

Akram Alomainy

Prof Akram Alomainy

Professor of Antennas and Applied Electromagnetics
Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Research in Science and Engineering

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Antenna Engineering, Applied Electromagnetics, Biomedical and Healthcare, Communication Engineering, Radio Propagation, Wearable Technology

Gianni Antichi

Dr Gianni Antichi

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

End-Host Networking, Software-Defined Networking, Programmable Hardware, Systems

Fatma Benkhelifa

Dr Fatma Benkhelifa

Lecturer in Telecommunications

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Wireless communication, 5G/6G and beyond networks, Internet of Things (IoT), Simultaneous Information and Power Transfer, Coverage, Sustainability

Eliane Bodanese

Dr Eliane Bodanese

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Human Activity Recognition, Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Sensor Integration of medical data, Wireless Networks

Yue Chen

Prof Yue Chen

Professor of Telecommunications Engineering
Director of Education

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Intelligent Radio Resource Management (RRM) for wireless networks, Cognitive and cooperative wireless networking, HetNet, Smart energy systems, Internet of Things

Richard Clegg

Dr Richard Clegg

Senior Lecturer Networks

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Complex networks, Temporal networks, Network statistics

Ignacio De Castro Arribas

Dr Ignacio De Castro Arribas

Lecturer in Data Analytics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Social computing, Internet Economics, Internet measurements, Web

Maged Elkashlan

Dr Maged Elkashlan

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Cooperative communication, MIMO systems, Cognitive radio, Wireless security, Millimeter wave communications, 5G Technologies

Sukhpal Singh Gill

Dr Sukhpal Singh Gill

Lecturer in Cloud Computing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Cloud Computing, Energy Efficiency, Serverless Computing, Internet of Things, Resource Management, Edge Computing and Fog Computing

Yang Hao

Prof Yang Hao

Professor of Antennas and Electromagnetics
Deputy VP for Strategic Research

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Antenna Engineering, Transformation Optics, Material Discovery, Bioengineering, Metamaterials, Communication Engineering

Mona Jaber

Dr Mona Jaber

Senior Lecturer in IoT

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Internet of Things, Digital Twins, Sustainable Development Goals, Intelligent Transportation Systems

James Kelly

Dr James Kelly


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

reconfigurable antennas

Ahmed M. A. Sayed

Dr Ahmed M. A. Sayed

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Director of MSc Data Science Programme

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Federated Learning, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Performance Evaluation and Optimisation

Antonino Masaracchia

Dr Antonino Masaracchia


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

6G, Digital Twins, AI/ML for Network Optimization, O-RAN, Optimization Techniques, Wireless Networks

Raul Mondragon-Ceballos

Dr Raul Mondragon-Ceballos

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Complex Networks, Statistical Models of Networks, Network cores, Rich-club and extensions

Arumugam Nallanathan

Prof Arumugam Nallanathan

Professor of Wireless Communications
Head of Communication Systems Research (CSR) Group

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science


Chris Phillips

Dr Chris Phillips

EECS Director of Recruitment and Admissions

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Telecommunications, Optical Networks, Resource Management, Embedded Systems

Khalid Rajab

Dr Khalid Rajab


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Millimetrewave radar, Sensing for health and wellbeing, IoT sensors, Ambient sensing, Machine learning and AI

John Schormans

Dr John Schormans

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

packet networks, probabilistic performance analysis and evaluation of packet networks

Gareth Tyson

Prof Gareth Tyson

Professor of Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Web, Internet Measurements, Social Computing, Computer Networking

Steve Uhlig

Prof Steve Uhlig

Professor of Networks
Head of The School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Head of The Centre for Networks, Communications and Systems

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Internet measurements, software-defined networking, networked applications, content delivery