• Windfarm
  • Electrospun fibres manufactured from waste material for use in redox flow batteries
    Electrospun fibres manufactured from waste material for use in redox flow batteries
  • Drops of water on superhydrophobic anti-biofouling and self-cleaning materials
    Drops of water on superhydrophobic anti-biofouling and self-cleaning materials
  • Energy Materials Deevelopment and Characterisation
    Energy Materials Deevelopment and Characterisation
  • Simulation of an ultraviolet photochemical reactor for water treatment
    Simulation of an ultraviolet photochemical reactor for water treatment
  • Schematic of novel electromagnetic interference shielding
    Schematic of novel electromagnetic interference shielding
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Welcome to The Centre for Sustainable Engineering

Welcome to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering. We are Engineers and Scientists from a range of disciplines who work together to reduce the negative impacts of human society on our planet. This covers a range of research from next generation batteries, LEDs and chemical processes, to generating electricity from waste heat, sunlight and nuclear sources. We develop more efficient heating and cooling systems and low loss materials for electronics as well as lightweight materials to reduce fuel consumption of vehicles. We bring knowledge from materials science, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, physics and chemistry to solve these problems. 

Our work covers major themes including Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Materials and Manufacture, Environment and Climate Change, and Sustainable Transport (the latter in partnership with colleagues in the Centre for Intelligent Transport).

We work from modelling to materials and device manufacture through to testing. We measure the outputs of current technologies to drive the development of the next generation including life cycle analysis. 

Our research is funded from a variety of sources including the UK Research Councils, The Royal Society, Innovate UK, The European Union, UK and International Industry.



Recent Publications

  • Exploring the impact of thermal fluctuations on continuous models of adhesion
    Binetti C, Cannizzo A, Florio G, Pugno NM, Puglisi G and Giordano S
    International Journal of Engineering Science, Elsevier vol. 208 
  • Phase transformation in lead titanate based relaxor ferroelectrics with ultra-high strain
    Zhang H, Li Z, Wang Y, Fortes AD, Saunders TG, Hao Y, Abrahams I, Yan H and Su L
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 16 (1) 
  • Modeling spider silk supercontraction as a hydration-driven solid–solid phase transition
    Fazio V, Florio G, Pugno NM and Puglisi G
    Journal of The Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Elsevier vol. 195 

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Recent Grants

  • Rep-PPV MSCA PF 2023 Li/Igbari
    Zhe Li
    10-03-2025 - 09-03-2027
  • Barocaloric solid-state cooling: from materials to devices
    Anthony Phillips and Huasheng Wang
    £662,322 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    01-03-2025 - 28-02-2027
  • ICURe Programme: Sodium Soli State Battery Market Exploration
    Isaac Abrahams and Patrick Cullen
    £35,000 Innovate UK
    07-01-2025 - 31-03-2025

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