- Comparison of Fine-Tuning and Extension Strategies for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Pittaras N, Markatopoulou F, Mezaris V and Patras I
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 10132, 102-114.
31-12-2016 - Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Music Classification
Choi K, Fazekas G, Sandler M and Cho K
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) New Orleans, USA., 2392-2396.
21-12-2016 - The Relationship Between Emotion and Music Production Quality
RONAN DM, reiss J and Gunes H
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Performable Spectral Synthesis via Low-Dimensional Modelling and
Control Mapping
WILKINSON WJ, stowell D and reiss J
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Perceptual Evaluation of Synthesised Sound Effects
MOFFAT DJ and Reiss J
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Intelligent Audio Mixing Using Deep Learning
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Explaining Predictions of Machine Listening Systems
MISHRA S, Sturm B and Dixon S
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop Proceedings 2016
Kudumakis P and Sandler M
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network Workshop 2016 Queen Mary University of London, London, UK 20 Dec 2016. Editors: KUDUMAKIS P and Sandler M.
20-12-2016 - Classification of Piano Pedaling Techniques Using Gesture Data from a Non-Intrusive Measurement System
LIANG B, fazekas G, mcpherson A and sandler M
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Automatic Detection of Metrical Structure Changes
SANDLER MB, quinton E, o'hanlon K and dixon S
DMRN+11: Digital Music Research Network One-day Workshop 2016 Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London 20 Dec 2016.
20-12-2016 - Default policies for global optimisation of noisy functions with severe noise
Samothrakis S, Fasli M, Perez D and Lucas S
Journal of Global Optimization vol. 67 (4), 893-907.
17-12-2016 - On the Use of Skin Texture Features for Gender Recognition: An Experimental Evaluation
Bianconi F, Smeraldi F, Abdollahyan M and Xiao P
2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)., 1-6.
01-12-2016 - On Line Emotion Detection Using Retrainable Deep Neural Networks
Kollias D, Tagaris A and Stafylopatis A
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI)., 1-8.
01-12-2016 - Personal identification based on skin texture features from the forearm and multi-modal imaging.
Bianconi F, Chirikhina E, Smeraldi F, Bontozoglou C and Xiao P
Skin Res Technol
20-11-2016 - Towards Music Structural Segmentation Across Genres: Features, Structural Hypotheses and Annotation Principles
TIAN M and Sandler MARKB
Acm Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
02-11-2016 - Robust and efficient joint alignment of multiple musical performances
Wang S, Ewert S and Dixon S
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 24 (11), 2132-2145.
01-11-2016 - Improving risk management for violence in mental health services: a multimethods approach
Coid JW, Ullrich S, Kallis C, Freestone M, Gonzalez R, Bui L, Igoumenou A, Constantinou A, Fenton N, Marsh W, Yang M, DeStavola B, Hu J, Shaw J, Doyle M, Archer-Power L, Davoren M, Osumili B, McCrone P, Barrett K, et al.
Programme Grants For Applied Research vol. 4 (16), 1-408.
01-11-2016 - Practical Considerations on Optimising Multistage Decimation and Interpolation Processes
Zhu X, Wang Y, Hu W and Reiss JD
2016 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP)., 370-374.
01-10-2016 - Deep Multi-task Learning with Label Correlation Constraint for Video Concept Detection
Markatopoulou F, Mezaris V and Patras I
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia., 501-505.
01-10-2016 - How to model mutually exclusive events based on independent causal pathways in Bayesian network models
Fenton N, Neil M, Lagnado D, William M, Yet B and CONSTANTINOU AC
Knowledge-Based Systems
17-09-2016 - Efficient Numerical Frameworks for Multi-Objective Cyber Security Planning
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS) 2016 Heraklion, Crete, Greece 26 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016.
15-09-2016 - The Open Multitrack Testbed: Features, content and use cases
DE MAN BM and Reiss JD
2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production Queen Mary University of London, London, UK 13 Sep 2016.
13-09-2016 - Subjective comparison of music production practices using the Web Audio Evaluation Tool
DE MAN BM, Jillings N, Moffat D, Reiss JD and Stables R
2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production Queen Mary University of London, London, UK 13 Sep 2016.
13-09-2016 - Towards a comprehensive dataset of vocal imitations of drum sounds
MEHRABI A, Dixon S and Sandler M
2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production.
