Research Facilities

Our interdisciplinary Centre has access to a range of facilities.

The protein purification facility enables all stages of the purification process and offers expertise in antibody production. A comprehensive imaging suite supports research across diverse biological specimens. It includes DeltaVision Core and Elite microscopes, Leica microscopes for bright-field and fluorescence imaging with DIC setup, a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) for ultrastructure visualisation, and a CryoEM for high resolution imaging and structural analysis. The room temperature TEM facility is equipped with a Ultracut E Ultramicrotome and freeze fracture to aid sample preparation. The Leica EM GP2 enables fully automated plunge freeze for cryo-grid preparation.

The Center for Cell Dynamics microscope facility provides open access to Super-resolution, lattice light-sheet and deconvolution microscopes and automated image analysis methods to enable state-of-the-art live imaging of subcellular dynamics. The microscopes are jointly funded by QMUL, MRC, BBSRC, EPSRC and InnovateUK.  The facility provides opportunities for researcher training, methods development, collaboration and support for commercialisation and translational impact. 
