Dr Marc Fernandez-Yague

Marc Fernandez-Yague

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Chemistry

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Mechanotransduction, Focal Adhesions, Mechanosensitive Ion Channels, Bioelectricity, Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials


My research aims to understand the physical principles behind cell-matrix interactions. By merging cell engineering techniques and materials science, I aim to create materials that can steer cellular function, offering new solutions to age-old medical challenges.
At SPCS (QMUL) I lead the “Cellular reprogramming through mechanotransduction” research group, where significant portion of our work is dedicated to optimizing mechanochemical tools for:
1)Understanding how biophysical cues are sensed and integrated into cellular signaling within living tissues.
2)Developing therapeutic technologies for in-situ tissue regeneration that are reliable, safer, and cost-effective.

Research Interests:
a.Engineering Immunity: We focus on leveraging the inflammatory responses to biomaterials to engineer immunomodulatory strategies for tissue repair.
b.Mechanochemical Cell Biology: We design biomimetic platforms to understand how cells interact and communicate with their mechanochemical environments.
c.Regenerative Electroceuticals: Developing bioelectric devices for interfacing with cellular processes as regenerative medicine therapies.
d.Implant Biointegration: We formulate easy, cost-effective and reliable strategies for more efficient implant-tissue integration, addressing the issues of post-implantation instability.