- Adversarial Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Harmonic-Percussive Source Separation
Vianna Lordelo C, Benetos E, Dixon S, Ahlbäck S and Ohlsson P
Ieee Signal Processing Letters, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 28, 81-85.
18-12-2020 - Randomized Overdrive Neural Networks
Steinmetz CJ and Reiss JD
4th Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design at NeurIPS 2020 12 Dec 2020.
12-12-2020 - Incorporating Clinical Decisions into Standardised Caremaps
Mclachlan S, Kyrimi E, Daley BJ, Dube K, Marsden M, Finer S, Hitman GA and Fenton NE
2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). vol. 00, 1-2.
03-12-2020 - Causal Bayesian Networks for Medical Diagnosis: A Case Study in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Fahmi A, MacBrayne A, Kyrimi E, McLachlan S, Humby F, Marsh W and Pitzalis C
2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI). vol. 00, 1-7.
03-12-2020 - From Personalised Predictions to Targeted Advice: Improving Self-Management in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Fahmi A, Soyel H, Marsh DWR, Curzon P, Macbrayne A and Humby F
Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care 26 Nov 2020 - 27 Nov 2020.
25-11-2020 - From personalised predictions to targeted advice: Improving self-management in rheumatoid arthritis
Fahmi A, Soyel H, Marsh W, Curzon P, MacBrayne A and Humby F
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics vol. 275, 62-66.
23-11-2020 - Managing Infrastructure Asset: Bayesian Networks for Inspection and Maintenance Decisions Reasoning and Planning
Zhang H and Marsh DWR
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Elsevier vol. 207, 107328-107328.
21-11-2020 - Analysing Affective Behavior in the First ABAW 2020 Competition
Kollias D, Schulc A, Hajiyev E and Zafeiriou S
2020 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020). vol. 00, 637-643.
20-11-2020 - Learning Bayesian networks from demographic and health survey data.
Kitson NK and Constantinou AC
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier
17-11-2020 - Data augmentation for automated pest classification in Mango farms
Kusrini K, Suputa S, Setyanto A, Agastya IMA, Priantoro H, Chandramouli K and Izquierdo E
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture vol. 179
16-11-2020 - AC-SUM-GAN: Connecting Actor-Critic and Generative Adversarial Networks for Unsupervised Video Summarization
Apostolidis E, Adamantidou E, Metsai A, Mezaris V and Patras I
Ieee Transactions On Circuits and Systems For Video Technology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
16-11-2020 - Using structural equation modelling in routine clinical data: Depression, diabetes, and use of Accident & Emergency (Preprint)
Ronaldson A, Freestone MC, Zhang H, Marsh W and Bhui K
Jmir Medical Informatics
07-11-2020 - Managing Knowledge in Computational Models for Global Food, Nutrition and Health Technologies
Dube K, McLachlan S, Zanamwe N, Kyrimi E, Thomson JS and Fenton N
2020 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC). vol. 00, 1-8.
01-11-2020 - Adaptive Aggregated Tracklet Linking for Multi-Face Tracking
Arachchilage SW and Izquierdo E
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). vol. 00, 1366-1370.
28-10-2020 - The Sense of Auditory Presence in a Choir for Virtual Reality
Bryce L, Sandler M, Serafin S and Andersen L
149th Conference of the Audio Engineering Society New York.
25-10-2020 - An Exploratory Study on Perceptual Spaces of
the Singing Voice
O'Connor B, Dixon S and Fazekas G
The 2020 Joint Conference on AI Music Creativity Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Conference on AI Creativity 19 Oct 2020 - 23 Oct 2020. vol. 1 (1)
19-10-2020 - Approximate learning of high dimensional Bayesian network structures via pruning of Candidate Parent Sets.
Guo Z and Constantinou AC
Entropy, Mdpi Ag vol. 22 (10)
10-10-2020 - Exploring Augmented Reality as Craft Material
Edlin L, Yuanyuan L, Bryan-Kinns N and Reiss J
HCI International 2020.
08-10-2020 - Tribes: A New Turn-Based Strategy Game for AI Research
Perez-Liebana D, Hsu Y-J, Emmanouilidis S, Khaleque B and Gaina R
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment. vol. 16 (1), 252-258.
01-10-2020 - Studying General Agents in Video Games from the Perspective of Player Experience
Guerrero Romero C, Kumari S, Perez-Liebana D and Deterding S
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment.
