Dr Tao Liu

Tao Liu

Senior Lecturer

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Mechanics of Soft Matter, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Design Optimization, Impact Engineering, Mechanics of Extreme Materials, Mechanics of wet adhesions


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport


bullet iconUltra-soft cellular solids inspired by marine mussel plaques: scaling of the mechanical properties
Pang Y, Busfield J and Liu T
Proceedings of The Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 480 (2300), 20240257-20240257.  
Relevant PublicationElastic–plastic strain conversion of a thin-plate miniaturized tensile test based on crosshead measurement via an analytical method
Pang Y, Huang S, Li H, Liu T and Sun W
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier vol. 133 
bullet iconPhase-field finite element modelling of creep crack growth in martensitic steels
Ragab R, Sun W, Li M and Liu T
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Elsevier, 110491-110491.  
Relevant PublicationQuasi-static responses of marine mussel plaques detached from deformable wet substrates under directional tensions
Pang Y, Sun W and Liu T
Proceedings of The Royal Society A, The Royal Society vol. 480 (2290) 
Relevant PublicationUnveiling the deformability of mussel plaque core: the role of pore distribution and hierarchical structure
Lyu Y, Tan M, Pang Y, Sun W, Li S and Liu T
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 20 (37), 7405-7419.  
Relevant PublicationDetermining hyperelastic properties of the constituents of the mussel byssus system
Lyu Y, Pang Y, Liu T and Sun W
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 20 (11), 2442-2454.  


Relevant PublicationCreep characterisation of Inconel 718 lattice metamaterials manufactured by laser powder bed fusion
Bhuwal AS, Pang Y, Maskery I, Ashcroft I, Sun W and Liu T
Advanced Engineering Materials, Wiley 
Relevant PublicationImpact damage reduction of woven composites subject to pulse current
Li Y, Wang F, Huang C, Ren J, Wang D, Kong J, Liu T and Long L
Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 14 (1) 
Relevant PublicationUnravelling the effects of ratcheting and constraint on the cyclic behaviour of a martensitic steel under elevated temperature
Ragab R, Pang Y, Liu T, Neate N, Li M and Sun W
Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier, 104708-104708.  
Relevant PublicationDiscovery of quasi-disordered truss metamaterials inspired by natural cellular materials
Bhuwal AS, Pang Y, Ashcroft I, Sun W and Liu T
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier, 105294-105294.  


Relevant PublicationSoft impact behavior of composite I-beams
Long S, Zong H, Liu T and Yao X
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 304 
Relevant PublicationData-driven design of high ductile metamaterials under uniaxial tension
Bhuwal AS, Pang Y, Liu T, Ashcroft I and Sun W
Relevant PublicationMembrane stretching based creep damage analytical solutions for thin disc small punch problem
Ragab R, Liu T, Li M and Sun W
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 165 
Relevant PublicationRequirements for and challenges in developing improved creep ductility-based constitutive models for tempered martensitic CSEF steels
Ragab R, Parker J, Li M, Liu T, Morris A and Sun W
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, Elsevier vol. 17, 3337-3360.  
Relevant PublicationShear Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with Mortar-Based Composites
Liu X, Thermou GE and Liu T
fib Symposium., 2323-2333.  


Relevant PublicationCreep crack growth modelling of Grade 91 vessel weldments using a modified ductility based damage model
Ragab R, Parker J, Li M, Liu T and Sun W
European Journal of Mechanics - a/Solids, Elsevier vol. 91 
Relevant PublicationLocalization and coalescence of imperfect planar FCC truss lattice metamaterials under multiaxial loadings
Bhuwal AS, Liu T, Ashcroft I and Sun W
Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier vol. 160 
Relevant PublicationModelling of a Grade 91 power plant pressurised header weldment under ultra super-critical creep conditions
Ragab R, Parker J, Li M, Liu T and Sun W
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, Elsevier vol. 192 
Relevant PublicationCompressive response of self-healing polymer foams containing bilayered capsules: Coupled healing agents diffusion and stress simulations
Cao S and Liu T
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 149 


Relevant PublicationBio-inspired self-healing polymer foams with bilayered capsule systems
Cao S, Zhu W and Liu T
Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 195 


Relevant PublicationParticle reinforced thermoplastic foams under quasi-static compression
Cao S, Liu T, Jones A and Tizani W
Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier vol. 136 
Relevant PublicationSimulations on dynamic responses of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite sandwich plates with square honeycomb cores subjected to water blast
Zhou H, Guo R, Liu R and Liu T
Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica vol. 36 (5), 1226-1234.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic response of hybrid carbon fibre laminate beams under ballistic impact
Zhang Y, Liu T and Xu Z
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 210, 409-420.  
Relevant PublicationStatic and dynamic crushing of novel porous crochet-sintered metal and its filled composite tube
Wu F, Liu T, Xiao X, Zhang Z and Hou J
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 209, 830-843.  


Relevant PublicationNumerical Investigation on Water Blast Response of Freestanding Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Sandwich Plates with Square Honeycomb Cores
Zhou H, Liu T, Guo R, Liu R and Song P
Applied Composite Materials, Springer vol. 26 (2), 605-625.  
Relevant PublicationExperimental and numerical analysis of dynamic compressive response of Nomex honeycombs
Zhang Y, Liu T and Tizani W
Composites Part B Engineering, Elsevier vol. 148, 27-39.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic compressive response of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy hierarchical honeycomb structures
Zhang Y, Liu T, Ren H, Maskery I and Ashcroft I
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 195, 45-59.  
Relevant PublicationThree-dimensional woven carbon fibre polymer composite beams and plates under ballistic impact
Turner P, Liu T, Zeng X and Brown K
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 185, 483-495.  


