X, Wang H, Yu J, Chen X, Yao Y, Qi L and Chen Z
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS)., 426-429.
01-08-2016 - Microwave Devices for Controlling Surface Waves
La Spada L and Hao Y
2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS)., 359-360.
01-08-2016 - Flexible Millimetre-Wave Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Wearable Applications in 5G Networks
Jilani SF, Greinke B, Hao Y and Alomainy A
2016 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS)., 846-848.
01-08-2016 - Analytical Magnetic Model Applied to Endoscopic Robots Design: A Ready-to-Use Implementation and a Case of Study
Li J, Barjuei ES, Ciuti G, Hao Y, Zhang P, Shi Q, Menciassi A, Huang Q and Dario P
2016 IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation (ICIA)., 1618-1623.
01-08-2016 - Nano-communication for Biomedical Applications: A Review on the State-of-the-art from Physical Layers to Novel Networking Concepts
Abbasi QH, Yang K, Chopra N, Jornet JM, AbuAli NA, Qaraqe K and ALOMAINY AHM
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 4, 3920-3935.
28-07-2016 - Analysis and Design of a Novel Circularly Polarized Antipodal Linearly Tapered Slot Antenna
Yao Y, Cheng X, Yu J and Chen X
Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation vol. 64 (10), 4178-4187.
22-07-2016 - Surface Wave Cloak from Graded Refractive Index Nanocomposites
La Spada L, McManus TM, Dyke A, Haq S, Zhang L, Cheng Q and Hao Y
Scientific Reports, Nature Publications vol. 6
15-07-2016 - Numerical synthesis of tri‐reflector CATR with high cross‐polarisation isolation
Yang C, Yu J, Yao Y, Liu X and Chen X
Electronics Letters, Institution of Engineering and Technology (Iet) vol. 52 (15), 1286-1288.
01-07-2016 - Ultra wideband radio channel characterisation for body-centric wireless communication
Abbasi QH, Bharadwaj R, Qaraqe K, Serpedin E and Alomainy A
15-06-2016 - Ultra wideband body-centric networks for localisation and motion capture applications
Bharadwaj R, Abbasi QH, Batchelor J, Swaisaenyakorn S and Alomainy A
15-06-2016 - The road ahead for body-centric wireless communication and networks
Ur-Rehman M, Abbasi QH and Alomainy A
15-06-2016 - Sparse characterization of body-centric radio channels
Xiaodong Yang , Aifeng Ren , Zhiya Zhang , Abbasi QH, Serpedin E, Wei Zhao , Shuyuan Yang and Alomainy A
15-06-2016 - Down scaling to the nano-scale in body-centric nano-networks
Ke Yang , Chopra N, Abbasi QH, Qaraqe K and Alomainy A
15-06-2016 - Signal to Noise Ratio Improvement with Non-Foster Antenna Matching
Nagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)., 1301-1302.
01-06-2016 - Resolution Analysis of Compressed Sensing Based Methods for Single Frequency Radar Imaging
Cheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)., 1033-1034.
01-06-2016 - Radiation-Q Bound of a Small Non-Foster Antenna
Nagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)., 187-188.
01-06-2016 - In-Vivo Terahertz EM Channel Characterization for Nano-Communications in WBANs
Elayan H, Shubair RM, Alomainy A and Yang K
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)., 979-980.
01-06-2016 - Graphene-based tunable non-foster circuit for VHF applications
Tian J, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ and Hao Y
Aip Advances, Aip Publishing: Open Access Journals vol. 6 (6), 065202-065202.
01-06-2016 - Electromagnetic Communication in Nano-scale
Lehtomäki J, Hassan M and Hao Y
Nano Communication Networks, Elsevier vol. 8
01-06-2016 - Analytical Magnetic Model for Medical Endoscopic Robots: A Ready-to-Use Implementation with Permanent Magnets
Li J, Ciuti G, Hao Y, Zhang P, Shi Q, Menciassi A, Huang Q and Dario P
2016 6th IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob)., 253-253.
01-06-2016 - A Wideband T-Shaped Slot Antenna and its MIMO Application
Wen D-L and Hao Y
2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI)., 1761-1762.
