- The Song Describer dataset: a corpus of audio captions for music-and-language evaluation
Manco I, Weck B, Doh S, Won M, Zhang Y, Bodganov D, Wu Y, Chen K, Tovstogan P, Benetos E, Quinton E, Fazekas G and Nam J
NeurIPS Machine Learning for Audio Workshop New Orleans, USA 16 Dec 2023.
16-12-2023 - Remaining-useful-life prediction and uncertainty quantification using LSTM ensembles for aircraft engines
Deb O, Benetos E and Torr P
NeurIPS Workshop on Advancing Neural Network Training (WANT): Computational Efficiency, Scalability, and Resource Optimization New Orleans, USA 16 Dec 2023.
16-12-2023 - Editorial: Human-centred computer audition: sound, music, and healthcare
Qian K, Fazekas G, Li S, Li Z and Schuller BW
Frontiers in Digital Health, Frontiers vol. 5
12-12-2023 - The State of the Art in Procedural Audio
Menexopoulos D, Pestana P and Reiss J
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 (12), 825-847.
10-12-2023 - MARBLE: Music Audio Representation Benchmark for Universal Evaluation
Yuan R, Ma Y, Li Y, Zhang G, Chen X, Yin H, Zhuo L, Liu Y, Huang J, Tian Z, Deng B, Wang N, Benetos E, Ragni A, Gyenge N, Dannenberg R, Chen W, Xia G, Xue W, Liu S, et al.
37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 10 Dec 2023 - 16 Dec 2023.
10-12-2023 - Updating and recalibrating causal probabilistic models on a new target population
Kyrimi E, Stoner RS, Perkins ZB, Pisirir E, Wohlgemut JM, Marsh W and Tai NRM
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier vol. 149
09-12-2023 - Learning Music Representations with wav2vec 2.0
Ragano A, Benetos E and Hines A
31st Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS) Letterkenny, Ireland 7 Dec 2023.
07-12-2023 - The Impact of Gender on Female Engineering Students
Toosy F, Mehmood Z, Talib M, Siddiqi H, Herodotou C, Poslad S and Hamid K
2023 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE). vol. 00, 1-7.
01-12-2023 - Do You Hear What I Hear?
Yang S, Barthet M, Reed C and Chew E
Computer, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 56 (12), 4-6.
01-12-2023 - Soundscapes of morality: Linking music preferences and moral values through lyrics and audio
Preniqi V, Kalimeri K and Saitis C
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 18 (11)
29-11-2023 - A Contactless Health Monitoring System for Vital Signs Monitoring, Human Activity Recognition and Tracking
Li A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Chen P, Wang J, Fan Y and Hou T
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
23-11-2023 - JAZZVAR: A Dataset of Variations found within Solo Piano Performances of Jazz Standards for Music Overpainting
Row E, Tang J and Fazekas G
CMMR2023, the 16th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 13 Nov 2023 - 17 Nov 2023.
13-11-2023 - Singing Voice Synthesis Using Differentiable LPC and Glottal-Flow-Inspired Wavetables
Yu C-Y and Fazekas G
International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Milan, Italy. 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - Real-time Percussive Technique Recognition and Embedding Learning for the Acoustic Guitar
Martelloni A, Mcpherson AP and Barthet M
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - On the effectiveness of speech self-supervised learning for music
Ma Y, Yuan R, Li Y, Zhang G, Chen X, Yin H, Lin C, Benetos E, Ragni A, Gyenge N, Liu R, Xia G, Dannenberg R, Guo Y and Fu J
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - LyricWhiz: Robust Multilingual Lyrics Transcription by Whispering to ChatGPT
Zhuo L, Yuan R, Pan J, Ma Y, Li Y, Zhang G, Liu S, Dannenberg R, Fu J, Lin C, Benetos E, Chen W, Xue W and Guo Y
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - Gender-Coded Sound: Analysing the Gendering of Music in Toy Commercials via Multi-Task Learning
Marinelli L, FAZEKAS G and Saitis C
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Milan 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - From West to East: Who can understand the music of the others better?
Papaioannou C, Benetos E and Potamianos A
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - FiloBass: A Dataset and Corpus Based Study of Jazz Basslines
Riley X, Dixon S and Riley J
24th conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - Polar Manhattan Displacement: measuring tonal distances between chords based on intervallic content
Miller J, Pauwels J and Sandler M
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Milan, Italy 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
04-11-2023 - Comparing neural sentence encoders for topic segmentation across domains: not your typical text similarity task
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Peerj Computer Science, Peerj vol. 9
03-11-2023 - BTDNet: A Multi-Modal Approach for Brain Tumor Radiogenomic Classification
Kollias D, Vendal K, Gadhavi P and Russom S
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 13 (21)
02-11-2023 - Acoustic sensing form the sky
Wang L and Cavallaro A
Acoustics Bulletin, Institute of Acoustics vol. 45, 45-45.
01-11-2023 - NarSUM 2023 Chairs Welcome
Kankanhalli MS, Patras I, Liu J, Wong Y and Komamizu T
Narsum 2023 - Proceedings of The 2nd Workshop On User-Centric Narrative Summarization of Long Videos, Co-Located With: Mm 2023
29-10-2023 - A Study on the Use of Attention for Explaining Video Summarization
Apostolidis E, Mezaris V and Patras I
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on User-centric Narrative Summarization of Long Videos., 41-49.
29-10-2023 - UAV Bioacoustic Monitoring for Bird Survey
Clayton M and Wang L
2023 7th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT). vol. 00, 1-6.
28-10-2023 - Pianist Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Tang J, Wiggins G and Fazekas G
2023 4th International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds. vol. 00, 1-6.