Relevant PublicationCoupled discrete/continuum simulations of the impact of granular slugs with clamped beams: Stand-off effects
Goel A, Uth T, Liu T, Wadley HNG and Deshpande VS
Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier vol. 116, 90-103.  
Relevant PublicationSimulation of cell-substrate traction force dynamics in response to soluble factors
Liu T
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Springer vol. 16 (4), 1255-1268.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic compressive response of wrapped carbon fibre composite corrugated cores
Liu T and Turner P
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 165, 266-272.  
Relevant PublicationSimulation of orthogonal three-dimensional woven carbon plates under ballistic impact
Liu T, Turner P and Zeng X
ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials. vol. 2017-August 


Relevant PublicationCollapse of 3D orthogonal woven carbon fibre composites under in-plane tension/compression and out-of-plane bending
Turner P, Liu T and Zeng X
Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 142, 286-297.  


Relevant PublicationDynamic Response of Orthogonal Three-Dimensional Woven Carbon Composite Beams under Soft Impact
Turner P, Liu T and Zeng X
Journal of Applied Mechanics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers vol. 82 (12) 
Relevant PublicationComparison of 2D and 3D prediction models for environmental vibration induced by underground railway with two types of tracks
Xu Q, Xiao Z, Liu T, Lou P and Song X
Computers and Geotechnics, Elsevier vol. 68, 169-183.  


Relevant PublicationA constitutive model for cytoskeletal contractility of smooth muscle cells
Liu T
Proceedings of The Royal Society a: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 470 (2164) 
Relevant PublicationBending characteristics of 3D woven carbon composites
Turner P, Liu T and Zeng X
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014


Relevant PublicationNumerical simulations on quasi-static three-point bending of carbon fibre sandwich beams with corrugated cores and square honeycomb cores
Liu T
Advanced Composites in Construction 2013, ACIC 2013 - Conference Proceedings., 85-96.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic compression of foam supported plates impacted by high velocity soil
Liu T, Wadley HNG and Deshpande VS
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 63, 88-105.  
Relevant PublicationThe dynamic response of edge clamped plates loaded by spherically expanding sand shells
Dharmasena KP, Wadley HNG, Liu T and Deshpande VS
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 62, 182-195.  
Relevant PublicationThe impact of sand slugs against beams and plates: Coupled discrete particle/finite element simulations
Liu T, Fleck NA, Wadley HNG and Deshpande VS
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 61 (8), 1798-1821.  
Relevant PublicationDynamic Compression of Buffer Plates Impact by a High Velocity Sand Spray
Deshpande V and Liu T


Relevant PublicationThe soft impact of composite sandwich beams with a square-honeycomb core
Russell BP, Liu T, Fleck NA and Deshpande VS
International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier vol. 48, 65-81.  


Relevant PublicationQuasi-static three-point bending of carbon fiber sandwich beams with square honeycomb cores
Russell BP, Liu T, Fleck NA and Deshpande VS
Journal of Applied Mechanics, American Society of Mechanical Engineers vol. 78 (3) 


Relevant PublicationOptimal design of metallic sandwich tubes with prismatic cores to internal moving shock load
Zhou J, Deng Z, Liu T and Hou X
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Springer Nature vol. 41 (1), 133-150.  
Relevant PublicationElastic structural response of prismatic metal sandwich tubes to internal moving pressure loading
Zhou J, Deng Z, Liu T and Hou X
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier vol. 46 (11-12), 2354-2371.  


Relevant PublicationThermoelastic properties of sandwich materials with pin-reinforced foam cores
Lu T, Liu T and Deng Z
Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, Springer vol. 51 (12), 2059-2074.  
Relevant PublicationAnalytical modeling and finite element simulation of the plastic collapse of sandwich beams with pin-reinforced foam cores
Liu T, Deng ZC and Lu TJ
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier vol. 45 (18-19), 5127-5151.  


Relevant PublicationStructural modeling of sandwich structures with lightweight cellular cores
Liu T, Deng ZC and Lu TJ
Acta Mechanica Sinica/Lixue Xuebao, Springer vol. 23 (5), 545-559.  
Relevant PublicationBi-functional optimization of actively cooled, pressurized hollow sandwich cylinders with prismatic cores
Liu T, Deng ZC and Lu TJ
Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 55 (12), 2565-2602.  


Relevant PublicationDesign optimization of truss-cored sandwiches with homogenization
Liu T, Deng ZC and Lu TJ
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier vol. 43 (25-26), 7891-7918.  
Relevant PublicationMinimum weights of pressurized hollow sandwich cylinders with ultralight cellular cores
Liu T, Deng ZC and Lu TJ
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Elsevier vol. 44 (10), 3231-3266.  
Relevant PublicationDesign optimization for truss structures under elasto-plastic loading condition
Liu T and Deng Z
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, Springer Nature vol. 19 (3), 264-274.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Intelligent Transport
solid heart iconH2 Store: UK-Australia Renewable Hydrogen Innovation Partnership Programme
Tao Liu and Han Zhang
£128,750 Innovate UK
01-07-2024 - 31-03-2026
solid heart iconMarine mussel plaque-inspired anchorages for floating offshore wind platforms
Tao Liu
£201,751 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
10-04-2023 - 09-03-2025
solid heart iconMechanics and biomimicking of marine mussel plaques-GRANT TRANSFER
Tao Liu
£165,813 Leverhulme Trust
15-07-2022 - 09-12-2025
solid heart iconAerospace Technology Institute (ATI) collaborative research project “Next Wing” led by AIRBUS UK
Vassili Toropov and Tao Liu
£458,219 Innovate UK
01-04-2022 - 31-03-2026