01-10-2020 - Bayesian network structure learning with causal effects in the presence of latent variables.
Chobtham K and Constantinou AC
In Proceedings of The 10th International Conference On Probabilistic Graphical Models (Pgm-2020), Aalborg, Denmark
23-09-2020 - Learning Frame Similarity using Siamese networks
for Audio-to-Score Alignment
Agrawal R and Dixon S
2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
15-09-2020 - Bridging Generative Deep Learning and Computational Creativity
Berns S and Colton S
International Conference on Computational Creativity 7 Sep 2020 - 11 Sep 2020.
07-09-2020 - Spectral and Temporal Timbral Cues of Vocal Imitations of Drum Sounds
Delgado Luezas A, Saitis C and Sandler M
2nd International Conference on Timbre.
04-09-2020 - Stratega - A General Strategy Games Framework
Perez-Liebana D, Dockhorn A, Jeurissen D and Hurtado J
AIIDE-20 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Strategy Games (2020).
02-09-2020 - Self-Adaptive Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms for General Video Game Playing
Gaina RD, Perez-Liebana D, Lucas SM, Sironi CF and Winands MHM
2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 367-374.
27-08-2020 - Rolling Horizon NEAT for General Video Game Playing
Perez-Liebana D, Alam MS and Gaina RD
2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 375-382.
27-08-2020 - Evaluating Generalisation in General Video Game Playing
Balla M, Lucas SM and Perez-Liebana D
2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 423-430.
27-08-2020 - The importance of temporal information in Bayesian network structure learning
Constantinou A
Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier vol. 164
17-08-2020 - Exploiting Multi-CNN Features in CNN-RNN Based Dimensional Emotion Recognition on the OMG in-the-Wild Dataset
Kollias D and Zafeiriou S
Ieee Transactions On Affective Computing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 12 (3), 595-606.
04-08-2020 - Multi-state deterioration prediction for infrastructure asset: Learning from uncertain data, knowledge and similar groups
Zhang H and Marsh DWR
Information Sciences, Elsevier vol. 529, 197-213.
01-08-2020 - Automatic Lyrics Transcription using Dilated Convolutional Neural Networks with Self-Attention
Demirel E, Ahlbäck S and Dixon S
2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). vol. 00, 1-8.
24-07-2020 - Reliable Local Explanations for Machine Listening
MISHRA S, Benetos E, Sturm B and Dixon S
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Glasgow, UK 19 Jul 2020 - 24 Jul 2020.
19-07-2020 - Cloud-smart Musical Instrument Interactions
Turchet L, Pauwels J, Fischione C and Fazekas G
Acm Transactions On Internet of Things vol. 1 (3), 1-29.
14-07-2020 - Distortion-Free Video Stabilization
Ito MS and Izquierdo E
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW). vol. 00, 1-4.
10-07-2020 - Analytic Simplification of Neural Network Based Intra-Prediction Modes For Video Compression
Santamaria M, Blasi S, Izquierdo E and Mrak M
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW). vol. 00, 1-4.
10-07-2020 - Predicting the Outcome of Limb Revascularization in Patients With Lower-extremity Arterial Trauma: Development and External Validation of a Supervised Machine-learning Algorithm to Support Surgical Decisions.
Perkins ZB, Yet B, Sharrock A, Rickard R, Marsh W, Rasmussen TE and Tai NRM
Annals of Surgery, Wolters Kluwer vol. 272 (4), 564-572.
09-07-2020 - Learning Bayesian Networks That Enable Full Propagation of Evidence
Constantinou AC
Ieee Access vol. 8, 124845-124856.
08-07-2020 - Seq-U-Net: A One-Dimensional Causal U-Net for Efficient Sequence Modelling
Stoller D, Tian M, Ewert S and Dixon S
Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence., 2893-2900.
01-07-2020 - Infant High-Grade Gliomas Comprise Multiple Subgroups Characterized by Novel Targetable Gene Fusions and Favorable Outcomes
Clarke M, Mackay A, Ismer B, Pickles JC, Tatevossian RG, Newman S, Bale TA, Stoler I, Izquierdo E, Temelso S, Carvalho DM, Molinari V, Burford A, Howell L, Virasami A, Fairchild AR, Avery A, Chalker J, Kristiansen M, Haupfear K, et al.
Cancer Discovery, American Association For Cancer Research (Aacr) vol. 10 (7), 942-963.
