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  • Bayesian mixed-frequency quantile vector autoregression: Eliciting tail risks of monthly US GDP
    Iacopini M, Poon A, Rossini L and Zhu D
    Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier vol. 157 
  • Learning Regularization Parameter-Maps for Variational Image Reconstruction Using Deep Neural Networks and Algorithm Unrolling
    Kofler A, Altekrüger F, Antarou Ba F, Kolbitsch C, Papoutsellis E, Schote D, Sirotenko C, Zimmermann FF and Papafitsoros K
    Siam Journal on Imaging Sciences, Society For Industrial & Applied Mathematics (Siam) vol. 16 (4), 2202-2246.  
  • Cluster Persistence for Weighted Graphs
    Bobrowski O and Skraba P
    Entropy, Mdpi vol. 25 (12) 
    Reani Y and Bobrowski O
    Journal of Computational Geometry vol. 14 (1), 221-256.  
  • Upper bounds on quantum dynamics in arbitrary dimension
    Shamis M and Sodin S
    Journal of Functional Analysis, Elsevier vol. 285 (7) 
  • Functional Central Limit Theorems for Local Statistics of Spatial Birth-Death Processes in the Thermodynamic Regime
    Onaran E, Bobrowski O and Adler RJ
    Annals of Applied Probability, Institute of Mathematical Statistics vol. 33 (5), 3958-3986.  
  • Quantifying the uncertainty of partitions for infinite mixture models
    Lavigne A and Liverani S
    Statistics and Probability Letters, Elsevier 
  • Sets of non-Lyapunov behaviour for scalar and matrix Schrödinger cocycles
    Goldsheid I and Sodin A
    International Mathematics Research Papers, Oxford University Press 
  • OP140 Household associations between child and adult weight status in an ethnically diverse urban population: cross-sectional study using linked primary care and National Child Measurement Programme records
    Wilk M, Harper G, Firman N, Liverani S and Dezateux C
    SSM Annual Scientific Meeting., a129.2-a1a130.  
  • A universal null-distribution for topological data analysis
    Bobrowski O and Skraba P
    Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
  • topological techniques in model selection
    Maruri-Aguilar H, HU S and MA Z
    Journal of Algebraic Statistics, New York Business Global, Maryland, Uk vol. 13 (1), 41-56.  
  • Sparse polynomial prediction
    Maruri-Aguilar H and Henry W
    Statistical Papers, Springer 
  • Neural network expression rates and applications of the deep parametric PDE method in counterparty credit risk
    Glau K and Wunderlich L
    Annals of Operations Research, Springer, 1-27.  
  • High-dimensional rank-based graphical models for non-Gaussian functional data
    Solea E and Al Hajj R
    Statistics, Taylor & Francis vol. 57 (2), 388-422.  
  • On skewed Gaussian graphical models
    Sheng T, Li B and Solea E
    Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Elsevier vol. 194 
  • Structure induced by a multiple membership transformation on the Conditional Autoregressive model
    Gramatica M, Liverani S and Congdon P
    Bayesian Analysis, International Society For Bayesian Analysis (Isba) 
  • Bayesian profile regression to study the ecologic associations of correlated environmental exposures with excess mortality risk during the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic in lombardy, Italy
    Coker ES, Molitor J, Liverani S, Martin J, Maranzano P, Pontarollo N and Vergalli S
    Environmental Research vol. 216 