27-10-2023 - NarSUM '23: The 2nd Workshop on User-Centric Narrative Summarization of Long Videos
Kankanhalli MS, Patras I, Liu J, Wong Y, Komamizu T, Yamazaki S, Stephen K and Kansal K
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia., 9731-9733.
26-10-2023 - Language-Aware Soft Prompting: Text-to-Text Optimization for Fewand
Zero-Shot Adaptation of V&L Models
Bulat A and Tzimiropoulos G
International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer
26-10-2023 - Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers
MacBrayne A, Curzon P, Soyel H, Marsh W, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
Rheumatology Advances in Practice, Oxford University Press (Oup)
26-10-2023 - Impact of mismatched room acoustic modeling on transaural reproduction with loudspeaker arrays
Li Y, Reiss J and Wang L
AES convention 25 Oct 2023 - 27 Oct 2023.
25-10-2023 - General Purpose Audio Effect Removal
Rice M, Steinmetz CJ, Fazekas G and Reiss JD
2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA). vol. 00, 1-5.
25-10-2023 - Drone audition for bioacoustic monitoring
Wang L, Clayton M and Rossberg AG
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Wiley Open Access
25-10-2023 - Annotating Jazz Recordings Using Lead Sheet Alignment with Deep Chroma Features
Shanin I and Dixon S
2023 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA). vol. 00, 1-5.
25-10-2023 - Perceptual musical similarity metric learning with graph neural networks
Vahidi C, Singh S, Benetos E, Phan QH, Stowell D, Fazekas G and Lagrange M
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) New Paltz, NY, USA 22 Oct 2023 - 25 Oct 2023.
22-10-2023 - Leveraging synthetic data for improving chamber ensemble separation
Sarkar S, Thorpe L, Benetos E and Sandler M
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) New Paltz, New York, USA 22 Oct 2023 - 25 Oct 2023.
22-10-2023 - MixStyle Neural Networks for Domain Generalization and Adaptation
Zhou K, Yang Y, Qiao Y and Xiang T
International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Nature vol. 132 (3), 822-836.
17-10-2023 - Sound of Care: Towards a Co-Operative AI Digital Pain Companion to Support People with Chronic Primary Pain
Del Sette BM, Carnes D and Saitis C
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing., 283-288.
14-10-2023 - Selecting A Diverse Set Of Aesthetically-Pleasing and Representative Video Thumbnails Using Reinforcement Learning
Apostolidis E, Balaouras G, Mezaris V and Patras I
2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). vol. 00, 2460-2464.
11-10-2023 - Human-interpretable and deep features for image privacy classification
Baranouskaya D and Cavallaro A
2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). vol. 00, 3489-3492.
11-10-2023 - Efficient Convolution and Transformer-based Network for Video Frame Interpolation
Khalifeh I, Murn L, Mrak M and Izquierdo E
2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). vol. 00, 1050-1054.
11-10-2023 - Affective gaming using adaptive speed controlled by biofeedback
Frachi Y, Chanel G and Barthet M
International Cconference on Multimodal Interaction., 238-246.
09-10-2023 - Summary of SHL Challenge 2023: Recognizing Locomotion and Transportation Mode from GPS and Motion Sensors
Wang L, Gjoreski H, Ciliberto M, Lago P, Murao K, Okita T and Roggen D
Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing., 575-585.
08-10-2023 - AI-Driven Sonification of Automatically Designed Games
Cardinale S, Cook M and Colton S
AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment 8 Oct 2023 - 12 Oct 2023.
08-10-2023 - Affordance segmentation of hand-occluded containers from exocentric images
Apicella T, Xompero A, Ragusa E, Berta R, Cavallaro A and Gastaldo P
2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW). vol. 00, 1890-1899.
06-10-2023 - Assessing Serious Spinal Pathology Using Bayesian Network Decision Support: Development and Validation Study
Hill A, Joyner CH, Keith-Jopp C, Yet B, Sakar CT, Marsh W and Morrissey D
Jmir Formative Research, Jmir Publications vol. 7
03-10-2023 - ReGen: A good Generative zero-shot video classifier should be Rewarded
Bulat A, Sanchez E, Martinez B and Tzimiropoulos G
International Conference on Computer Vision.
02-10-2023 - HyperReenact: one-shot reenactment via jointly learning to refine and retarget faces
Bounareli S, TZELEPIS C, Argyriou V, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
International Conference on Computer Vision.
02-10-2023 - Fs-detr: Few-shot detection transformer with prompting and without re-training
Bulat A, Guerrero R, Martinez B and Tzimiropoulos G
International Conference on Computer Vision.
02-10-2023 - Black Box Few-Shot Adaptation for Vision-Language models
Tzimiropoulos G, Ouali Y, Bulat A and Martinez B
International Conference on Computer Vision.
02-10-2023 - Bayesian Prompt Learning for Image-Language Model Generalization
Derakhshani MM, Sanchez E, Bulat A, Turrisi da Costa VG, Snoek CGM, Tzimiropoulos G and Martinez B
International Conference on Computer Vision.
02-10-2023 - A Digital Health Solution for Child Growth Monitoring at Home: Testing the Accuracy of a Novel “GrowthMonitor” Smartphone Application to Detect Abnormal Height and Body Mass Indices
Thaventhiran T, Orr J, Morris JK, Hsu A, Martin L, Davies KM, Harding V, Chapple P, Dunkel L and Storr HL
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Digital Health, Elsevier vol. 1 (4), 498-509.