01-07-2020 - Medical idioms for clinical Bayesian network development
Kyrimi E, Raniere Neves M, Mclachlan S, Neil M, Marsh W and Fenton N
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier
30-06-2020 - Deep-learned faces: a survey
K. Wickrama Arachchilage SP and Izquierdo E
Eurasip Journal On Image and Video Processing, Springer Nature vol. 2020 (1)
29-06-2020 - Identifying master violinists using note-level audio features
Zhao Y, Fazekas G and Sandler M
17th Sound and Music Computing Conference 24 Jun 2020 - 27 Jun 2020. vol. 2020-June, 185-192.
24-06-2020 - NTIRE 2020 Challenge on Image Demoireing: Methods and Results
Yuan S, Timofte R, Leonardis A, Slabaugh G, Luo X, Zhang J, Qu Y, Hong M, Xie Y, Li C, Xu D, Chu Y, Sun Q, Liu S, Zong Z, Nan N, , Kim S, Nam H, Kim J, et al.
2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). vol. 00, 1882-1893.
19-06-2020 - Efficient Context-Aware Lossy Image Compression
Xu J, Lytchier A, Cursio C, Kollias D, Besenbruch C and Zafar A
2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). vol. 00, 552-554.
19-06-2020 - Microphone Array Geometries for Horizontal Spatial Audio Object Capture With Beamforming
Galindo MB, Coleman P and Jackson P
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 68 (5), 324-337.
17-06-2020 - Predicting length of stay in hospital using electronic records available at the time of admission
Wilk M, Marsh DW, de Freitas S and Prowle J
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics vol. 270, 377-381.
16-06-2020 - Data Visualisation in Midwifery: The Challenge of Seeing what Datasets Hide
Daley BJ, Kyrimi E, Dube K, Fenton NE, Hitman GA and McLachlan S
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Ios Press vol. 270, 1239-1240.
16-06-2020 - Video Super-resolution with Temporal Group Attention
Isobe T, Li S, Jia X, Yuan S, Slabaugh G, Xu C, Li Y-L, Wang S and Tian Q
2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 8005-8014.
13-06-2020 - Image Demoireing with Learnable Bandpass Filters
Zheng B, Yuan S, Slabaugh G and Leonardis A
2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). vol. 00, 3633-3642.
13-06-2020 - Bayesian networks in healthcare: Distribution by medical condition
McLachlan S, Dube K, Hitman GA, Fenton NE and Kyrimi E
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier Bv vol. 107, 101912-101912.
12-06-2020 - Managing Knowledge in Computational Models for Global Food, Nutrition and Health Technologies
Dube K, McLachlan S, Zanamwe N, Kyrimi E, Thomson JS and Fenton N
, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
05-06-2020 - Real-Time Sound Synthesis of Audience Applause
Lee J and Reiss J
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 68 (4), 261-272.
12-05-2020 - The Fifthnet Chroma Extractor
Hanlon KO and Sandler MB
ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). vol. 00, 3752-3756.
08-05-2020 - Standardising Clinical Caremaps: Model, Method and Graphical Notation for Caremap Specification
McLachlan S, Kyrimi E, Dube K and Fenton N
2th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2019) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF Prague 22 Feb 2019 - 24 Feb 2019. vol. 1211 CCIS, 429-452.
06-05-2020 - Modeling plate and spring reverberation using a DSP-informed deep neural network
Martinez Ramirez M, Benetos E and Reiss J
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020) Barcelona, Spain 4 May 2020 - 8 May 2020., 241-245.
04-05-2020 - A Study on the Transferability of Adversarial Attacks in Sound Event Classification
SUBRAMANIAN V, Pankajakshan A, Benetos E, Xu N, McDonald S and Sandler M
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020) Barcelona, Spain 4 May 2020 - 8 May 2020., 301-305.
04-05-2020 - Classification of origin with feature selection and network construction for folk tunes
Metzig C, Gould M, Noronha R, Abbey R, Sandler M and Colijn C
Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier vol. 133, 356-364.
01-05-2020 - Online visibility graphs: Encoding visibility in a binary search tree
Fano Yela D, Thalmann F, Nicosia V, Stowell D and Sandler M
Physical Review Research, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 2 (2)
23-04-2020 - Efficient Heuristic Policy Optimisation for a Challenging Strategic Card Game
Montoliu R, Gaina RD, Pérez-Liebana D, Delgado D and Lucas S
International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation. vol. 12104 LNCS, 403-418.
