Prof Christian Beck

Christian Beck

Professor of Applied Mathematics
Head of The Centre for Complex Systems

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
ORCID Google Scholar


Stochastic modelling, spatio-temporal chaos, power grids, dynamics of air pollution, sustainable energy systems, superstatistics


Christian Beck’s research is in the general area of data-driven analysis and stochastic modelling of complex systems, with applications to real-world problems, e.g. sustainable energy systems, frequency fluctuations in power grid networks, spatio-temporal air pollution data, traffic delays, and environmental problems. He has made important well-recognized contributions to the understanding of equilibrium states and stationary nonequilibrium states of complex systems, introducing (together with E.G.D Cohen, Rockefeller University New York) so-called superstatistical techniques, which by now have become an established standard method in statistical physics. He is an expert in dynamical systems, stochastic processes, data-driven approaches to complex systems, spatio-temporal chaotic dynamics, stochastic modelling techniques, and interdisciplinary applications.

In 2023 Christian Beck was elected to the Executive Committee of the European Physical Society (EPS). He is currently on the Editorial Board of the journals Scientific Reports, Physica A, Entropy, and Frontiers in Complex Systems. He is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (FIMA).

Publications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems

solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems


bullet iconBeck C, Tirnakli U and Tsallis C (2024). Generalization of the Gauss map: A jump into chaos with universal features. Physical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, biological, and soft matter physics, American Physical Society 
bullet iconHe H, Boehringer T, Schäfer B, Heppell K and Beck C (2024). Analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of dissolved oxygen for the River Thames using superstatistical methods and machine learning. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 14 (1) 
bullet iconBeck C (2024). 978-0-7503-6342-6 EPS Grand Challenges: Physics for Society in the Horizon 2050., Editors: Hidalgo C. 
bullet iconKlages R, Yan J, Beck C, Majumdar M, Ruffo S and Sato Y (2024). Transition to anomalous dynamics in a simple random map. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, American Institute of Physics 


bullet iconBöttcher PC, Rydin Gorjão L, Beck C, Jumar R, Maass H, Hagenmeyer V, Witthaut D and Schäfer B (2023). Initial analysis of the impact of the Ukrainian power grid synchronization with Continental Europe. Energy Advances, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) vol. 2 (1), 91-97.  


bullet iconAswin Giri J, Schäfer B, Verma R, He H, Shiva Nagendra SM, Khare M and Beck C (2022). Lockdown Effects on Air Quality in Megacities During the First and Second Waves of COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal- Institution of Engineers (India) Series a, Springer Nature 
bullet iconYan J and Beck C (2022). Information Shift Dynamics Described by Tsallis q = 3 Entropy on a Compact Phase Space. Entropy, MDPI vol. 24 (11) 
bullet iconAnvari M, Proedrou E, Schäfer B, Beck C, Kantz H and Timme M (2022). Data-driven load profiles and the dynamics of residential electricity consumption. Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 
bullet iconSchäfer B, Beck C, Rhys H, Soteriou H, Jennings P, Beechey A and Heppell CM (2022). Machine learning approach towards explaining water quality dynamics in an urbanised river. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 12 (1) 
bullet iconHe H, Schäfer B and Beck C (2022). Spatial heterogeneity of air pollution statistics in Europe. Scientific Reports, Nature Research vol. 12 (1) 
bullet iconHan C, Hilger H, Mix E, Böttcher PC, Reyers M, Beck C, Witthaut D and Gorjão LR (2022). Complexity and Persistence of Price Time Series of the European Electricity Spot Market. PRX Energy, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 1 (1) 
bullet iconBeck C (2022). Complex systems: the amazing cross-disciplinary journey of statistical physics. Europhysics news vol. 53 (1), 10-10.  
bullet iconGorjão LR, Vanfretti L, Witthaut D, Beck C and Schäfer B (2022). Phase and Amplitude Synchronization in Power-Grid Frequency Fluctuations in the Nordic Grid. IEEE Access vol. 10, 18065-18073.  
bullet iconBeck C and Barbato F (2022). Physics for secure and efficient societies. Europhysics news, EDP Sciences vol. 53 (5), 36-39.  


bullet iconSchäfer B, Heppell CM, Rhys H and Beck C (2021). Monitoring water quality: A citizen science success story. iScience vol. 24 (11) 
bullet iconItto Y and Beck C (2021). Weak correlation between fluctuations in protein diffusion inside bacteria. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, Institute of Physics (IoP) vol. 2090 (1), 012168-012168.  
bullet iconGorjão LR, Schäfer B, Witthaut D and Beck C (2021). Spatio-temporal complexity of power-grid frequency fluctuations. New Journal of Physics vol. 23 (7), 073016-073016.  
bullet iconSchäfer B, Heppell CM, Rhys H and Beck C (2021). Fluctuations of water quality time series in rivers follow superstatistics. iScience, Elsevier (Cell Press), 102881-102881.  
bullet iconMitsokapas E, Schaefer B, Harris R and Beck C (2021). Statistical characterization of airplane delays. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconBeck C and Itto Y (2021). Superstatistical modelling of protein diffusion dynamics in bacteria. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Royal Society, The 