01-06-2016 - Wave propagation in reconfigurable broadband gain metamaterials at microwave frequencies
Fan Y, Nagarkoti DS, Rajab KZ, Hao Y, Zhang HC and Cui TJ
Journal of Applied Physics vol. 119 (19)
19-05-2016 - Characterization of chemical doping of graphene by in-situ Raman spectroscopy
Kim SJ, Park SJ, Kim HY, Jang GS, Park DJ, Park J-Y, Lee S and Ahn YH
Applied Physics Letters, Aip Publishing vol. 108 (20)
16-05-2016 - Guest Editorial: MobiHealth 2014, IEEE HealthCom 2014, and IEEE BHI 2014
Akay M, Coatrieux G, Hao Y, Fotiadis DI, Laine A, Lo B, Nikita KS, Noury N, Rodrigues J and Wang MD
Ieee Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 20 (3), 731-732.
09-05-2016 - Advances in Body-Centric Wireless Communication Applications and State-of-the-art
Abbasi QH, Alomainy A, Rehman MU and Qaraqe K
01-05-2016 - Terahertz Channel Characterization Inside the Human Skin for Nano-Scale Body-Centric Networks
Abbasi QH, Sallabi HE, Chopra N, Yang K, Qaraqe KA and Alomainy A
Ieee Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 6 (3), 427-434.
04-04-2016 - Reconfigurable Textile-Based Ultra-Wideband Antenna for Wearable Applications
da Conceição Andrade A, Fonseca IP, Jilani SF and Alomainy A
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-4.
01-04-2016 - Q-Bandwidth Enhancement of an Antenna Using Non-Foster Circuit Based on Negative Differential Resistance Devices
Nagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Rajab KZ
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-2.
01-04-2016 - Planar Millimeter-Wave Antenna on Low-Cost Flexible PET Substrate for 5G Applications
Jilani SF and Alomainy A
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-3.
01-04-2016 - Isotropic and anisotropic surface wave cloaking techniques
McManus TM, Spada LL and Hao Y
Journal of Optics, Iop Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 18 (4), 044005-044005.
01-04-2016 - Ellipticity Statistics of Ultra Wideband MIMO Channels for Body Centric Wireless Communication
Abbasi QH, Sallabi HE, Serpedin E, Qaraqe K, Alomainy A and Hao Y
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-4.
01-04-2016 - Channel Modelling of Human Tissues at Terahertz Band
Yang K, Hao Y, Alomainy A, Abbasi QH and Qaraqe K
2016 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW)., 218-221.
01-04-2016 - Accurate Modelling of Graphene Field Effect Transistor for Wireless Communications
Tian J, Katsounaros A, Smith D and Hao Y
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-2.
01-04-2016 - A Generic Design Approach for Metasurfaces to Manipulate Surface Waves
La Spada L and Hao Y
2016 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)., 1-3.
01-04-2016 - Condition Number Variability of Ultra Wideband MIMO On Body Channels
Abbasi QH, Sallabi HE, Serpedin E, Qarage K and Alomainy A
2016 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT)., 167-169.
01-02-2016 - On the performance of compressed sensing-based methods for millimeter-wave holographic imaging.
Cheng Q, Alomainy A and Hao Y
Applied Optics, Optica Publishing Group vol. 55 (4), 728-738.
22-01-2016 - Wide-to-narrowband reconfigurable Vivaldi antenna using switched-feed technique
Chagharvand S, Hamid MR, Kamarudin MR and Kelly JR
Telecommunication Systems vol. 63 (4), 711-717.
01-01-2016 - What's New About AWPL?
Hao Y
Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 15, 1-3.
01-01-2016 - Survey of beam steering techniques available for millimeter wave applications
Uchendu I and Kelly JR
Progress in Electromagnetics Research vol. 68, 35-54.
01-01-2016 - Side lobe level reduction for beam steerable antenna design
Allayioti M and Kelly JR
Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2016 10th European Conference on., 1-5.
01-01-2016 - Homogenization of composites using full-wave point-dipole model
Naeem M and Hao Y
Epj Applied Metamaterials, Edp Sciences vol. 3
01-01-2016 - Dielectric constant measurements of thin films and liquids using terahertz metamaterials
Park SJ, Yoon SAN and Ahn YH
Rsc Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 6 (73), 69381-69386.
01-01-2016 - Characterization of Human Skin Using THz Time Domain Spectroscopy for In-Body Nanonetworks
Chopra N, Yang K, Abbasi Q, Qaraqe K, Philpott M and Alomainy A
Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (formerly BIONETICS)., 100-101.
01-01-2016 - An Active Wideband and Wide-Angle Electromagnetic Absorber at Microwave Frequencies
Fan Y, Zhang HC, Yin JY, Xu L, Nagarkoti DS, Hao Y and Cui TJ
Ieee Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 15, 1913-1916.
01-01-2016 - Accurate Modelling of Graphene Field Effect Transistor for Wireless Communications
Tian J, Katsounaros A, Smith D and Hao Y