29-09-2023 - The relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia network (ReALLNet): a multidisciplinary project from the spanish society of pediatric hematology and oncology (SEHOP)
Velasco P, Bautista F, Rubio A, Aguilar Y, Rives S, Dapena JL, Pérez A, Ramirez M, Saiz-Ladera C, Izquierdo E, Escudero A, Camós M, Vega-García N, Ortega M, Hidalgo-Gómez G, Palacio C, Menéndez P, Bueno C, Montero J, Romecín PA, et al.
Frontiers in Pediatrics, Frontiers vol. 11
20-09-2023 - Enhancing the clinical relevance of haemorrhage prediction models in trauma
Tandle S, Wohlgemut JM, Marsden MER, Pisirir E, Kyrimi E, Stoner RS, Marsh W, Perkins ZB and Tai NRM
Military Medical Research, Springer Nature vol. 10 (1)
20-09-2023 - PiJAMA: Piano Jazz with Automatic MIDI Annotations
Edwards D, Dixon S and Benetos E
Transactions of The International Society For Music Information Retrieval, Ubiquity Press vol. 6 (1), 89-102.
15-09-2023 - Mesostructures: Beyond Spectrogram Loss in Differentiable Time–Frequency Analysis
Vahidi C, Han H, Wang C, Fazekas G, LAGRANGE M and LOSTANLEN V
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society (NEW TRENDS IN AUDIO EFFECTS II)
13-09-2023 - Reverse Engineering a Nonlinear Mix of a Multitrack Recording
Colonel J and Reiss J
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 (9), 586-595.
12-09-2023 - Mesostructures: Beyond Spectrogram Loss in Differentiable Time–Frequency Analysis
Vahidi C, Han H, Wang C, Lagrange M, Fazekas G and Lostanlen V
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 (9), 577-585.
12-09-2023 - Towards Orchestrating Physically Modelled 2D Percussion Instruments
Wolstanholme L and Mcpherson A
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) Turin, Italy 11 Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2023.
11-09-2023 - Differentiable Modelling of Percussive Audio with Transient and Spectral Synthesis
Shier J, Caspe F, Robertson A, Sandler M, Mcpherson A and Saitis C
10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association (Forum Acusticum) 11 Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2023.
11-09-2023 - Physical Modelling of Stiff Membrane Vibration using Neural Networks with Spectral Convolution Layers
De La Vega Martin C and Sandler M
Forum Acusticum 2023 Torino, Italy 11 Sep 2023 - 15 Sep 2023.
10-09-2023 - Lessons Learnt from Linear Text Segmentation: a Fair Comparison of Architectural and Sentence Encoding Strategies for Successful Segmentation
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 7 Sep 2023 - 9 Sep 2023., 408-418.
07-09-2023 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning Applications
Haleem MS
Electronics, Mdpi vol. 12 (18), 3780-3780.
07-09-2023 - Statistical Stratification and Benchmarking of Robotic Grasping Performance
Denoun B, Hansard M, Len B and Jamone L
Ieee Transactions On Robotics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 39 (6), 4539-4551.
Südholt D, Cámara M, Xu Z and Reiss JD
26th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx23)., 126-133.
Cámara M, Xu Z, Zong Y, Blanco JL and Reiss JD
26th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx23)., 29-36.
04-09-2023 - Investigation of Frequency-Specific Loudness Discomfort Levels in Listeners with Migraine: A Case-Control Study
Mourgela A, Vikelis M and Reiss JD
Ear and Hearing, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins vol. 44 (5), 1007-1013.
01-09-2023 - Beyond Playing to Win: Creating a Team of Agents With Distinct Behaviors for Automated Gameplay
Guerrero-Romero C, Lucas S and Perez-Liebana D
Ieee Transactions On Games vol. 15 (3), 469-482.
01-09-2023 - Ethics and biomedical engineering for well-being: a cocreation study of remote services for monitoring and support.
Maccaro A, Pagliara SM, Zarro M, Piaggio D, Abdulsalami F, Su W, Haleem MS and Pecchia L
Scientific Reports, Nature Research vol. 13 (1), 14322-14322.
31-08-2023 - Towards a Framework of Aesthetics in Sonic Interaction
Cunningham S, McGregor I, Weinel J, Darby J and Stockman T
Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference., 109-115.
30-08-2023 - Supervised Contrastive Learning For Musical Onset Detection
Bolt J and Fazekas G
Audio Mostly 30 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023.
30-08-2023 - Invoke: A Collaborative Virtual Reality Tool for Spatial Audio Production Using Voice-Based Trajectory Sketching
Deacon T and Barthet M
Proceedings of the 18th International Audio Mostly Conference., 161-168.
30-08-2023 - Affective Conditional Modifiers in Adaptive Video Game Music
Mcintosh T, Woscholski O and Barthet M
Audio Mostly 2023 Edinburgh, UK 29 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023.
29-08-2023 - A UAV Based Sound Acquisition System for Acoustic Monitoring of Birds
Clayton M and Wang L
2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM). vol. 00, 1-6.
27-08-2023 - Self-Supervised Representation Learning with Cross-Context Learning between Global and Hypercolumn Features
Gao Z, Feng C and Patras I
25-08-2023 - Prompting Visual-Language Models for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition
Zhao Z and Patras I
25-08-2023 - PyTAG: Challenges and Opportunities for Reinforcement Learning in Tabletop Games
Balla M, Long GEM, Jeurissen D, Goodman J, Gaina RD and Perez-Liebana D
2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 1-8.
24-08-2023 - Predictive Models and Monte Carlo Tree Search: A Pipeline for Believable Agents
Pacheco C and Perez-Liebana D
2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 1-4.