12-09-2016 - A Progressive Explanation of Inference in ‘Hybrid’ Bayesian Networks for Supporting Clinical Decision Making
MARSH DWR and Kyrimi E
Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models Lugano, Switzerland 6 Sep 2016 - 9 Sep 2016. vol. 52, 275-286.
AHMADI A and Patras I
Image Processing (ICIP), 2016 IEEE International Conference on Phoenix, Arizona, USA 25 Sep 2016 - 28 Sep 2016.
19-08-2016 - Piano Transcription in the Studio Using an Extensible Alternating Directions Framework
Ewert S and Sandler M
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 24 (11), 1983-1997.
18-08-2016 - Learning a feature space for similarity in world music
Panteli M, Benetos E and Dixon S
17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference New York, USA 7 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016., 538-544.
07-08-2016 - An attack/decay model for piano transcription
Cheng T, Mauch M, Benetos E and Dixon S
17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference New York, USA 7 Aug 2016 - 11 Aug 2016., 584-590.
07-08-2016 - Predictive Accuracy of a Civilian Bayesian Network Trauma Tool in a Military Cohort and Applicability to Trauma Performance Improvement
Mossadegh S, Yet B, Perkins Z, Marsh W and Tai N
British Journal of Surgery vol. 103, 96-96.
01-08-2016 - Compositional Chroma Estimation Using Powered Euclidean Distance
O'Hanlon K and Sandler MB
2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)., 1237-1241.
01-08-2016 - General Video Game Level Generation
Khalifa A, Perez-Liebana D, Lucas SM and Togelius J
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2016., 253-259.
20-07-2016 - Exploring Audience Behaviour During Contemporary Dance Performances
Theodorou L, Healey PGT and Smeraldi F
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing., 1-7.
05-07-2016 - Multiobjective Tree Search Approaches for General Video Game Playing
Perez-Liebana D, Mostaghim S and Lucas SM
2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)., 624-631.
01-07-2016 - A Meta-Analysis of High Resolution Audio Perceptual Evaluation
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, Audio Engineering Society vol. 64 (6), 364-379.
27-06-2016 - Automatic detection of outliers in world music collections
Panteli M, Benetos E and Dixon S
Fourth International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM 2016) New York, USA 8 Jun 2016 - 11 Jun 2016.
08-06-2016 - An Iterative Approach to Source Counting and Localization Using Two Distant Microphones
Wang L, Hon TK, Reiss JD and Cavallaro A
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing vol. 24 (6), 1079-1093.
01-06-2016 - Over-Determined Source Separation and Localization Using Distributed Microphones
WANG L, Reiss J and cavallaro A
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee)
O'Hanlon K, Sandler MB and IEEE
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)., 4737-4741.
19-05-2016 - All About Audio Equalization: Solutions and Frontiers
Välimäki V and Reiss J
Applied Sciences, Mdpi vol. 6 (5), 129-129.
06-05-2016 - A Bayesian Network Framework for Project Cost, Benefit and Risk Analysis with an Agricultural Development Case Study
Yet B, CONSTANTINOU AC, Fenton N, Neil M, Luedeling E and Shepherd K
Expert Systems With Applications
04-05-2016 - Text-based LSTM networks for Automatic Music Composition
CHOI K, sandler M and fazekas G
Conference on Computer Simulation of Musical Creativity Huddersfield, UK 17 Jun 2016 - 19 Jun 2016.
18-04-2016 - Regional Image Features Model for Automatic Classification between Normal and Glaucoma in Fundus and Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) Images.
Haleem MS, Han L, Hemert JV, Fleming A, Pasquale LR, Silva PS, Song BJ and Aiello LP
Journal of Medical Systems, Springer vol. 40 (6), 132-132.
16-04-2016 - What do your footsteps sound like? An investigation on interactive footstep sounds adjustment
Turchet L, Moffat D, nez AT-J, Reiss JD and Stockman T
Applied Acoustics vol. 111, 77-85.
13-04-2016 - Web Audio Evaluation Tool: A framework for subjective assessment of audio
Jillings N, DE MAN BM, Moffat D, Reiss JD and Stables R
2nd Web Audio Conference Atlanta, GA, USA 4 Apr 2016 - 6 Apr 2016. Editors: Freeman J, Lerch A and Paradis M.
QUINTON E, Sandler M and Dixon S
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing.
01-04-2016 - The ANGELINA Videogame Design System—Part II
Cook M, Colton S and Gow J
Ieee Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games vol. 9 (3), 254-266.