bullet iconRydin Gorjao L, Jumar R, Maass H, Hagenmeyer V, Yalcin C, Kruse J, Timme M, Beck C, Witthaut D and Schaefer B (2020). Open data base analysis of scaling and spatio-temporal properties of power grid frequencies. Nature Communications, Nature Research (part of Springer Nature) 
bullet iconBeck C, van den Beek K and Ritort F (2020). Physics of Living Matter., Editors: Beck C, van den Beek K and Ritort F. Europhysics News, EDP Sciences (51/5) 
bullet iconSmolla M, Schäfer B, Lesch H and Beck C (2020). Universal properties of primary and secondary cosmic ray energy spectra. New Journal of Physics, IOP Publishing vol. 22 (9) 
bullet iconBeck C and Yan J (2020). Distinguished correlation properties of Chebyshev dynamical systems and their generalizations. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Elsevier 
bullet iconBeck C, Benedek G, Livadiotis G, Rapisarda A, Tirnakli U and Tsallis C (2020). Nonextensive statistical mechanics, superstatistics and beyond: theory and applications in astrophysical and other complex systems. European Physical Journal: Special Topics vol. 229 (5), 707-709.  
bullet iconIacopini I, Schäfer B, Arcaute E, Beck C and Latora V (2020). Multi-layer modelling of adoption dynamics in energy demand management. Chaos: an interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear science, AIP Publishing 
bullet iconGorjao LR, Anvari M, Kantz H, Beck C, Witthaut D, Timme M and Schafer B (2020). Data-driven model of the power-grid frequency dynamics. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 1-1.  
bullet iconWilliams G, Schäfer B and Beck C (2020). Superstatistical approach to air pollution statistics. Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 2 (1) 


bullet iconWeber J, Reyers M, Beck C, Timme M, Pinto JG, Witthaut D and Schäfer B (2019). Wind Power Persistence Characterized by Superstatistics. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 9 (1) 
bullet iconYan J and Beck C (2019). Nonlinear Dynamics of Coupled Axion-Josephson Junction Systems. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Elsevier 
bullet iconBeck C (2019). EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize 2019 awarded to Sergio Ciliberto and Satya Majumdar. Europhysics News, EDP Sciences 
bullet iconMartyr R, Schaefer B, Beck C and Latora V (2019). Benchmarking the performance of controllers for power grid transient stability. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Elsevier 


bullet iconMartyr R, Moriarty J and Beck C (2018). Optimal control of a commercial building's thermostatic load for off-peak demand response. Journal of Building Performance Simulation, Taylor & Francis vol. 12 (5), 580-594.  
bullet iconWilliams G and Beck C (2018). Stochastic differential equations driven by deterministic chaotic maps: analytic solutions of the Perron–Frobenius equation. Nonlinearity, IOP Publishing vol. 31 (7), 3484-3511.  
bullet iconYalcin GC and BECK C (2018). Generalized statistical mechanics of cosmic rays: Application to positron-electron spectral indices. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 
bullet iconSchäfer B, BECK C, Aihara K, Witthaut D and Timme M (2018). Non-Gaussian power grid frequency fluctuations characterized by Lévy-stable laws and superstatistics. Nature Energy, Nature Publishing Group vol. 3, 119-126.  


bullet iconJizba P, Korbel J, Lavička H, Prokš M, Svoboda V and BECK C (2017). Transitions between superstatistical regimes: Validity, breakdown and applications. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier 
bullet iconBECK C (2017). Possible resonance effect of dark matter axions in SNS Josephson junctions. vol. EPS-HEP2017 (Proc. of Science), 058-058.  
bullet iconXu D and Beck C (2017). Symbolic dynamics techniques for complex systems: Application to share price dynamics. EPL (Europhysics Letters) vol. 118 (3), 30001-30001.  
bullet iconBECK C and Cohen EGD (2017). Superstatistics: Superposition of Maxwell-Boltzmann Distributions. Kappa Distributions: Theory and Applications of Plasmas 


bullet iconBeck C (2016). Cosmological flux noise and measured noise power spectra in SQUIDs. Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group: Open Access Journals - Option C vol. 6 
bullet iconYalcin GC, Rabassa P and Beck C (2016). Extreme event statistics of daily rainfall: dynamical systems approach. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 49 (15) 
bullet iconXu D and Beck C (2016). Transition from lognormal to X2 superstatistics for financial time series. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol. 453, 173-183.  
bullet iconPenrose C and Beck C (2016). Superstatistics of Blaschke products. DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL vol. 31 (1), 89-105.  


bullet iconAkram G and Beck C (2015). Hierarchical cascade model leading to 7-th order initial value problem. Applied Numerical Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 91, 89-97.  
bullet iconBeck C (2015). Axion mass estimates from resonant Josephson junctions. Physics of the Dark Universe, Elsevier vol. 7, 6-11.  
bullet iconRabassa P and Beck C (2015). Superstatistical analysis of sea-level fluctuations. Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Elsevier vol. 417, 18-28.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Complex Systems
solid heart iconDAMOSET - Benjamin Schaefer IF
Christian Beck
£170,347 EU Commission - Horizon 2020 (01-06-2019 - 31-05-2021)
solid heart iconNash Equilibria for Load Balancing
Christian Beck
£497,382 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-04-2016 - 11-05-2019)