• Cell biology
  • Bacteriology
  • Structural Biology

Welcome to The Centre for Molecular Cell Biology

Our researchers study the biological organisation of cells, and the molecular mechanisms underpinning their function in health, disease and sustainable living. Our wide angle of exploration spans from the atomic structures and dynamics of living systems to their organisation in sub-cellular assemblies, cells, tissues, and organs. We are keen to translate of our fundamental discoveries into the drug discovery process, into clinical advances, and into the biotechnology industry. We commonly adopt an interdisciplinary approach including advanced imaging and genetic engineering techniques. This is frequently combined with high performance computing powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning. Collaboratively we address the grand challenges of food security, healthy ageing, anti-microbial resistance, green energy, and sustainable living. 


Recent Publications

  • RNA-FISH as a probe for heterogeneity at the cellular and subcellular levels in cyanobacteria
    Mullineaux CW, Wang K and Mahbub M
    Frontiers in Photobiology, Frontiers vol. 2 
  • Proteome-wide forced interactions reveal a functional map of cell-cycle phospho-regulation in S. cerevisiae
    Klemm C, Ólafsson G, Wood HR, Mellor C, Zabet NR and Thorpe PH
    Nucleus, Taylor & Francis vol. 15 (1) 
  • Reassessing the role and lifetime of Q x in the energy transfer dynamics of chlorophyll a
    Keil E, Kumar A, Bäuml L, Reiter S, Thyrhaug E, Moser S, Duffy CDP, de Vivie-Riedle R and Hauer J
    Chemical Science, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) (Immediate Access) 

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Recent Grants

  • Pump prime I2BC (France) QMUL (UK) photosynthetic improvement
    Guy Hanke and Conrad Mullineaux
    £4,118 DSIT Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
    06-01-2025 - 16-03-2025
  • Career Development Award: Structural and mechanistic understanding of kinetochore-mediated control of microtubule dynamics
    Vladimir Volkov
    £2,044,077 Wellcome Trust
    01-01-2025 - 31-12-2032
  • Alteration in bacterial cell envelope structure as the mechanism of antibiotic resistance and cell death
    Nikola Ojkic
    £562,114 BBSRC Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
    01-12-2024 - 30-11-2027

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