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  • Russo DA, Zedler JAZ, Conradi FD, Schuergers N, Jensen PE, Mullineaux CW, Wilde A and Pohnert G (2021). Development of a highly sensitive luciferase-based reporter system to study two-step protein secretion in cyanobacteria. Journal of Bacteriology, American Society for Microbiology, JB0050421-JB0050421.  
  • Amin H, Ilangovan A and Costa TRD (2021). Architecture of the outer-membrane core complex from a conjugative type IV secretion system. Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 12 (1) 
  • Serbanescu D, Ojkic N and Banerjee S (2021). Cellular resource allocation strategies for cell size and shape control in bacteria. The FEBS Journal, Wiley vol. 289 (24), 7891-7906.  
  • Benn G, Mikheyeva IV, Inns PG, Forster JC, Ojkic N, Bortolini C, Ryadnov MG, Kleanthous C, Silhavy TJ and Hoogenboom BW (2021). Phase separation in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences vol. 118 (44) 
  • Klemm C, Wood H, Thomas GH, Ólafsson G, Torres MT and Thorpe PH (2021). Forced association of SARS-CoV-2 proteins with the yeast proteome perturb vesicle trafficking. Microbial Cell, Shared Science Publishers OG vol. 8 (12), 280-280.  
  • Richardson KH, Wright JJ, Šimėnas M, Thiemann J, Esteves AM, McGuire G, Myers WK, Morton JJL, Hippler M, Nowaczyk MM, Hanke GT and Roessler MM (2021). Functional basis of electron transport within photosynthetic complex I. Nature Communications, Nature Research vol. 12 (1) 
  • Rosa e Silva I, Binó L, Johnson CM, Rutherford TJ, Neuhaus D, Andreeva A, Čajánek L and van Breugel M (2021). Molecular mechanisms underlying the role of the centriolar CEP164-TTBK2 complex in ciliopathies. Structure, Elsevier vol. 30 (1), 114-128.e9.  
  • Tinoco AB, Barreiro-Iglesias A, Yañez Guerra LA, Delroisse J, Zhang Y, Gunner EF, Zampronio CG, Jones AM, Egertová M and Elphick MR (2021). Ancient role of sulfakinin/cholecystokinin-type signalling in inhibitory regulation of feeding processes revealed in an echinoderm. eLife, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd vol. 10 
  • Mishra PK, Wood H, Stanton J, Au W-C, Eisenstatt JR, Boeckmann L, Sclafani RA, Weinreich M, Bloom KS, Thorpe PH and Basrai MA (2021). Cdc7-mediated phosphorylation of Cse4 regulates high-fidelity chromosome segregation in budding yeast. Molecular Biology of the Cell, American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) vol. 32 (21), ar15-ar15.  
  • Shimakawa G, Hanawa H, Wada S, Hanke GT, Matsuda Y and Miyake C (2021). Physiological Roles of Flavodiiron Proteins and Photorespiration in the Liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers Media vol. 12 
  • Moreno MR, Stempor PA and Bulgakova NA (2021). Interactions and Feedbacks in E-Cadherin Transcriptional Regulation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Frontiers vol. 9 
  • Mullineaux CW and Wilde A (2021). The social life of cyanobacteria. eLife, eLife vol. 10 
  • Elphick M (2021). The Mutable Collagenous Tissue of Echinoderms: From Biology to Biomedical Applications. Soft Matter for Biomedical Applications, Royal Society of Chemistry 
  • Huokko T, Ni T, Dykes GF, Simpson DM, Brownridge P, Conradi FD, Beynon RJ, Nixon PJ, Mullineaux CW, Zhang P and Liu LN (2021). Probing the biogenesis pathway and dynamics of thylakoid membranes. Nature Communications, Nature Research (part of Springer Nature) vol. 12 (1) 
  • Mita M, Elphick MR and Katayama H (2021). A specific and sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for measurement of relaxin-like gonad-stimulating peptide in the starfish Asterias rubens. General and Comparative Endocrinology, Elsevier BV, 113831-113831.  
  • Carter HF, Thompson JR, Elphick MR and Oliveri P (2021). The development and neuronal complexity of bipinnaria larvae of the sea star Asterias rubens. Integr Comp Biol 
  • Cai W, Egertová M, Zampronio CG, Jones AM and Elphick MR (2021). Molecular identification and cellular localisation of a corticotropin-releasing hormone type neuropeptide in an echinoderm. Neuroendocrinology: international journal for basic and clinical studies on neuroendocrine relationships, Karger Publishers 
  • Ojkic N and Banerjee S (2021). Bacterial cell shape control by nutrient-dependent synthesis of cell division inhibitors. Biophysical Journal, Elsevier vol. 120 (11), 2079-2084.  
  • Kramer M, Rodriguez-Heredia M, Saccon F, Mosebach L, Twachtmann M, Krieger-Liszkay A, Duffy C, Knell RJ, Finazzi G and Hanke GT (2021). Regulation of photosynthetic electron flow on dark to light transition by ferredoxin:Nadp(h) oxidoreductase interactions. eLife, eLife Sciences Publications Ltd vol. 10 
  • Sarewicz M, Pintscher S, Pietras R, Borek A, Bujnowicz Ł, Hanke G, Cramer WA, Finazzi G and Osyczka A (2021). Catalytic reactions and energy conservation in the cytochrome bc1 and b6f complexes of energy-transducing membranes. Chemical Reviews, American Chemical Society vol. 121 (4), 2020-2108.  
  • Bielecki P, Riesenfeld SJ, Hütter J-C, Torlai Triglia E, Kowalczyk MS, Ricardo-Gonzalez RR, Lian M, Amezcua Vesely MC, Kroehling L, Xu H, Slyper M, Muus C, Ludwig LS, Christian E, Tao L, Kedaigle AJ, Steach HR, York AG, Skadow MH, Yaghoubi P, et al. (2021). Skin-resident innate lymphoid cells converge on a pathogenic effector state. Nature, Springer Nature vol. 592 (7852), 128-132.  
  • Płochocka AZ, Moreno MR, Davie AM, Bulgakova NA and Chumakova L (2021). Robustness of the microtubule network self-organization in epithelia. eLife, eLife vol. 10 
  • Arévalo S, Nenninger A, Nieves-Morión M, Herrero A, Mullineaux CW and Flores E (2021). Coexistence of Communicating and Noncommunicating Cells in the Filamentous Cyanobacterium Anabaena. mSphere, American Society for Microbiology vol. 6 (1) 
  • Banerjee S, Lo K, Ojkic N, Stephens R, Scherer NF and Dinner AR (2021). Mechanical feedback promotes bacterial adaptation to antibiotics. Nature Physics, Springer Nature vol. 17 (3), 403-409.  
  • Tian Y, Liang R, Kumar A, Szwedziak P and Viles JH (2021). 3D-visualization of amyloid-β oligomer interactions with lipid membranes by cryo-electron tomography. Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 12 (20), 6896-6907.  