- FGF7–FGFR2 autocrine signaling increases growth and chemoresistance of fusion‐positive rhabdomyosarcomas
Milton CI, Selfe J, Aladowicz E, Man SYK, Bernauer C, Missiaglia E, Walters ZS, Gatz SA, Kelsey A, Generali M, Box G, Valenti M, de Haven‐Brandon A, Galiwango D, Hayes A, Clarke M, Izquierdo E, De Castro DG, Raynaud FI, Kirkin V, et al.
Molecular Oncology, Wiley vol. 16 (6), 1272-1289.
18-12-2021 - OHPL: One-shot Hand-eye Policy Learner
Oh C, Pang YL and Cavallaro A
2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)., 3904-3910.
16-12-2021 - Steerable discovery of neural audio effects
Steinmetz C and Reiss J
5th Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design at NeurIPS.
15-12-2021 - A General Framework for Visualization of Sound Collections in Musical Interfaces
Roma G, Xambo Sedo A, Green O and Tremblay PA
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 11 (24), 11926-11926.
15-12-2021 - Exploring XAI for the Arts: Explaining Latent Space in Generative Music
Bryan-Kinns N, Banar B, Ford C, Reed C, Zhang Y, Colton S and Armitage J
NeurIPS 2021 - eXplainable AI Approaches for Debugging and Diagnosis Workshop.
14-12-2021 - A Convolutional-Attentional Neural Framework for Structure-Aware Performance-Score Synchronization
Agrawal R, Wolff D and Dixon S
Ieee Signal Processing Letters vol. 29, 344-348.
14-12-2021 - Validation of a Musculoskeletal Digital Assessment Routing Tool: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Crossover Noninferiority Trial
Lowe C, Sing HH, Marsh W and Morrissey D
Jmir Research Protocols, Jmir Publications vol. 10 (12)
13-12-2021 - A High Accuracy Camera Calibration Method for Sport Videos
Zhang N and Izquierdo E
2021 International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP). vol. 00, 1-5.
08-12-2021 - Fine-Grained VR Sketching: Dataset and Insights.
Luo L, Gryaditskaya Y, Yang Y, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
2021 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV). vol. 00, 1003-1013.
03-12-2021 - Developing BENDi: A BayEsian Network DecIsion support tool for managing low back pain
Hill A, Keith-Jopp C, Joyner C, Marsh W and Morrissey D
Physiotherapy vol. 113, e83-e83.
01-12-2021 - SSR: An Efficient and Robust Framework for Learning with Unknown Label Noise
Feng C, Tzimiropoulos G and Patras I
22-11-2021 - mHealth apps for gestational diabetes mellitus that provide clinical decision support or artificial intelligence: A scoping review
Daley BJ, Ni’Man M, Neves MR, Huda MSB, Marsh W, Fenton NE, Hitman GA and McLachlan S
Diabetic Medicine, Wiley vol. 39 (1)
16-11-2021 - micarraylib: Software for Reproducible Aggregation, Standardization, and Signal Processing of Microphone Array Datasets.
Roman Guzman I and Bello J
Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2021.
15-11-2021 - Zero-shot Singing Technique Conversion
O'Connor B, Fazekas G and Dixon S
Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research Tokyo 15 Nov 2021 - 19 Nov 2021., 235-244.
15-11-2021 - Pitch-informed instrument assignment using a deep convolutional network with multiple kernel shapes
Vianna Lordelo C, Benetos E, Dixon S and Ahlbäck S
22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) 9 Nov 2021 - 12 Nov 2021., 389-395.
09-11-2021 - Real-time binaural room modelling for augmented reality applications
Yeoward C, Shukla R, Stewart R, Sandler M and Reiss J
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society
08-11-2021 - Filosax: A Dataset of Annotated Jazz Saxophone Recordings
Foster D and Dixon S
22nd International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Online 8 Nov 2021 - 12 Nov 2021.