24-08-2023 - Balancing Wargames through Predicting Unit Point Costs
Long GEM, Perez-Liebana D and Samothrakis S
2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 1-8.
24-08-2023 - A case study in AI-assisted board game design
Goodman J, Wallat A, Perez-Liebana D and Lucas S
2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 1-4.
24-08-2023 - Hearing from Within a Sound: A Series of Techniques for Deconstructing and Spatialising Timbre
Wolstanholme L, Vahidi C and Mcpherson A
International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio (AES) University of Huddersfield 23 Aug 2023 - 25 Aug 2023.
23-08-2023 - FTP1.7 Critical decision analysis of pre-hospital major haemorrhage protocol activation
Wohlgemut J, McMullen H, Marsden M, Marsh W, Perkins Z and Tai N
British Journal of Surgery, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 110 (Supplement_6)
21-08-2023 - Fine-tuned RoBERTa Model with a CNN-LSTM Network for Conversational Emotion Recognition
Luo J, Phan H and Reiss J
INTERSPEECH 2023., 2413-2417.
20-08-2023 - Adapting Language-Audio Models as Few-Shot Audio Learners
Liang J, Liu X, Liu H, Phan H, Benetos E, Plumbley M and Wang W
24th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) Dublin, Ireland 20 Aug 2023 - 24 Aug 2023.
20-08-2023 - Discovering Creative Commons Sounds in Live Coding
Xambo Sedo A
Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press vol. 28 (2), 276-289. Editors: Xambo Sedo A, Roma G and Magnusson T.
14-08-2023 - FM Tone Transfer with Envelope Learning
Caspe F, Mcpherson A and Sandler M
AudioMostly 2023 Edinburgh 30 Aug 2023 - 1 Sep 2023.
10-08-2023 - Open problems in causal structure learning: A case study of COVID-19 in the UK
Constantinou A, Kitson NK, Liu Y, Chobtham K, Amirkhizi AH, Nanavati PA, Mbuvha R and Petrungaro B
Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier vol. 234
01-08-2023 - On the Integration of Machine Agents into Live Coding
Wilson E, Fazekas G and Wiggins G
Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 28 (2), 305-314.
01-08-2023 - Exploring intra-urban human mobility and daily activity patterns from the lens of dockless bike-sharing: A case study of Beijing, China
Xu X, Wang J, Poslad S, Rui X, Zhang G and Fan Y
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Elsevier vol. 122
01-08-2023 - Editorial: Live Coding Sonic Creativities
Xambo Sedo A, Roma G and Magnusson T
Organised Sound, Cambridge University Press vol. 28 (2), 147-148. Editors: Xambo Sedo A, Roma G and Magnusson T.
31-07-2023 - Depth-guided deep filtering network for efficient single image bokeh rendering
Chen Q, Zheng B, Zhou X, Huang A, Sun Y, Chen C, Yan C and Yuan S
Neural Computing and Applications, Springer vol. 35 (28), 20869-20887.
26-07-2023 - Identifying Visual Depictions of Animate Entities in Narrative Comics: An Annotation Study
Edlin L and Reiss J
Proceedings of the The 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding., 82-91.
14-07-2023 - When Materials Meet Sound: Discovering the Meaning of Deformable Materials in Musical Interaction
Zheng J, Mcpherson A and Bryan-Kinns N
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference., 312-325.
10-07-2023 - What the Sensor Knows: More-Than-Human Knowledge Co-Production in Wood Carving
Nordmoen C and McPherson AP
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference., 779-789.
10-07-2023 - Methods used to evaluate usability of mobile clinical decision support systems for healthcare emergencies: a systematic review and qualitative synthesis
Wohlgemut JM, Pisirir E, Kyrimi E, Stoner RS, Marsh W, Perkins ZB and Tai NRM
Jamia Open, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 6 (3)
04-07-2023 - Semantic integration of audio content providers through the Audio Commons Ontology
Ceriani M, Viola F, Rudan S, Antoniazzi F, Barthet M and Fazekas G
Journal of Web Semantics, Elsevier vol. 77
01-07-2023 - Data augmentation for speech separation
Alex A, Wang L, Gastaldo P and Cavallaro A
Speech Communication, Elsevier vol. 152
01-07-2023 - A deep neural architecture for harmonizing 3-D input data analysis and decision making in medical imaging
Kollias D, Arsenos A and Kollias S
Neurocomputing, Elsevier vol. 542
01-07-2023 - Towards Generalisable Video Moment Retrieval: Visual-Dynamic Injection to Image-Text Pre-Training
Luo D, Huang J, Gong S, Jin H and Liu Y
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 23045-23055.
30-06-2023 - A Process for Evaluating Explanations for Transparent and Trustworthy AI Prediction Models
Pisirir E, Wohlgemut JM, Kyrimi E, Stoner RS, Perkins ZB, Tai NRM and Marsh DWR
2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). vol. 00, 388-397.
29-06-2023 - An Integrated Sensing and Communication System for Fall Detection and Recognition Using Ultrawideband Signals
Li A, Bodanese E, Poslad S, Huang Z, Hou T, Wu K and Luo F
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 11 (1), 1509-1521.
28-06-2023 - Low-Light Video Enhancement with Synthetic Event Guidance
Liu L, An J, Liu J, Yuan S, Chen X, Zhou W, Li H, Wang YF and Tian Q
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. vol. 37 (2), 1692-1700.
26-06-2023 - A Tool for Generating Controllable Variations of Musical Themes Using Variational Autoencoders with Latent Space Regularisation
Banar B, Bryan-Kinns N and Colton S
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. vol. 37 (13), 16401-16403.
