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Welcome to The Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science

The centre covers three broadly overlapping main areas of research: probability, statistics and data science. Probability theory is a core topic within mathematics and a foundational aspect in much of the work of the centre. A broad range of areas within probability and applied probability are investigated from stochastic processes, understanding the properties of random mathematical structures including many applications to areas such as statistical physics, finance, etc. The centre also has a strong group of statisticians developing both statistical theory, e.g. Bayesian inference, methodologies, e.g. modelling of spatio-temporal data, and applications, e.g. biostatistics. Finally, the centre has in expertise of other aspects of data science including the foundations of machine learning, solving inverse systems as related to data, topological techniques, and others. 


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Recent Grants

  • Artificial Neuroscience: metrology and engineering for Deep Learning using Linear Algebra
    Mark Sandler and Boris Khoruzhenko
    £238,701 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
    01-11-2024 - 30-04-2026
  • Life at large n: high-dimensional scaling limits of marine microbial processes and interactions
    Natasha Blitvic
    £264,960 Simons Foundation (USA)
    01-09-2024 - 31-08-2025
  • Universality in Topological Data Analysis
    Omer Bobrowski and Primoz Skraba
    £330,778 Leverhulme Trust
    22-07-2024 - 21-07-2027

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