09-04-2020 - Index Tracking with Cardinality Constraints: A Stochastic Neural Networks Approach
Zheng Y, Chen B, Hospedales TM and Yang Y
Proceedings of The Aaai Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Association For The Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (Aaai) vol. 34 (01), 1242-1249.
03-04-2020 - Towards standardisation of evidence-based clinical care process specifications
McLachlan S, Kyrimi E, Dube K, Hitman G, Simmonds J and Fenton N
Health Informatics Journal
18-03-2020 - The Challenge: From MPEG Intellectual Property Rights Ontologies to Smart Contracts and Blockchains
KUDUMAKIS P, WILMERING T, Sandler M, Rodríguez-Doncel V, Boch L and Delgado J
Ieee: Signal Processing Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers vol. 37 (2), 89-95.
26-02-2020 - Deep Neural Network Augmentation: Generating Faces for Affect Analysis
Kollias D, Cheng S, Ververas E, Kotsia I and Zafeiriou S
International Journal of Computer Vision, Springer Nature vol. 128 (5), 1455-1484.
22-02-2020 - An incremental explanation of inference in Bayesian networks for increasing model trustworthiness and supporting clinical decision making
Kyrimi E, Mossadegh S, Tai N and Marsh W
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier vol. 103
31-01-2020 - A History of Audio Effects
WILMERING T, MOFFAT DJ, Milo A and Sandler M
Applied Sciences, Mdpi Ag vol. 10 (3)
22-01-2020 - Deep Learning for Black-Box Modeling of Audio Effects
Martinez Ramirez M, Benetos E and Reiss J
Applied Sciences, Mdpi Ag vol. 10 (2)
16-01-2020 - Early Identification of Trauma-induced Coagulopathy
Perkins ZB, Yet B, Marsden M, Glasgow S, Marsh W, Davenport R, Brohi K and Tai NRM
Annals of Surgery, Wolters Kluwer vol. 274 (6), e1119-e1128.
14-01-2020 - Partial Order Rank Features in Colour Space
Smeraldi F, Bianconi F, Fernández A and González E
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 10 (2)
10-01-2020 - Investigating Comorbidity of Mental and Physical Disorders in Online Health Forums
Abdollahyan M, Smeraldi F, Patel R and Bessant C
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems., 1-5.
07-01-2020 - Wavelet-Based Dual-Branch Network for Image Demoiréing
Liu L, Liu J, Yuan S, Slabaugh G, Leonardis A, Zhou W and Tian Q
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 12358, 86-102.
01-01-2020 - VA-StarGAN: Continuous Affect Generation
Kollias D and Zafeiriou S
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 12002, 227-238.
01-01-2020 - Temporal Action Localization with Variance-Aware Networks.
Xie T-T, Tzelepis C and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2008.11254
Stoller D, Ewert S and Dixon S
8th International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2020.
01-01-2020 - TAG: A tabletop games framework
Gaina RD, Balla M, Dockhorn A, Montoliu R and Perez-Liebana D
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 2862
01-01-2020 - Self-adaptively learning to Demoiré from focused and defocused image pairs
Liu L, Yuan S, Liu J, Bao L, Slabaugh G and Tian Q
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. vol. 2020-December
01-01-2020 - Performing audiences: Composition strategies for network music using mobile phones
Xambó A and Roma G
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression., 55-60.
Bruford F, Lartillot O, McDonald ST and Sandler M
Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020., 717-725.
01-01-2020 - MCTS pruning in turn-based strategy games
Hsu YJ and Perez-Liebana D
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 2862
01-01-2020 - Investigation of a real-time hearing loss simulation for use in audio production
Mourgela A, Agus TR and Reiss JD
149th Audio Engineering Society Convention 2020, AES 2020.
01-01-2020 - Expression, affect, action unit recognition: Aff-wild2, multi-task learning and arcface
Kollias D and Zafeiriou S
30th British Machine Vision Conference 2019, BMVC 2019.
01-01-2020 - Boundary Uncertainty in a Single-Stage Temporal Action Localization Network.
Xie T, Tzelepis C and Patras I
Corr vol. abs/2008.11170
Kirby T and Sandler M
Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx. vol. 1, 155-162.
01-01-2020 - A deep learning approach to sound classification for film audio post-production
Peeters GG and Reiss JD
148th Audio Engineering Society International Convention.
Thalmann F, Yoshii K, Wilmering T, Wiggins GA and Sandler MB
Proceedings of the 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2020., 343-350.