26-06-2023 - Self-Supervised Video Similarity Learning
Kordopatis-Zilos G, Tolias G, Tzelepis C, Kompatsiaris I, Patras I and Papadopoulos S
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). vol. 00, 4756-4766.
24-06-2023 - NeRFVS: Neural Radiance Fields for Free View Synthesis via Geometry Scaffolds
Yang C, Li P, Zhou Z, Yuan S, Liu B, Yang X, Qiu W and Shen W
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 16549-16558.
24-06-2023 - MaskCon: Masked Contrastive Learning for Coarse-Labelled Dataset
Feng C and Patras I
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 19913-19922.
24-06-2023 - LASP: Text-to-Text Optimization for Language-Aware Soft Prompting of Vision & Language Models
Bulat A and Tzimiropoulos G
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 23232-23241.
24-06-2023 - Attribute-Preserving Face Dataset Anonymization via Latent Code Optimization
Barattin S, Tzelepis C, Patras I and Sebe N
2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 8001-8010.
24-06-2023 - Towards Mode Balancing of Generative Models via Diversity Weights
Berns S, Colton S and Guckelsberger C
14th International Conference on Computational Creativity.
19-06-2023 - Neuro-Symbolic Composition of Music with Talking Points
Cardinale S, Colton S and Banar B
14th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2023) 19 Jun 2023 - 23 Jun 2023.
19-06-2023 - Collaboration on the Tracks: Ethnographically-Informed Design for Computer-Assisted Music Collaboration between Producers and Performers
Montague LE and Barthet M
Creativity and Cognition., 391-392.
19-06-2023 - Classifying hypertension mediated left ventricular hypertrophy phenotypes from the 12-lead electrocardiogram using machine learning
Naderi H, Ramirez J, Van Duijvenboden S, Ruiz Pujadas E, Aung N, Wang L, Chahal CAA, Lekadir K, Petersen SE and Munroe PB
European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Imaging, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 24 (Supplement_1)
19-06-2023 - DivClust: Controlling Diversity in Deep Clustering
Maniadis Metaxas I, Tzimiropoulos G and Patras I
The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023.
Riley X, Dixon S and Riley J
Sound and Music Computing Conference Stockholm, Sweden 13 Jun 2023 - 17 Jun 2023.
17-06-2023 - A Comparison Of Deep Learning MOS Predictors For Speech Synthesis Quality
Ragano A, Benetos E, Chinen M, Becerra H, Chandan Karadagur Ananda R, Skoglund J and Hines A
Irish Signals & Systems Conference 2023 Dublin, Ireland 13 Jun 2023 - 14 Jun 2023.
13-06-2023 - Multimodal Topic Segmentation of Podcast Shows with Pre-trained Neural Encoders
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval., 602-606.
12-06-2023 - Controllable image generation and manipulation
Patras I
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation., 1-1.
12-06-2023 - A Comparative Analysis Of Latent Regressor Losses For Singing Voice Conversion
O'Connor B and Dixon S
Sound and Music Computing Stockholm, Sweden 14 Jun 2023 - 17 Jun 2023., 289-295.
12-06-2023 - Sinusoidal Frequency Estimation by Gradient Descent
Hayes B, Saitis C and Fazekas G
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Rigid-Body Sound Synthesis with Differentiable Modal Resonators
Diaz R, Hayes B, Saitis C, Fazekas G and Sandler M
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - HIPI: A Hierarchical Performer Identification Model Based on Symbolic Representation of Music
Rafee SRM, Fazekas G and Wiggins G
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Data-Driven Covid-19 Detection Through Medical Imaging
Arsenos A, Davidhi A, Kollias D, Prassopoulos P and Kollias S
2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Cross-Modal Fusion Techniques for Utterance-Level Emotion Recognition from Text and Speech
Luo J, Phan H and Reiss J
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Conditioning and Sampling in Variational Diffusion Models for Speech Super-Resolution
Yu C-Y, Yeh S-L, Fazekas G and Tang H
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Batch-Ensemble Stochastic Neural Networks for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Chen X, Li Y and Yang Y
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - AI-Enabled Analysis of 3-D CT Scans for Diagnosis of COVID-19 & its Severity
Kollias D, Arsenos A and Kollias S
2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Workshops (ICASSPW). vol. 00, 1-5.
10-06-2023 - Autoregressive Self-Evaluation: A Case Study of Music Generation Using Large Language Models
Banar B and Colton S
2023 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI). vol. 00, 264-265.
06-06-2023 - Modelling Black-Box Audio Effects with Time-Varying Feature Modulation
Comunità M, Steinmetz CJ, Phan H and Reiss JD
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)., 1-5.
04-06-2023 - Disentangling the Horowitz Factor: Learning Content and Style From Expressive Piano Performance
Zhang H and Dixon S
ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)., 1-5.
Yu C-Y, Yeh S-L, Fazekas G and Tang H
2023 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing Rhodes Island, Greece 4 Jun 2023 - 10 Jun 2023.
04-06-2023 - Audio Quality Assessment of Vinyl Music Collections Using Self-Supervised Learning
Ragano A, Benetos E and Hines A
2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 4 Jun 2023 - 10 Jun 2023., 1-5.
04-06-2023 - Predicting left ventricular hypertrophy from the 12-lead electrocardiogram in the UK Biobank imaging study using machine learning
Munroe P
European Heart Journal – Digital Health, Oxford University Press
01-06-2023 - F0 analysis of Ghanaian pop singing reveals progressive alignment with equal temperament over the past three decades: a case study
Roman Guzman I
20th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2023.