08-11-2021 - Video Summarization Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
Apostolidis E, Adamantidou E, Metsai AI, Mezaris V and Patras I
Proceedings of The Ieee, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 109 (11), 1838-1863.
01-11-2021 - Analysis of mental and physical disorders associated with COVID-19 in online health forums: a natural language processing study
Patel R, Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M, Irving J and Bessant C
Bmj Open, Bmj vol. 11 (11)
01-11-2021 - CBREN: Convolutional Neural Networks for Constant Bit Rate Video Quality Enhancement
Zhao H, Zheng B, Yuan S, Zhang H, Yan C, Li L and Slabaugh G
Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 32 (7), 4138-4149.
27-10-2021 - Detecting cover songs with pitch class key-invariant networks
O'Hanlon K, Benetos E and Dixon S
IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP) Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia 25 Oct 2021 - 28 Oct 2021.
25-10-2021 - WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space
Tzelepis C, Tzimiropoulos G and Patras I
2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). vol. 00, 6373-6382.
17-10-2021 - MIA-COV19D: COVID-19 Detection through 3-D Chest CT Image Analysis
Kollias D, Arsenos A, Soukissian L and Kollias S
2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW). vol. 00, 537-544.
17-10-2021 - Analysing Affective Behavior in the second ABAW2 Competition
Kollias D and Zafeiriou S
2021 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW). vol. 00, 3645-3653.
17-10-2021 - WaveBeat: End-to-end beat and downbeat tracking in the time domain
Steinmetz CJ and Reiss JD
151st Audio Engineering Society Convention 11 Oct 2021 - 13 Oct 2021.
13-10-2021 - ApparelNet: Person Verification Encompassing Auxiliary Attachments Variation
Hassan B and Izquierdo E
2021 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP). vol. 00, 1-6.
08-10-2021 - A Suite of Robotic Solutions for Nuclear Waste Decommissioning
Vitanov I, Farkhatdinov I, Denoun B, Palermo F, Otaran A, Brown J, Omarali B, Abrar T, Hansard M, Oh C, Poslad S, Liu C, Godaba H, Zhang K, Jamone L and Althoefer K
Robotics vol. 10 (4), 112-112.
07-10-2021 - Multi-modal robotic visual-tactile localisation and detection of surface cracks
Palermo F, Rincon-Ardila L, Oh C, Althoefer K, Poslad S, Venture G and Farkhatdinov I
2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.
05-10-2021 - Discrete versus Ordinal Time-Continuous Believability Assessment
Pacheco C, Melhart D, Liapis A, Yannakakis GN and Perez-Liebana D
2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW). vol. 00, 1-7.
01-10-2021 - Trace It Like You Believe It: Time-Continuous Believability Prediction
Pacheco C, Melhart D, Liapis A, Yannakakis GN and Perez-Liebana D
2021 9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII).
28-09-2021 - Student-Initiated Action Advising via Advice Novelty
Ilhan E, Gow J and Perez D
Ieee Transactions On Games
22-09-2021 - Semantically Adversarial Learnable Filters
Shahin Shamsabadi A, Oh C and Cavallaro A
Ieee Transactions On Image Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
20-09-2021 - An empirically-based spatial segmentation and coreference annotation scheme for comics
Edlin L and Reiss J
The 14th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction., 1-8.
06-09-2021 - Time adaptive ECG driven cardiovascular disease detector
Haleem MS, Castaldo R, Pagliara SM, Petretta M, Salvatore M, Franzese M and Pecchia L
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier vol. 70
01-09-2021 - Pairwise Ranking Network for Affect Recognition
Zoumpourlis G and Patras I
9th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2021).
01-09-2021 - Embrace the Weirdness: Negotiating Values Inscribed into Music Technology
Lepri G and McPherson A
Computer Music Journal, Mit Press vol. 45 (3), 39-57.
