- Hybrid 6-DoF Magnetic Localization for Robotic Capsule Endoscopes Compatible With High-Grade Magnetic Field Navigation
Bianchi F, Masaracchia A, Damone A, Barjuei ES, Oddo CM, Dario P and Ciuti G
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 10, 4414-4430.
20-12-2021 - Moving with the Times: Investigating the Alt-Right Network Gab with Temporal Interaction Graphs
Arnold NA, Steer B, Hafnaoui I, Parada G. HA, Mondragón RJ, Cuadrado F and Clegg RG
Proceedings of The Acm on Human-Computer Interaction vol. 5 (CSCW2)
18-10-2021 - Moving with the Times: Investigating the Alt-Right Network Gab with Temporal Interaction Graphs
Arnold N, Steer BA, Hafnaoui I, Parada G HA, Mondragon RJ, Cuadrado F and Clegg RG
ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing.
18-10-2021 - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided MISO Systems with Statistical CSI: Channel Estimation, Analysis and Optimization: Paper)
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K and Elkashlan M
2021 IEEE 22nd International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC). vol. 2021-September, 576-580.
21-09-2021 - SEAD Counter: Self-Adaptive Counters With Different Counting Ranges
Liu X, Xu Y, Liu P, Yang T, Xu J, Wang L, Xie G, Li X and Uhlig S
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 30 (1), 90-106.
14-09-2021 - DANA: Dimension-Adaptive Neural Architecture for Multivariate Sensor Data
Malekzadeh M, Clegg R, Cavallaro A and Haddadi H
Proceedings of The Acm on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies vol. 5 (3)
01-09-2021 - Optimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S and Castro I
Ieee Transactions on Network and Service Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 18 (4), 4730-4743.
19-08-2021 - Two-Timescale Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided
Massive MIMO Systems with Imperfect CSI
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M, Renzo MD, Schober R, Poor HV, Wang J and Hanzo L
17-08-2021 - Likelihood-based approach to discriminate mixtures of network models that vary in time
Arnold NA, Mondragón RJ and Clegg RG
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group vol. 11 (1)
04-03-2021 - Internet Traffic Volumes are Not Gaussian—They are Log-Normal: An 18-Year Longitudinal Study With Implications for Modelling and Prediction
Alasmar M, Clegg R, Zakhleniuk N and Parisis G
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Networking, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 29 (3), 1266-1279.
23-02-2021 - User mobility into NOMA assisted communication: Analysis and a Reinforcement Learning with Neural Network based approach
Masaracchia A, Nguyen M and Kortun A
Eai Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, European Alliance For Innovation N.O. vol. 7 (25)
07-01-2021 - D2D Multi-hop Multi-path Communications in B5G Networks: A Survey on Models, Techniques, and Applications
Tran Q-N, Vo N-S, Nguyen Q-A, Bui M-P, Phan T-M, Lam V-V and Masaracchia A
Eai Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, European Alliance For Innovation N.O. vol. 7 (25)
07-01-2021 - Stochastic Learning-Based Robust Beamforming Design for RIS-Aided Millimeter-Wave Systems in the Presence of Random Blockages
Zhou G, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K, Elkashlan M and Di Renzo M
Ieee Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 70 (1), 1057-1061.
05-01-2021 - A General Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Grant-Free NOMA
Optimization in mURLLC
Liu Y, Deng Y, Zhou H, Elkashlan M and Nallanathan A
02-01-2021 - UAV-Enabled Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications for 6G: A Comprehensive Survey
Masaracchia A, Li Y, Nguyen KK, Yin C, Khosravirad SR, Da Costa DB and Duong TQ
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 9, 137338-137352.
01-01-2021 - Resource Allocation for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing in OFDM Systems.
Bai T, Pan C, Ren H, Deng Y, Elkashlan M and Nallanathan A
Ieee Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 20, 5389-5407.
01-01-2021 - Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided MISO Systems with Statistical CSI: Channel Estimation, Analysis and Optimization : (Invited Paper).
Zhi K, Pan C, Ren H, Wang K and Elkashlan M
SPAWC., 576-580.
01-01-2021 - Optimization of Grant-Free NOMA with Multiple Configured-Grants for mURLLC.
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A and Karagiannidis GK
Corr vol. abs/2111.09284
01-01-2021 - Optimal Estimation of Link Delays Based on End-to-End Active Measurements.
Tajiki MM, Petroudi SHG, Salsano S, Uhlig S and Castro I
Ieee Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag. vol. 18, 4730-4743.
01-01-2021 - Dynamic Aerial Base Station Placement for Minimum-Delay Communications.
Bai T, Pan C, Wang J, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A and Hanzo L
Ieee Internet Things J. vol. 8, 1623-1635.
01-01-2021 - Click-UP: Toward the Software Upgrade of Click-Based Modular Network Function.
Wang J, Qi H, Li K and Uhlig S
Ieee Syst. J. vol. 15, 1160-1171.
01-01-2021 - Analyzing Grant-Free Access for URLLC Service.
Liu Y, Deng Y, Elkashlan M, Nallanathan A and Karagiannidis GK
Ieee J. Sel. Areas Commun. vol. 39, 741-755.
01-01-2021 - Analysis of Random Access in NB-IoT Networks With Three Coverage Enhancement Groups: A Stochastic Geometry Approach.
Liu Y, Deng Y, Jiang N, Elkashlan M and Nallanathan A
Ieee Trans. Wirel. Commun. vol. 20, 549-564.
01-01-2021 - Aerial Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enabled URLLC UAV Systems
Li Y, Yin C, Do-Duy T, Masaracchia A and Duong TQ
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 9, 140248-140257.