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  • RNA-FISH as a probe for heterogeneity at the cellular and subcellular levels in cyanobacteria
    Mullineaux CW, Wang K and Mahbub M
    Frontiers in Photobiology, Frontiers vol. 2 
  • Proteome-wide forced interactions reveal a functional map of cell-cycle phospho-regulation in S. cerevisiae
    Klemm C, Ólafsson G, Wood HR, Mellor C, Zabet NR and Thorpe PH
    Nucleus, Taylor & Francis vol. 15 (1) 
  • Reassessing the role and lifetime of Q x in the energy transfer dynamics of chlorophyll a
    Keil E, Kumar A, Bäuml L, Reiter S, Thyrhaug E, Moser S, Duffy CDP, de Vivie-Riedle R and Hauer J
    Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) (Immediate Access) 
  • Does mRNA targeting explain gene retention in chloroplasts?
    Hess W, Wilde A and Mullineaux C
    Trends in Plant Science, Cell Press 
  • Distinct features of PsbS essential for mediating plant photoprotection
    Chen L, Rodriguez-Heredia M, Hanke GT and Ruban AV
    Plant Communications, Elsevier 
  • mRNA localization and thylakoid protein biogenesis in the filamentous heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120
    Mullineaux C
    Journal of Bacteriology, American Society For Microbiology 
  • Optimizing photosynthetic light-harvesting under stars: simple and general antenna models
    Chitnavis S, Gray C, Rousouli I, Gillen E, Mullineaux CW, Haworth TJ and Duffy CDP
    Photosynthesis Research, Springer Nature vol. 162 (1), 75-92.  
  • Discovery of a neuropeptide that acts as an autotomy-promoting factor
    Tinoco A, Kirupakaran V, Capatina D, Egertová M and Elphick M
    Current Biology, Cell Press 
  • A feather star is born: embryonic development and nervous system organization in the crinoid Antedon mediterranea
    Mercurio S, Gattoni G, Scarì G, Ascagni M, Barzaghi B, Elphick MR, Croce JC, Schubert M, Benito-Gutiérrez E and Pennati R
    Open Biology, The Royal Society vol. 14 (8), 240115-240115.  
  • Lighting the way: Compelling open questions in photosynthesis research
    Eckardt NA, Allahverdiyeva Y, Alvarez CE, Büchel C, Burlacot A, Cardona T, Chaloner E, Engel BD, Grossman AR, Harris D, Herrmann N, Hodges M, Kern J, Kim TD, Maurino VG, Mullineaux CW, Mustila H, Nikkanen L, Schlau-Cohen G, Tronconi MA, et al.
    The Plant Cell, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 36 (10), 3914-3943.  
  • Cold Laser Sintering of Medicines: Toward Carbon Neutral Pharmaceutical Printing
    Elbadawi M, Li H, Ghosh P, Alkahtani ME, Lu B, Basit AW and Gaisford S
    Acs Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 12 (30), 11155-11166.  
  • Differential growth regulates asymmetric size partitioning in Caulobacter crescentus
    Ng TW, Ojkic N, Serbanescu D and Banerjee S
    Life Science Alliance, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press vol. 7 (8), e202402591-e202402591.  
  • Functionality of chimeric TssA proteins in the type VI secretion system reveals sheath docking specificity within their N-terminal domains
    Fecht S, Paracuellos P, Subramoni S, Tan CAZ, Ilangovan A, Costa TRD and Filloux A
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1) 
  • Essential conserved neuronal motors kinesin-1 and kinesin-3 regulate Aβ42 toxicity in vivo
    Palacios IM and Palacios De Castro MI
    Biorxiv Journal Editors: biorxiv team . 
  • Oncogenic c-Myc induces replication stress by increasing cohesins chromatin occupancy in a CTCF-dependent manner
    Peripolli S, Meneguello L, Perrod C, Singh T, Patel H, Rahman ST, Kiso K, Thorpe P, Calvanese V, Bertoli C and de Bruin RAM
    Nature Communications, Springer Nature vol. 15 (1), 1579-1579.  
  • Copper(II) Can Kinetically Trap Arctic and Italian Amyloid‑β40 as Toxic Oligomers, Mimicking Cu(II) Binding to Wild-Type Amyloid‑β42: Implications for Familial Alzheimer’s Disease
    Tian Y, Shang Q, Liang R and Viles JH
    Jacs Au, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 4 (2), 578-591.  
  • Impact of Membrane Phospholipids and Exosomes on the Kinetics of Amyloid-β Fibril Assembly
    Khursheed A and Viles JH
    Journal of Molecular Biology, Elsevier vol. 436 (6) 
  • Neuropeptide expression and action in the reproductive system of the starfish Asterias rubens
    Piñon Gonzalez V, Feng Y, Egertová M and Elphick M
    The Journal of Comparative Neurology, Wiley 
  • Search for chromosomal instability aiding variants reveal naturally occurring kinetochore gene variants that perturb chromosome segregation
    Islam A, Manjarrez-González JC, Song X, Gore T and Draviam VM
    Iscience, Elsevier vol. 27 (3) 
  • The role of artificial intelligence in generating original scientific research
    Elbadawi M, Li H, Basit AW and Gaisford S
    International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Elsevier vol. 652 