01-09-2021 - Dynamic multi-period sparse portfolio selection model with asymmetric investors’ sentiments
Wei J, Yang Y, Jiang M and Liu J
Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier vol. 177
01-09-2021 - Guitar Effects Recognition and Parameter Estimation With Convolutional Neural Networks
Comunità M, Stowell D and Reiss JD
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 69 (7/8), 594-604.
31-08-2021 - Vocal Harmony Separation using Time-domain Neural Networks
Sarkar S, Benetos E and Sandler M
22nd Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH) Brno, Czech Republic 30 Aug 2021 - 3 Sep 2021., 3515-3519.
30-08-2021 - Computational Pronunciation Analysis in Sung Utterances
Demirel E, Ahlbäck S and Dixon S
European Signal Processing Conference. vol. 2021-August, 186-190.
27-08-2021 - Few-Shot Action Localization without Knowing Boundaries
Xie T-T, Tzelepis C, Fu F and Patras I
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval., 339-348.
24-08-2021 - Violinist identification based on vibrato features
Zhao Y, Wang C, Fazekas G, Benetos E and Sandler M
29th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 23 Aug 2021 - 27 Aug 2021., 381-385.
23-08-2021 - MAP-Elites to Generate a Team of Agents that Elicits Diverse Automated Gameplay
Guerrero Romero C and Perez-Liebana D
2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 17 Aug 2021 - 20 Aug 2021.
17-08-2021 - Incorporating Prior Financial Domain Knowledge into Neural Networks for Implied Volatility Surface Prediction
Zheng Y, Yang Y and Chen B
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining., 3968-3975.
14-08-2021 - Towards safe human-to-robot handovers of unknown containers
Pang YL, Xompero A, Oh C and Cavallaro A
IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). vol. 00, 51-58.
12-08-2021 - Causal Dynamic Bayesian Networks for the Management of Glucose Control in Gestational Diabetes
Neves MR, Daley BJ, Hitman GA, Huda MSB, McLachlan S, Finer S and Marsh W
2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). vol. 00, 31-40.
12-08-2021 - Discovering Common Practice: Using Graph Theory to Compare Harmonic Sequences in Musical Audio Collections
Miller J, Nicosia V and Sandler M
8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology., 93-97.
28-07-2021 - DoReMi: First glance at a universal OMR dataset
Shatri E and Fazekas G
3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems Alicante, Spain 23 Jul 2021. Editors: Calvo Zaragoza J, Pacha A and Shatri E.
23-07-2021 - A Gaussian Process model for UAV localization using millimetre wave radar
Paredes JA, Álvarez FJ, Hansard M and Rajab KZ
Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier vol. 185
16-07-2021 - The evolution of drum modes with strike intensity: Analysis and synthesis using the discrete cosine transforma)
Kirby T and Sandler M
The Journal of The Acoustical Society of America, Acoustical Society of America (Asa) vol. 150 (1), 202-214.
01-07-2021 - Reverse engineering of a recording mix with differentiable digital signal processing
Colonel JT and Reiss J
The Journal of The Acoustical Society of America, Acoustical Society of America (Asa) vol. 150 (1), 608-619.
01-07-2021 - Portfolio Search and Optimization for General Strategy Game-Playing
Dockhorn A, Hurtado-Grueso J, Jeurissen D, Xu L and Perez-Liebana D
2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). vol. 00, 2085-2092.
01-07-2021 - User HRTF Selection for 3D Auditory Mixed Reality
Shukla R, Stewart R and Sandler M
Sound and Music Computing Conference Online 29 Jun 2021 - 1 Jul 2021.
30-06-2021 - Person recognition across multi-session and multi-exemplar images using ensemble of classifiers
Hassan B and Izquierdo E
Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2021). vol. 11878
30-06-2021 - Vectorization and Rasterization: Self-Supervised Learning for Sketch and Handwriting
Bhunia AK, Chowdhury PN, Yang Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 5668-5677.
25-06-2021 - StyleMeUp: Towards Style-Agnostic Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
Sain A, Bhunia AK, Yang Y, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 8500-8509.
