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  • Kinetochores attached to microtubule-ends are stabilised by astrin bound pp1 to ensure proper chromosome segregation
    Conti D, Gul P, Islam A, Martín-Durán JM, Pickersgill RW and Draviam VM
    Elife, Elife Sciences Publications Ltd vol. 8 
  • Copper2+ Binding to α-Synuclein. Histidine50 Can Form a Ternary Complex with Cu2+ at the N-Terminus but Not a Macrochelate.
    Tian Y, Stanyon HF, Barritt JD, Mayet U, Patel P, Karamani E, Fusco G and Viles JH
    Inorganic Chemistry: Including Bioinorganic Chemistry, American Chemical Society vol. 58 (22), 15580-15589.  
  • Factors controlling floc formation and structure in the cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. strain pcc 6803
    Conradi FD, Zhou RQ, Oeser S, Schuergers N, Wilde A and Mullineaux CW
    Journal of Bacteriology, American Society For Microbiology vol. 201 (19) 
  • Surface-to-volume scaling and aspect ratio preservation in rod-shaped bacteria
    Ojkic N, Serbanescu D and Banerjee S
    Elife, Elife vol. 8 
  • Defining optimal electron transfer partners for light-driven cytochrome P450 reactions.
    Mellor SB, Vinde MH, Nielsen AZ, Hanke GT, Abdiaziz K, Roessler MM, Burow M, Motawia MS, Møller BL and Jensen PE
    Metabolic Engineering, Elsevier vol. 55, 33-43.  
  • Amyloid-β oligomers have a profound detergent-like effect on lipid membrane bilayers, imaged by atomic force and electron microscopy.
    Bode DC, Freeley M, Nield J, Palma M and Viles JH
    J Biol Chem vol. 294 (19), 7566-7572.  
  • A CRISPR-associated Rossmann fold (CARF) domain regulates transcription of an RNA repair system in Escherichia coli
    Kotta-Loizou I, Jovanovic M, Schaefer J, Engl C, Zhang N and Buck M
    Access Microbiology, Microbiology Society vol. 1 (1A) 
  • YAP/Yorkie in the germline modulates the age-related decline of germline stem cells and niche cells
    Francis D, Chanana B, Fernandez B, Gordon B, Mak T and Palacios IM
    Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 14 (4) 
  • Using Nature's polyenes as templates: studies of synthetic xanthomonadin analogues and realising their potential as antioxidants.
    Madden KS, Jokhoo HRE, Conradi FD, Knowles JP, Mullineaux CW and Whiting A
    Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry 