Dr Wei Tan

Wei Tan
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


Relevant PublicationA novel multistable honeycomb structure with tailored variable-length functions
Wang R, Niu B and Tan W
Engineering Structures, Elsevier vol. 324 


bullet iconAdvanced computational modelling of composite materials
Cheng Z-Q, Liu H and Tan W
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 305 
Relevant PublicationCharacterisation of Polyurethane-urea as Leading-Edge Erosion Resistant Materials of Wind Turbine Blades
Restasari A, Naderizadeh S, Kaur A, Akutagawa K, Busfield J and Tan W
Iop Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, Iop Publishing vol. 1344 (1), 012015-012015.  
bullet iconFailure analysis of glass fiber and basalt fiber reinforced polymer composites under an extreme environment with high‐temperature, high‐pressure and H2S/CO2 exposure
Sun H, Xiang D, Liu Z, Liu L, Harkin‐Jones E, Wang M, Tan W, Luo P, Zhang J, Wang B, Liu Y and Wu Y
Polymer Composites, Wiley vol. 45 (11), 10124-10136.  


bullet iconInverse design and additive manufacturing of shape-morphing structures based on functionally graded composites
Kansara H, Liu M, He Y and Tan W
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 180 
bullet iconEnhanced composite thermal conductivity by percolated networks of in-situ confined-grown carbon nanotubes
Zhang X, Tan W, Carey T, Wen B, He D, Arbab A, Groombridge A, Smail F, de La Verpilliere J, Yao C, Wang Y, Wei X, Liu H, Xie S, Torrisi F, De Volder M, Zhou W and Boies A
Nano Research, Tsinghua University Press vol. 16 (11), 12821-12829.  
bullet iconTemperature-dependent cutting physics in orthogonal cutting of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic (CFRTP) composite
Ge J, Tan W, Ahmad S, Falzon BG, Catalanotti G, Higgins C, Jin Y and Sun D
Composites Part a: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 176 
bullet iconElectrical, mechanical and damage self-sensing properties of basalt fiber reinforced polymer composites modified by electrophoretic deposition
Sun H, Xiang D, Zhang J, Tan W, Harkin-Jones E, Wang J, Wang M, Wang B, Zhao C, Li H, Li Z, Li Y and Wu Y
Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, Elsevier vol. 33 (5), 593-600.  
bullet iconPorosity-dependent stability analysis of bio-inspired cellular nanocomposite shells
Sobhani Aragh B, Tan W, Borzabadi Farahani E, Al-Greer M and Hughes D
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier 
bullet iconEnhanced interfacial interaction, mechanical properties and thermal stability of basalt fiber/epoxy composites with multi-scale reinforcements
Xiang D, Shui T, Qiao H, Tan W, Harkin-Jones E, Zhang J, Ji P, Wang P, Wang B, Zhao C, Li H, Wu Y and Li Y
Composite Interfaces, Taylor & Francis vol. 30 (12), 1387-1409.  
bullet iconHygroscopic phase field fracture modelling of composite materials
Au-Yeung K, Quintanas-Corominas A, Martínez-Pañeda E and Tan W
Engineering With Computers, Springer 
bullet iconModelling fatigue behaviours and lifetimes of novel GLARE laminates under random loading spectrum
Cheng ZQ, Tan W, Xiong JJ, He EM, Xiong TH and Wang YP
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 311 
bullet iconInverse design of shape-morphing structures based on functionally graded composites
Kansara H, Liu M, He Y and Tan W
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
bullet iconData-driven topology optimisation for energy-absorbing structures
Khosroshahi SF, Kansara H, Kumar S, Bessa MA and Tan W
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
bullet iconMechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Composite Film Under High-Velocity Impact
Wang W, Tan W and Toropov V
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
bullet iconMultiscale modelling of Li-ion battery and battery-protective materials
Ulloa EFG, Busfield J, Pugno N and Tan W
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials
bullet iconHygroscopic Phase Field Failure Modelling of Composite Materials
Tan W, Au-Yeung K, Martínez-Pañeda E and Corominas AQ
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials


bullet iconUnderstanding Chip Formation in Orthogonal Cutting of Aeronautical Thermoplastic CF/PEKK Composites Based on Finite Element Method
Ge J, Tan W, Catalanotti G, Falzon BG, McClelland J, Higgins C, Jin Y and Sun D
In Advances in Manufacturing Technology Xxxv, Ios Press 
bullet iconModular multistable metamaterials with reprogrammable mechanical properties
Mao JJ, Wang S, Tan W and Liu M
Engineering Structures, Elsevier vol. 272 
bullet iconModelling Pre-fatigue, Low-velocity Impact and Post-impact Fatigue Behaviours ofQ Composite Helicopter Tail Structures under Multipoint Coordinated Loading Spectrum
Cheng Z-Q, Tan W and Xiong J-J
Thin-Walled Structures, Elsevier 
bullet iconInfluence of high-temperature, high-pressure, and acidic conditions on the structure and properties of high-performance organic fibers
Wang X, Li P, Xiang D, Wang B, Zhang Z, Zhang J, Zhao C, Li H, Tan W, Wang J and Li Y
Materials Testing, De Gruyter vol. 64 (5), 623-635.  
bullet iconPhase field fracture predictions of microscopic bridging behaviour of composite materials
Tan W and Martínez-Pañeda E
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 286 