25-06-2021 - More Photos are All You Need: Semi-Supervised Learning for Fine-Grained Sketch Based Image Retrieval
Bhunia AK, Chowdhury PN, Sain A, Yang Y, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 4245-4254.
25-06-2021 - Context-Aware Layout to Image Generation with Enhanced Object Appearance
He S, Liao W, Yang MY, Yang Y, Song Y-Z, Rosenhahn B and Xiang T
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 15044-15053.
25-06-2021 - Cloud2Curve: Generation and Vectorization of Parametric Sketches
Das A, Yang Y, Hospedales T, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
2021 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 7084-7093.
25-06-2021 - Genomic Classification and Clinical Outcome in Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report From an International Consortium
Shern JF, Selfe J, Izquierdo E, Patidar R, Chou H-C, Song YK, Yohe ME, Sindiri S, Wei J, Wen X, Rudzinski ER, Barkauskas DA, Lo T, Hall D, Linardic CM, Hughes D, Jamal S, Jenney M, Chisholm J, Brown R, et al.
Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (Asco) vol. 39 (26), 2859-2871.
24-06-2021 - Large-scale multimedia signal processing for security and digital forensics [SI 1163]
Izquierdo E, Chandramouli K, Ho ATS and Kim HJ
Multimedia Tools and Applications vol. 80 (15), 23313-23317.
21-06-2021 - Generating Music with Extreme Passages using GPT-2
Banar B and Colton S
Evo* 2021.
17-06-2021 - Structure-Aware Audio-to-Score Alignment Using Progressively Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks
Agrawal R, Wolff D and Dixon S
ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 6 Jun 2021 - 11 Jun 2021.
06-06-2021 - Low resource audio-to-lyrics alignment from polyphonic music recordings
Demirel E, Ahlbäck S and Dixon S
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 6 Jun 2021 - 11 Jun 2021. vol. 2021-June, 586-590.
06-06-2021 - Live Coding with the Cloud and a Virtual Agent
Xambo Sedo A, Roma G, Roig S and Solaz E
NIME 2021.
01-06-2021 - Usability Testing of a Digital Assessment Routing Tool: Protocol for an Iterative Convergent Mixed Methods Study
Lowe C, Sing HH, Browne M, Alwashmi MF, Marsh W and Morrissey D
Jmir Research Protocols, Jmir Publications vol. 10 (5)
18-05-2021 - Simple and Effective Stochastic Neural Networks
Yu T, Yang Y, Li D, Hospedales T and Xiang T
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. vol. 35 (4), 3252-3260.
18-05-2021 - Reinforcement Learning in Sparse-Reward Environments with Hindsight Policy Gradients
Rauber P, Ummadisingu A, Mutz F and Schmidhuber J
Neural Computation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (Mit Press)
13-05-2021 - A comprehensive scoping review of Bayesian networks in healthcare: Past, present and future
Kyrimi E, McLachlan S, Dube K, Neves MR, Fahmi A and Fenton N
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier vol. 117
13-05-2021 - Danesh: Interactive Tools for Understanding Procedural Content Generators
Cook M, Gow J, Smith G and Colton S
Ieee Transactions On Games, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 14 (3), 329-338.
07-05-2021 - Anomalous behaviour in loss-gradient based interpretability methods
Subramanian V, Gururani S, Benetos E and Sandler M
RobustML workshop paper at ICLR 2021.
07-05-2021 - COSMIC: A Conversational Interface for Human-AI Music Co-Creation
Zhang Y, Xia G, Levy M and Dixon S
New Interfaces for Musical Expression 18 Jun 2021 - 14 Jul 2021.
29-04-2021 - Bayesian networks in healthcare: What is preventing their adoption?
Kyrimi E, Dube K, Fenton N, Fahmi A, Neves MR, Marsh W and McLachlan S
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier vol. 116
22-04-2021 - FifthNet: Structured Compact Neural Networks for Automatic Chord Recognition
OHanlon K and Sandler MB
Ieee/Acm Transactions On Audio Speech and Language Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 29, 2671-2682.