01-06-2023 - CoviDetector: A transfer learning-based semi supervised approach to detect Covid-19 using CXR images
Chowdhury D, Das A, Dey A, Banerjee S, Golec M, Kollias D, Kumar M, Kaur G, Kaur R, Arya RC, Wander G, Wander P, Wander GS, Parlikad AK, Gill SS and Uhlig S
Benchcouncil Transactions On Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations, Elsevier Bv vol. 3 (2), 100119-100119.
01-06-2023 - Transmitting Digital Lutherie Knowledge: The Rashomon Effect for DMI Designers
Zayas-Garin E, Nordmoen C and Mcpherson A
New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2023 Mexico City 31 May 2023 - 3 Jun 2023.
31-05-2023 - Pipeline for recording datasets and running neural networks on the Bela embedded hardware platform
Pelinski Ramos T, Diaz Fernandez R, Benito Temprano AL and Mcpherson A
NIME 2023 Mexico City, Mexico 31 May 2023 - 2 Jun 2023.
31-05-2023 - Few-shot Class-incremental Audio Classification Using Dynamically Expanded Classifier with Self-attention Modified Prototypes
Li Y, Cao W, Xie W, Li J and Benetos E
Ieee Transactions On Multimedia, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 26, 1346-1360.
25-05-2023 - Modulation Extraction for LFO-driven Audio Effects
Mitcheltree C, Steinmetz CJ, Comunita M and Reiss JD
International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx) Copenhagen, Denmark 4 Sep 2023 - 7 Sep 2023.
22-05-2023 - An embedded multichannel sound acquisition system for drone audition
Clayton M, Wang L, Mcpherson A and Cavallaro A
Ieee Sensors Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
10-05-2023 - The SONICOM HRTF Dataset
Engel I, Daugintis R, Vicente T, Hogg AOT, Pauwels J, Tournier AJ and Picinali L
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 71 (5), 241-253.
09-05-2023 - On the relevance of the differences between HRTF measurement setups for machine learning
Pauwels J and Picinali L
2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2023).
05-05-2023 - Chaos Bells: Instrument Size and Entangled Music Performance
Mice L and McPherson AP
Contemporary Music Review, Taylor & Francis vol. 42 (3), 363-375.
04-05-2023 - Adoption of AI Technology in the Music Mixing Workflow: An Investigation
Vanka S, Safi M, Rolland J-B and Fazekas G
AES Europe Convention 2023 Helsinki, Finland 13 May 2023 - 15 May 2023.
02-05-2023 - “Give me happy pop songs in C major and with a fast tempo”: A vocal assistant for content-based queries to online music repositories
Turchet L, Zanotto C and Pauwels J
International Journal of Human Computer Studies vol. 173
01-05-2023 - SketchSynth: a browser-based sketching interface for sound control
Lobbers S and Fazekas G
International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) Mexico City, Mexico 31 May 2023 - 2 Jun 2023., 637-641.
01-05-2023 - Towards Managing Uncertain Geo-Information for Drilling Disasters Using Event Tracking Sensitivity Analysis
Tavakoli S, Poslad S, Fruhwirth R, Winter M and Zeiner H
Sensors, Mdpi vol. 23 (9), 4292-4292.
26-04-2023 - Deep-Learning-Driven Techniques for Real-Time Multimodal Health and Physical Data Synthesis
Haleem MS, Ekuban A, Antonini A, Pagliara S, Pecchia L and Allocca C
Electronics, Mdpi vol. 12 (9), 1989-1989.
25-04-2023 - Artificial Intelligence-Based Ethical Hacking for Health Information Systems: Simulation Study.
He Y, Zamani E, Yevseyeva I and Luo C
Jmir, Journal of Medical Internet Research vol. 25, e41748-e41748.
25-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care: Opportunities & Barriers for technology in RA -Key themes from Qualitative arm of Mixed-Methods Study
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H, Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
British SOciety for Rheumatology Annual COnference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care, questionnaire study: Opportunities for technology to improve RA care
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H, Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care Questionnaire study: Barriers to People with RA & their clinicians using Technology in the care pathway
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Humby F, Marsh D, Soyel H, Fenton N and Pitzalis C
British Society for Rheumatology Annual COnference 2023 Manchester Central 24 Mar 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - QCBA: improving rule classifiers learned from quantitative data by recovering information lost by discretisation
Kliegr T and Izquierdo E
Applied Intelligence, Springer Nature vol. 53 (18), 20797-20827.
22-04-2023 - Computing ecosystems: neural networks and embedded hardware platforms
Pelinski Ramos T, Caspe F, Mcpherson A and Sandler M
CHI 2023 Hamburg, Germany 23 May 2023 - 28 May 2023.
22-04-2023 - MOAB: Multi-Modal Outer Arithmetic Block for Fusion of Histopathological Images and Genetic Data for Brain Tumor Grading
Alwazzan O, Khan A, Patras I and Slabaugh G
2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). vol. 00, 1-5.
21-04-2023 - The Responsibility Problem in Neural Networks with Unordered Targets
Hayes B, Saitis C and Fazekas G
International Conference on Learning Representations.
19-04-2023 - Negotiating Experience and Communicating Information Through Abstract Metaphor
Reed CN, Strohmeier P and McPherson AP
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 1-16.
19-04-2023 - Regression-Based Camera Pose Estimation through Multi-Level Local Features and Global Features
Xu M, Zhang Z, Gong Y and Poslad S
Sensors, Mdpi vol. 23 (8)
18-04-2023 - Development of an artificial intelligence system to identify hypoglycaemia via ECG in adults with type 1 diabetes: protocol for data collection under controlled and free-living conditions.