bullet iconFatigue Crack Growth and Life Prediction of 7075-T62 Aluminium-alloy Thin-sheets with Low-velocity Impact Damage under Block Spectrum Loading
Cheng Z-Q, Xiong J-J and Tan W
International Journal of Fatigue, Elsevier, 106618-106618.  
Relevant PublicationThe Nail Penetration Behaviour of Carbon Nanotube Composite Electrodes for Energy Storage
Koliolios E, Mills DG, Busfield JJC and Tan W
Frontiers in Materials, Frontiers Media vol. 8, 741541-741541.  
bullet iconHigh-Performance Flexible Strain Sensors Based on Biaxially Stretched Conductive Polymer Composites with Carbon Nanotubes Immobilized on Reduced Graphene Oxide
Zhang X, Xiang D, Wu Y, Harkin-Jones E, Shen J, Ye Y, Tan W, Wang J, Wang P, Zhao C and Li Y
Composites Part a: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier, 106665-106665.  
bullet iconProgressive damage modelling and fatigue life prediction of Plain-weave composite laminates with Low-velocity impact damage
Cheng Z-Q, Tan W and Xiong J-J
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 273 
bullet iconThe mechanical and electrochemical properties of polyaniline-coated carbon nanotube mat
Tan W, Stallard JC, Jo C, De Volder MFL and Fleck NA
Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier vol. 41 
bullet iconA crystal plasticity phenomenological model to capture the non-linear shear response of carbon fibre reinforced composites
Tan W and Falzon BG
International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture vol. 4 (1), 99-109.  
bullet iconData-driven modelling of scalable spinodoid structures for energy absorption
Kansara H, Koh G, Varghese M, Luk JZX, Gomez EF, Kumar S, Zhang H, Martínez-Pañeda E and Tan W
Ukacm Conference Proceeding 2021 
bullet iconCatalyst-Mediated Enhancement of Carbon Nanotube Textiles by Laser Irradiation: Nanoparticle Sweating and Bundle Alignment
Gspann TS, Kaniyoor A, Tan W, Kloza PA, Bulmer JS, Mizen J, Divitini G, Terrones J, Tune D, Cook JD, Smail FR and Elliott JA
Catalysts, Mdpi Ag vol. 11 (3), 368-368.  
bullet iconPhase field predictions of microscopic fracture and R-curve behaviour of fibre-reinforced composites
Tan W and Martínez-Pañeda E
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier Bv, 108539-108539.  


bullet iconA physically-based constitutive model for the shear-dominated response and strain rate effect of carbon fibre reinforced composites
Tan W and Liu B
Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier Editors: Wang H. 


bullet iconExperimental study on shear properties of concrete pile-clay interface considering surface roughness of structure
Wang Y, Li Y, Tan W, Tang M and Du W
Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) vol. 50 (10), 2502-2509.  
bullet iconThe mechanical and electrical properties of direct-spun carbon nanotube mat-epoxy composites
Tan W, Stallard JC, Smail FR, Boies AM and Fleck NA
Carbon vol. 150, 489-504.  
bullet iconCompressive failure of woven fabric reinforced thermoplastic composites with an open-hole: An experimental and numerical study
Liu H, Falzon BG, Li S, Tan W, Liu J, Chai H, Blackman BRK and Dear JP
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 213, 108-117.  
bullet iconAssessment of failure criteria and damage evolution methods for composite laminates under low-velocity impact
Li X, Ma D, Liu H, Tan W, Gong X, Zhang C and Li Y
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 207, 727-739.  