09-04-2021 - Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms for General Video Game Playing
Gaina RD, Devlin S, Lucas SM and Perez D
Ieee Transactions On Games, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
18-02-2021 - Machine Learning for Predictive Modelling of Ambulance Calls
Yu M, Kollias D, Wingate J, Siriwardena N and Kollias S
Electronics, Mdpi vol. 10 (4)
18-02-2021 - Interactive Audio Augmented Reality in Participatory Performance
Nagele AN, Bauer V, Healey PGT, Reiss JD, Cooke H, Cowlishaw T, Baume C and Pike C
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, Frontiers vol. 1, 610320-610320.
12-02-2021 - Large-scale empirical validation of Bayesian Network structure learning algorithms with noisy data.
Constantinou AC, Liu Y, Chobtham K, Guo Z and Kitson NK
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier vol. abs/2005.09020
25-01-2021 - Modeling Acceleration Properties for Flexible INTRA HEVC Complexity Control
Huang Y, Song L, Xie R, Izquierdo E and Zhang W
Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 31 (11), 4454-4469.
22-01-2021 - SSDL: Self-Supervised Domain Learning for Improved Face Recognition
Arachchilage SW and Izquierdo E
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). vol. 00, 8117-8124.
15-01-2021 - Deep Homography-Based Video Stabilization
Ito MS and Izquierdo E
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). vol. 00, 8819-8825.
15-01-2021 - A Bayesian Network Decision Support Tool for Low Back Pain Using a RAND Appropriateness Procedure: Proposal and Internal Pilot Study
Hill A, Joyner CH, Keith-Jopp C, Yet B, Sakar CT, Marsh W and Morrissey D
Jmir Research Protocols, Jmir Publications vol. 10 (1)
15-01-2021 - Wide and Narrow: Video Prediction from Context and Motion
Cho J, Lee J, Oh C, Song W and Sohn K
32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021.
01-01-2021 - What Are You Looking At? Team Fight Prediction Through Player Camera
Tot M, Conserva M, Chitayat AP, Kokkinakis A, Patra S, Demediuk S, Munoz AC, Olarewaju O, Ursu M, Kirmann B, Hook J, Block F, Drachen A and Perez-Liebana D
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space.
Tzelepis C, Tzimiropoulos G and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2109.13357
01-01-2021 - Video Summarization Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey.
Apostolidis E, Adamantidou E, Metsai AI, Mezaris V and Patras I
Proc. Ieee vol. 109, 1838-1863.
01-01-2021 - Uncertainty Propagation in Convolutional Neural Networks: Technical Report.
Tzelepis C and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2102.06064
01-01-2021 - Transparent Adaptation in Deep Medical Image Diagnosis
Kollias D, Vlaxos Y, Seferis M, Kollia I, Sukissian L, Wingate J and Kollias S
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 12641, 251-267.
01-01-2021 - Toward Fine-Grained Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval
Qi A, Gryaditskaya Y, Song J, Yang Y, Qi Y, Hospedales TM, Xiang T and Song Y-Z
Ieee Transactions On Image Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 30, 8595-8606.
01-01-2021 - Tensor Composition Net for Visual Relationship Prediction
Qiang Y, Yang Y, Zhang X, Guo Y and Hospedales T
32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021.
01-01-2021 - Tensor Component Analysis for Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs.
Oldfield J, Georgopoulos M, Panagakis Y, Nicolaou MA and Patras I
BMVC., 222-222.
01-01-2021 - TAG: Terraforming Mars
Gaina RD, Goodman J and Perez-Liebana D
Artificial Intelligence in Digital Entertainment., 148-155.
01-01-2021 - Subjective assessment of multichannel audio on a tablet computer
Toosy F, Ehsan MS and Reiss JD
151st Audio Engineering Society Convention 2021., 404-408.