Cisuelo O, Stokes K, Oronti IB, Haleem MS, Barber TM, Weickert MO, Pecchia L and Hattersley J
Bmj Open, Bmj Publishing Group vol. 13 (4), e067899-e067899.
18-04-2023 - Following the Leader in Multiplayer Tabletop Games
Goodman J, Perez-Liebana D and Lucas S
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games., 1-11.
12-04-2023 - Designing for Playfulness in Human-AI Authoring Tools
Liapis A, Guckelsberger C, Zhu J, Harteveld C, Kriglstein S, Denisova A, Gow J and Preuss M
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games., 1-4.
12-04-2023 - The impact of prior knowledge on causal structure learning
Constantinou AC, Guo Z and Kitson NK
Knowledge and Information Systems, Springer Nature vol. 65 (8), 3385-3434.
08-04-2023 - Diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination to identify life- and limb-threatening injuries in trauma patients
Wohlgemut JM, Marsden MER, Stoner RS, Pisirir E, Kyrimi E, Grier G, Christian M, Hurst T, Marsh W, Tai NRM and Perkins ZB
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, Springer Nature vol. 31 (1)
07-04-2023 - AI4PCR: Artificial intelligence for practicing conflict resolution
Hsu A and Chaudhary D
Computers in Human Behavior Artificial Humans, Elsevier vol. 1 (1), 100002-100002.
04-04-2023 - SketchSynth: Cross-Modal Control of Sound Synthesis
Lobbers S, Thorpe L and Fazekas G
EvoMUSART Brno, Czech Republic 12 Apr 2023 - 14 Apr 2023.
01-04-2023 - Neural operator search
Li W, Gong S and Zhu X
Pattern Recognition, Elsevier vol. 136, 109215-109215.
01-04-2023 - Deep learning models for single-channel speech enhancement on drones
Mukhutdinov D, Alex A, Cavallaro A and Wang L
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1-1.
06-03-2023 - Just To See You Smile: SMILEY, a Voice-Guided
Yang Q, Tzelepis C, Nikolenko S, Patras I and Farseev A
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining., 1196-1199.
27-02-2023 - The Body as Sound: Unpacking Vocal Embodiment through Auditory Biofeedback
Reed CN and McPherson AP
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction., 1-15.
26-02-2023 - A Tool for Composing Music via Graphic Scores in the style of György Ligeti’s Artikulation using Self-supervised Representation Learning
Banar B and Colton S
AAAI 2023 The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence - Creative AI Across Modalities Workshop.
13-02-2023 - Ai-mia: Covid-19 detection & severity analysis through medical imaging
Kollias D
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV).
12-02-2023 - Improving the imputation of missing data with Markov Blanket discovery
Liu Y and Constantinou A
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR-2023).
08-02-2023 - Improving Dynamic HDR Imaging with Fusion Transformer
Chen R, Zheng B, Zhang H, Chen Q, Yan C, Slabaugh G and Yuan S
Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. vol. 37 (1), 340-349.
07-02-2023 - A Four-Point Camera Calibration Method for Sport Videos
Zhang N and Izquierdo E
Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 33 (8), 3811-3821.
06-02-2023 - Timbre Semantic Associations Vary Both Between and Within Instruments
Reymore L, Noble J, Saitis C, Traube C and Wallmark Z
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, University of California Press vol. 40 (3), 253-274.
01-02-2023 - Artificial intelligence for non-invasive glycaemic-events detection via ECG in a paediatric population: study protocol.
Andellini M, Haleem S, Angelini M, Ritrovato M, Schiaffini R, Iadanza E and Pecchia L
Health and Technology, Springer vol. 13 (1), 145-154.
23-01-2023 - A survey of Bayesian Network structure learning
Kitson NK, Constantinou AC, Guo Z, Liu Y and Chobtham K
Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer
17-01-2023 - Mutual Cross-Attention in Dyadic Fusion Networks for Audio-Video Emotion Recognition
Luo J, Phan H, Wang L and Reiss J
2023 11th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). vol. 00, 1-7.
13-01-2023 - StyleMask: Disentangling the Style Space of StyleGAN2 for Neural Face Reenactment
Bounareli S, Tzelepis C, Argyriou V, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG). vol. 00, 1-8.
08-01-2023 - Reflection on Teaching Observation for Computer Science and Engineering to Design Effective Teaching Resources in Transnational Higher Education
Gill SS, Thibodeau D, Kaur R, Naeem U and Stockman A
Handbook of Research On Developments and Future Trends in Transnational Higher Education, Igi Global
05-01-2023 - From Keypoints to Object Landmarks via Self-Training Correspondence: A novel approach to Unsupervised Landmark Discovery
Mallis D, Sanchez E, Bell M and Tzimiropoulos G
Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
04-01-2023 - The Song Describer Dataset: a Corpus of Audio Captions for Music-and-Language Evaluation.
Manco I, Weck B, Doh S, Won M, Zhang Y, Bogdanov D, Wu Y, Chen K, Tovstogan P, Benetos E, Quinton E, Fazekas G and Nam J
Corr vol. abs/2311.10057
01-01-2023 - The Internet of Sounds: Convergent Trends, Insights, and Future Directions
Turchet L, Lagrange M, Rottondi C, Fazekas G, Peters N, Østergaard J, Font F, Bäckström T and Fischione C
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 10 (13), 11264-11292.
01-01-2023 - The Hartufo toolkit for machine learning with HRTF data
Pauwels J
International Conference on Spatial and Immersive Audio 2023., 218-229.