bullet iconCohesive zone modeling of the autoclave pressure effect on the delamination behavior of composite laminates
Chang T, Zhan L, Tan W and Wu X
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Sage Publications vol. 37 (24), 1468-1480.  
bullet iconAn experimental method to determine the intralaminar fracture toughness of high-strength carbon-fibre reinforced composite aerostructures
Liu H, Falzon BG, Catalanotti G and Tan W
The Aeronautical Journal, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 122 (1255), 1352-1370.  
bullet iconHigh-fidelity characterization on anisotropic thermal conductivity of carbon nanotube sheets and on their effects of thermal enhancement of nanocomposites
Zhang X, Tan W, Smail F, De Volder M, Fleck N and Boies A
Nanotechnology, Iop Publishing vol. 29 (36) 
bullet iconThe mechanical and electrical properties of direct-spun carbon nanotube mats
Stallard JC, Tan W, Smail FR, Gspann TS, Boies AM and Fleck NA
Extreme Mechanics Letters vol. 21, 65-75.  
bullet iconThe role of interfacial properties on the intralaminar and interlaminar damage behaviour of unidirectional composite laminates: Experimental characterization and multiscale modelling
Tan W, Naya F, Yang L, Chang T, Falzon BG, Zhan L, Molina-Aldareguía JM, González C and Llorca J
Composites Part B: Engineering vol. 138, 206-221.  
bullet iconExperimental and numerical studies on the impact response of damage-tolerant hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates
Liu H, Falzon BG and Tan W
Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 136, 101-118.  
bullet iconA multiscale methodology quantifying the sintering temperature‐dependent mechanical properties of oxide matrix composites
Jiang R, Yang L, Liu H, Tan W, Sun X, Cheng H and Mao W
Journal of The American Ceramic Society, Wiley vol. 101 (7), 3168-3180.  
bullet iconPredicting the Compression-After-Impact (CAI) strength of damage-tolerant hybrid unidirectional/woven carbon-fibre reinforced composite laminates
Liu H, Falzon BG and Tan W
Composites Part a Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 105, 189-202.  


bullet iconComment on “A tensorial based progressive damage model for fibre reinforced polymers”
Falzon BG, Liu H and Tan W
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 176, 877-882.  
bullet iconEffect of autoclave pressure on interfacial properties at micro- and macro- level in polymer-matrix composite laminates
Chang T, Zhan L, Tan W and Li S
Fibers and Polymers, Springer Nature vol. 18 (8), 1614-1622.  
bullet iconOptimization of curing process for polymer-matrix composites based on orthogonal experimental method
Chang T, Zhan L, Tan W and Li S
Fibers and Polymers, Springer Nature vol. 18 (1), 148-154.  


bullet iconVirtual Testing of Composite Structures: Progress and Challenges in Predicting Damage, Residual Strength and Crashworthiness
Falzon BG and Tan W
In The Structural Integrity of Carbon Fiber Composites, Springer Nature 699-743.  
bullet iconModelling the crush behaviour of thermoplastic composites
Tan W and Falzon BG
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 134, 57-71.  
bullet iconThe role of material characterisation in the crush modelling of thermoplastic composite structures
Tan W, Falzon BG, Price M and Liu H
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 153, 914-927.  
bullet iconVoid content and interfacial properties of composite laminates under different autoclave cure pressure
Chang T, Zhan L, Tan W and Li S
Composite Interfaces, Taylor & Francis vol. 24 (5), 529-540.  
bullet iconPredicting Impact Damage, Residual Strength and Crashworthiness of Composite Structures
Falzon B and Tan W
Sae International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Sae International vol. 9 (3), 718-728.  
bullet iconModelling the nonlinear behaviour and fracture process of AS4/PEKK thermoplastic composite under shear loading
Tan W and Falzon BG
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 126, 60-77.  
bullet iconEffect of autoclave cure cycles on the interfacial properties of composite laminates
Zhan L, Tan W, Chang T and Ding X
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials
bullet iconAn experimental method to determine the longitudinal intralaminar fracture toughness of high tensile strength fibre-reinforced unidirectional composites
Liu H, Falzon BG and Tan W
ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials


bullet iconPredicting low velocity impact damage and Compression-After-Impact (CAI) behaviour of composite laminates
Tan W, Falzon BG, Chiu LNS and Price M
Composites Part a Applied Science and Manufacturing, Elsevier vol. 71, 212-226.  
bullet iconNumerical prediction of the low-velocity impact damage and compression after impact strength of composite laminates
Tan W, Falzon BG, Chiu LNS and Price M
IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering. vol. 74 (1) 
bullet iconElectromagnetic characteristics of large gap magnetic driving axial flow blood pump
Tan Z, Tan J, Liu Y and Tan W
Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology) vol. 46 (1), 99-106.  


bullet iconPredicting the crushing behaviour of composite material using high-fidelity finite element modelling
Tan W, Falzon BG and Price M
International Journal of Crashworthiness, Taylor & Francis vol. 20 (1), 60-77.  


bullet iconStudy on Control Parameters in the Acceleration of Axial Flow Blood Pump
Xie X, Tan JP, Liu HT, Liu YL, Tan W and Tan Z
Applied Mechanics and Materials. vol. 128-129, 1031-1034.  
bullet iconStudy on Acceleration Control Algorithm of Blood Pump Driven by Large Gap Magnetic Force
Tan JP, Liu YL, Liu HT, Tan W and Tan Z
bullet iconStudy on Acceleration Control Algorithm of Blood Pump Driven by Large Gap Magnetic Force
Tan J-P, Liu Y-L, Liu H-T, Tan W and Tan Z