01-01-2021 - SchiNet: Automatic Estimation of Symptoms of Schizophrenia from Facial Behaviour Analysis.
Bishay M, Palasek P, Priebe S and Patras I
Ieee Trans. Affect. Comput. vol. 12, 949-961.
01-01-2021 - S3: Supervised Self-supervised Learning under Label Noise.
Feng C, Tzimiropoulos G and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2111.11288
01-01-2021 - Rolling horizon co-evolution in two-player general video game playing
Ringer C, Dobre GC, Pacheco C and Perez-Liebana D
AISB Convention 2021: Communication and Conversations.
01-01-2021 - Relationship-based Neural Baby Talk.
Fu F, Xie T, Patras I and Jalali S
Corr vol. abs/2103.04846
01-01-2021 - Pyloudnorm: A simple yet flexible loudness meter in python
Steinmetz CJ and Reiss JD
150th Audio Engineering Society Convention, AES 2021.
01-01-2021 - Preface
Lokoč J, Skopal T, Schoeffmann K, Mezaris V, Li X, Vrochidis S and Patras I
01-01-2021 - Phoneme Mappings for Online Vocal Percussion Transcription
Delgado A, Saitis C and Sandler M
151st Audio Engineering Society Convention 2021., 129-138.
Lordelo C, Benetos E, Dixon S and Ahlbäck S
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2021., 389-395.
01-01-2021 - MusCaps: Generating Captions for Music Audio.
Manco I, Benetos E, Quinton E and Fazekas G
IJCNN., 1-8.
Demirel E, Ahlbäck S and Dixon S
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, ISMIR 2021., 151-158.
01-01-2021 - Learning on a Budget via Teacher Imitation
Ilhan E, Gow J and Perez-Liebana D
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - Learning music audio representations via weak language supervision.
Manco I, Benetos E, Quinton E and Fazekas G
Corr vol. abs/2112.04214
01-01-2021 - Learning Models for Query by Vocal Percussion: A Comparative Study
Delgado A, McDonald ST, Xu N, Saitis C and Sandler M
ICMC 2021 - Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2021., 166-171.
01-01-2021 - Generating Diverse and Competitive Play-Styles for Strategy Games
Perez-Liebana D, Guerrero-Romero C, Dockhorn A, Xu L, Hurtado J and Jeurissen D
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - Game State and Action Abstracting Monte Carlo Tree Search for General Strategy Game-Playing
Dockhorn A, Hurtado-Grueso J, Jeurissen D, Xu L and Perez-Liebana D
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - Fingerprinting Tabletop Games
Goodman J, Perez-Liebana D and Lucas S
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - Few-Shot Action Localization without Knowing Boundaries.
Xie T-T, Tzelepis C, Fu F and Patras I
ICMR., 339-348. Editors: Cheng W-H, Kankanhalli MS, Wang M, Chu W-T, Liu J and Worring M.
01-01-2021 - Domain Attention Consistency for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation
Deng Z, Zhou K, Yang Y and Xiang T
32nd British Machine Vision Conference, BMVC 2021.
01-01-2021 - Domain Adaptive Ensemble Learning
Zhou K, Yang Y, Qiao Y and Xiang T
Ieee Transactions On Image Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 30, 8008-8018.
Zhou K, Yang Y, Qiao Y and Xiang T
ICLR 2021 - 9th International Conference on Learning Representations.
01-01-2021 - Automatic Goal Discovery in Subgoal Monte Carlo Tree Search
Jeurissen D, Winands MHM, Sironi CF and Perez-Liebana D
IEEE Conference on Games. vol. 2021-August
01-01-2021 - Action advising with advice imitation in deep reinforcement learning
Ilhan E, Gow J and Perez-Liebana D
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. vol. 2, 629-637.
01-01-2021 - A comparative perceptual evaluation of thunder synthesis techniques
Reiss JD, Tez HE and Selfridge R
150th Audio Engineering Society Convention, AES 2021.