01-01-2023 - StyleMask: Disentangling the Style Space of StyleGAN2 for Neural Face Reenactment.
Bounareli S, Tzelepis C, Argyriou V, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
FG., 1-8.
01-01-2023 - SimDETR: Simplifying self-supervised pretraining for DETR.
Metaxas IM, Bulat A, Patras I, Martínez B and Tzimiropoulos G
Corr vol. abs/2307.15697
01-01-2023 - Self-Supervised Video Similarity Learning.
Kordopatis-Zilos G, Tolias G, Tzelepis C, Kompatsiaris I, Patras I and Papadopoulos S
CVPR Workshops., 4756-4766.
01-01-2023 - Prompting Visual-Language Models for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition.
Zhao Z and Patras I
BMVC., 98-98.
01-01-2023 - Prompting Visual-Language Models for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition.
Zhao Z and Patras I
CoRR. vol. abs/2308.13382
01-01-2023 - Preface
Bestagini P, Dixon S, Liang B, Richard G, Sarti A, Antonacci F and Sandler M
24th International Society For Music Information Retrieval Conference, Ismir 2023 - Proceedings, xi-xvi.
01-01-2023 - Posterior Sampling for Deep Reinforcement Learning
Sasso R, Conserva M and Rauber P
International Conference on Machine Learning. vol. 202, 30042-30061.
01-01-2023 - Parts of Speech-Grounded Subspaces in Vision-Language Models.
Oldfield J, Tzelepis C, Panagakis Y, Nicolaou MA and Patras I
CoRR. vol. abs/2305.14053
01-01-2023 - PandA: Unsupervised Learning of Parts and Appearances in the Feature Maps of GANs.
Oldfield J, Tzelepis C, Panagakis Y, Nicolaou M and Patras I
Yang Y and Hospedales TM
Proceedings of Machine Learning Research. vol. 232, 415-436.
Oldfield J, Tzelepis C, Panagakis Y, Nicolaou MA and Patras I
11th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023.
01-01-2023 - Multi-View Video Synthesis Through Progressive Synthesis and Refinement
Lakhal M, Lanz O and Cavallaro A
Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications., 230-238.
01-01-2023 - Multi-Label Compound Expression Recognition: C-EXPR Database & Network
Kollias D
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
01-01-2023 - Mixture of Normalizing Flows for European Option Pricing
Yang Y and Hospedales TM
UAI. vol. 216, 2390-2399.
01-01-2023 - Measuring InterSubjective Agreement on Units and Attributions in Comics with Annotation Experiments
Edlin L and Reiss J
Zeitschrift Fur Semiotik vol. 45 (1-2), 57-95.
01-01-2023 - Machine Learning Approaches for Fine-Grained Symptom Estimation in Schizophrenia: A Comprehensive Review.
Foteinopoulou NM and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2310.16677
Bunks C, Weyde T, Dixon S and Di Giorgi B
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2023 - Proceedings., 757-764.
01-01-2023 - Low-Light Image Enhancement Based on U-Net and Haar Wavelet Pooling
Batziou E, Ioannidis K, Patras I, Vrochidis S and Kompatsiaris I
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 13834, 510-522.
01-01-2023 - Improved HardNet and Stricter Outlier Filtering to Guide Reliable Matching
Xu M, Shen C, Zhang J, Wang Z, Ruan Z, Poslad S and Xu P
Computers Materials & Continua, Tech Science Press vol. 75 (3), 4785-4803.
01-01-2023 - HyperReenact: One-Shot Reenactment via Jointly Learning to Refine and Retarget Faces.
Bounareli S, Tzelepis C, Argyriou V, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
ICCV., 7115-7125.
01-01-2023 - High-Fidelity Noise Reduction with Differentiable Signal Processing
Steinmetz CJ, Walther T and Reiss JD
AES New York 2023: 155th Audio Engineering Society Convention.
01-01-2023 - Elastic Monte Carlo Tree Search
Xu L, Dockhorn A and Perez-Liebana D
Ieee Transactions On Games
01-01-2023 - DeepWE: A Deep Bayesian Active Learning Waypoint Estimator for Indoor Walkers
Huang Z, Poslad S, Li Q, Yang B, Xia J, Wu B, Luan Z and Fan Y
Ieee Internet of Things Journal, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 10 (11), 9738-9752.
Das A, Yang Y, Hospedales T, Xiang T and Song YZ
11th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023.
01-01-2023 - Attribute-Preserving Face Dataset Anonymization via Latent Code Optimization.
Barattin S, Tzelepis C, Patras I and Sebe N
CVPR., 8001-8010.
01-01-2023 - Artistic neural style transfer using CycleGAN and FABEMD by adaptive information selection
Batziou E, Ioannidis K, Patras I, Vrochidis S and Kompatsiaris I
Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier vol. 165, 55-62.
01-01-2023 - An Ecosystem Framework for the Meta in Esport Games
Thaicharoen S, Gow J and Drachen A
Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports, Human Kinetics vol. 1 (1)
01-01-2023 - Abaw: Valence-arousal estimation, expression recognition, action unit detection & emotional reaction intensity estimation challenges
Kollias D
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
01-01-2023 - ABAW: Learning from Synthetic Data & Multi-task Learning Challenges
Kollias D
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 13806, 157-172.
01-01-2023 - A Simple Baseline for Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering.
Xenos A, Stafylakis T, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
EMNLP., 14871-14877. Editors: Bouamor H, Pino J and Bali K.
01-01-2023 - A Simple Baseline for Knowledge-Based Visual Question Answering
Xenos A, Stafylakis T, Patras I and Tzimiropoulos G
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing., 14871-14877.