28-03-2016 - Clinical evidence framework for Bayesian networks
Yet B, Perkins ZB, Tai NRM and Marsh DWR
Knowledge and Information Systems vol. 50 (1), 117-143.
22-03-2016 - Decision support approaches for cyber security investment
Fielder A, Panaousis E, Malacaria P, Hankin C and Smeraldi F
Decision Support Systems vol. 86, 13-23.
19-03-2016 - Integrating expert knowledge with data in Bayesian networks: Preserving data-driven expectations when the expert variables remain unobserved
Expert Systems With Applications
18-03-2016 - Evolutionary Behavior Tree Approaches for Navigating Platform Games
Nicolau M, Perez-Liebana D, Oneill M and Brabazon A
Ieee Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games vol. 9 (3), 227-238.
17-03-2016 - General Video Game AI: Competition, Challenges and Opportunities
Perez-Liebana D, Samothrakis S, Togelius J, Schaul T and Lucas S
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. vol. 30 (1)
05-03-2016 - An End-to-End Neural Network for Polyphonic Piano Music Transcription
Sigtia S, Benetos E and Dixon S
Ieee/Acm Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Ieee vol. 24 (5), 927-939.
23-02-2016 - Implementation and Assessment of Joint Source Separation and Dereverberation
MOFFAT DJ and reiss JD
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 60th International Conference: DREAMS (Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech) Leuven, Belgium 3 Feb 2016 - 5 Feb 2016.
03-02-2016 - Modal Synthesis of Weapon Sounds
Mengual L, MOFFAT DJ and Reiss JD
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 61st International Conference: Audio for Games.
02-02-2016 - Automatic Control of a Digital Reverberation Effect using Hybrid Models
60th International Conference: DREAMS (Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech) Leuven, Belgium 3 Feb 2016 - 5 Feb 2016.
27-01-2016 - From complex questionnaire and interviewing data to intelligent Bayesian network models for medical decision support
Constantinou AC, Fenton N, Marsh W and Radlinski L
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier vol. 67, 75-93.
16-01-2016 - Using operational data for decision making: a feasibility study in rail maintenance
Marsh W, Nur K, Yet B and Majumdar A
Safety and Reliability, Taylor & Francis vol. 36 (1), 35-47.
02-01-2016 - myMoodplay: An interactive mood-based music discovery app
Allik A, Fazekas G, Barthet M and Sandler M
Proc. of the 2nd Web Audio Conference (WAC), April 4–6, Atlanta, Georgia, USA..
01-01-2016 - Visual information search in digital audio workstations
Mycroft J, Stockman T and Reiss JD
140th Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2016, AES 2016.
01-01-2016 - Towards Playlist Generation Algorithms Using RNNs Trained on Within-Track Transitions
Choi K, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Proc. 24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalisation (UMAP 2016), Workshop on Surprise, Opposition, and Obstruction in Adaptive and Personalized Systems (SOAP) June 13–17, Halifax, Canada.
01-01-2016 - The Semantic Web, proc. of the 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Oct. 17–21, Kobe, Japan
Wilmering T, Fazekas G and Sandler M
01-01-2016 - The Semantic Music Player: A Smart Mobile Player Based on Ontological Structures and Analytical Feature Metadata
Thalmann F, Perez Carillo A, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA.
01-01-2016 - The Mobile Audio Ontology: Experiencing Dynamic Music Objects on Mobile Devices
Thalmann F, Carrillo G, Wiggins GA and Sandler M
IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), Feb. 4-6, Laguna Hills, CA, USA., 47-54.
01-01-2016 - Spatial Attention Deep Net with Partial PSO for Hierarchical Hybrid Hand Pose Estimation
Ye Q, Yuan S and Kim T-K
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 9912, 346-361.
01-01-2016 - Semantic description of timbral transformations in music production
Stables R, De Man B, Enderby S, Reiss JD, Fazekas G and Wilmering T
Proc. ACM Multimedia, Oct. 15-19, Amsterdam, Netherlands., 337-341.
01-01-2016 - Score-Informed Identification of Missing and Extra Notes in Piano Recordings
Ewert S, Wang S, Müller M and Sandler M
Proceedings of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR)., 30-36.
01-01-2016 - Rolling Horizon Coevolutionary Planning for Two-Player Video Games
Liu J, Pérez-Liébana D and Lucas SM
2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC)., 174-179.
01-01-2016 - Proc. Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR), Nov. 22-25, Göttingen, Germany
Mora-Mcginity M, Allik A, Fazekas G and Sandler M
01-01-2016 - Physically derived synthesis model of an aeolian tone
Selfridge R, Reiss JD, Avital EJ and Tang X
141st Audio Engineering Society International Convention 2016, AES 2016.
01-01-2016 - Perceived and Induced Emotion Responses to Popular Music: Categorical and Dimensional Models
Song Y, Dixon S, Pearce MT and Halpern AR
Music Perception vol. 33 (4), 472-492.
01-01-2016 - On the evaluation of rhythmic and melodic descriptors for music similarity
Panteli M and Dixon S
Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016., 468-474.
01-01-2016 - MusicWeb: Music discovery with open linked semantic metadata
Mora-McGinity M, Allik A, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Communications in Computer and Information Science. vol. 672, 291-296.
01-01-2016 - Music structural segmentation across genres with Gammatone features
Tian M and Sandler MB
Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016., 561-567.
01-01-2016 - Ms. Pac-Man Versus Ghost Team CIG 2016 Competition
Williams PR, Perez-Liebana D and Lucas SM
2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)., 1-8.
01-01-2016 - MCTS/EA Hybrid GVGAI Players and Game Difficulty Estimation
Horn H, Volz V, Pérez-Liébana D and Preuss M
2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)., 1-8.
01-01-2016 - Interdisciplinary classification of audio effects in the audio effect ontology
Wilmering T and Sandler MB
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 1690
01-01-2016 - ITI-CERTH in TRECVID 2016 Ad-hoc video search (AVS)
Markatopoulou F, Galanopoulos D, Patras I and Mezaris V
2016 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation, TRECVID 2016.
01-01-2016 - Grateful Live: Mixing Multiple Recordings of a Dead Performance into an Immersive Experience
Wilmering T, Thalmann F and Sandler MB
Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society Convention 141.
01-01-2016 - Geolocation Adaptive Music Player
Carrillo A, Thalmann F, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Proc. Web Audio Conference WAC-2016, April 4–6, Atlanta, USA.
01-01-2016 - Genre-Adaptive Semantic Computing and Audio-Based Modelling for Music Mood Annotation
Saari P, Fazekas G, Eerola T, Barthet M, Lartillot , O S and M
Ieee Transactions on Affective Computing (Tac) vol. 7, 122-135.
01-01-2016 - From interactive to adaptive mood-based music listening experiences in social or personal context
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Allik A, Thalmann F and Sandler M
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society vol. 64, 673-682.
01-01-2016 - Crossroads: Interactive Music Systems Transforming Performance, Production and Listening
Barthet M, Fazekas G, Thalmann F, Sandler M and Wiggins GA
Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), May 7–12, San Jose, CA, USA..
01-01-2016 - Creating, Visualizing, and Analyzing Dynamic Music Objects in the Browser with the Dymo Designer
Thalmann F, Fazekas G, Wiggins GA and Sandler M
Proc. ACM Audio Mostly Conference, Oct. 4-6, Norrköping, Sweden., 39-46.
01-01-2016 - Automatic Tagging Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Choi K, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA., 805-811.
01-01-2016 - Analyzing the Robustness of General Video Game Playing Agents
Pérez-Liébana D, Samothrakis S, Togelius J, Schaul T and Lucas SM
2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)., 1-8.
01-01-2016 - Analysis and classification of phonation modes in singing
Stoller D and Dixon S
Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016., 80-86.
01-01-2016 - An Ontology for Audio Features
Allik A, Fazekas G and Sandler M
Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA., 73-79.
Dai J and Dixon S
Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, ISMIR 2016., 87-93.
01-01-2016 - A synthesis model for mammalian vocalisation sound effects
Wilkinson W and Reiss JD
Proceedings of the AES International Conference.
01-01-2016 - A model selection test for factors affecting the choice of expressive timing clusters for a phrase
Li S, Dixon S, Black DAA and Plumbley MD
SMC 2016 - 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Proceedings., 247-252.
01-01-2016 - A Score-Informed Shift-Invariant Extension of Complex Matrix Factorization for Improving the Separation of Overlapped Partials in Music Recordings
Rodriguez-Serrano FJ, Ewert S, Vera-Candeas P and Sandler M
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
01-01-2016 - A Higher-Dimensional Expansion of Affective Norms for English Terms for Music Tagging
Buccoli M, Zanoni M, Fazekas G, Sarti A and Sandler M
Proc. of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16) conference, August 7-11., New York, USA., 316-322.