- Fukahori Y, Gabriel P, Liang H and Busfield JJC (2019). A new generalized philosophy and theory for rubber friction and wear. Wear, Elsevier, 203166-203166.
27-12-2019 - Xu S, Mueller J-D, Pavanakumar M and Wang D (2019). A Newton–Krylov Solver for Robust Turbomachinery Aerodynamic Analysis. AIAA Journal: devoted to aerospace research and development, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
24-12-2019 - Mao J, Zhao L, Liu X and Avital E (2019). A resolved CFDEM method for the interaction between the fluid and the discontinuous solids with large movement. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley
23-12-2019 - Busfield J, Hohenberger T, Pugno N and WINDSLOW R (2019). Constitutive Model for both Low and High Strain Non-Linearities in Highly Filled Elastomers and Implementation with user-defined Material Subroutines in Abaqus. Rubber Chemistry and Technology, American Chemical Society vol. 92 (4), 653-686.
02-12-2019 - Karabasov S, Ayton L, Wu X and Afsar M (2019). Advances in aeroacoustics research: recent developments and perspectives. Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences vol. 377 (2159), 20190390-20190390.
02-12-2019 - Mueller J, ZHANG X, Akbarzadeh S and WANG Y (2019). Geometric continuity constraints of automatically derived parametrisations in CAD-based shape optimisation. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Taylor & Francis
05-11-2019 - Alonso-Rasgado M, Bailey C, Leonardo-Diaz R, Jimenez-Cruz D and Talwalkar S (2019). Performance evaluation of surgical techniques for treatment of scapholunate instability in a type II wrist. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Wiley
03-11-2019 - Nanjangud A, Underwood C, Bridges C, Saaj C, Eckersley S, Sweeting SM and Bianco P (2019). Towards Robotic On-Orbit Assembly of Large Space Telescopes: Mission Architectures, Concepts, and Analyses. 70th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) 21 Oct 2019 - 25 Oct 2019.
25-10-2019 - Zhang Q, Wang YC, Bailey CG, Istrate OM, Li Z, Kinloch IA and Budd PM (2019). Quantification of gas permeability of epoxy resin composites with graphene nanoplatelets. Composites Science and Technology, Elsevier vol. 184
17-10-2019 - Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2019). Simulations of co-axial jet flows on graphics processing units: the flow and noise analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences, The Royal Society vol. 377 (2159)
14-10-2019 - Saleh Z, Avital EJ and Korakianitis T (2019). Effect of in-service burnout on the transonic tip leakage flows over flat tip model. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A Journal of Power and Energy, SAGE Publications vol. 234 (5), 655-669.
30-09-2019 - Yan Y, Avital E, Williams J and Cui J (2019). CFD analysis for the performance of micro-vortex generator on aerofoil and vertical axis turbine. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, AIP Publishing vol. 11 (4), 1-23.
29-08-2019 - Munjiza A, Galić M, Smoljanović H, Marović P, Mihanović A, Živaljić N, Williams J and Avital E (2019). Aspects of the hybrid finite discrete element simulation technology in science and engineering. International Journal for Engineering Modelling vol. 32 (1), 45-55.
14-08-2019 - Xia HH, Ismail A, Yao J and Stark J (2019). Scaling Laws for Transition from Varicose to Whipping Instabilities in Electrohydrodynamic Jetting. Physical Review Applied, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 12 (1)
17-07-2019 - Wang S, Housden J, Noh Y, Singh D, Singh A, Skelton E, Matthew J, Tan C, Back J, Lindenroth L, Gomez A, Toussaint N, Zimmer V, Knight C, Fletcher T, Lloyd D, Simpson J, Pasupathy D, Liu H, Althoefer K, et al. (2019). Robotic-assisted ultrasound for fetal imaging: Evolution from single-arm to dual-arm system. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference (TAROS).
17-07-2019 - Godaba H, Putzu F, Abrar T, Konstantinova J and Althoefer K (2019). Payload capabilities and operational limits of eversion robots. Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
17-07-2019 - Dawood AB, Godaba H and Althoefer K (2019). Modelling of a soft sensor for exteroception and proprioception in a pneumatically actuated soft robot. Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
17-07-2019 - Huang T, Yuan Y, Zheng JL, Avital E and Wen PH (2019). Large deformations of tapered beam with finite integration method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements vol. 107, 115-123.
16-07-2019 - Zhang K and Althoefer K (2019). Designing Origami-Adapted Deployable Modules for Soft Continuum Arms. 20th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2019) 3 Jul 2019 - 5 Jul 2019.
07-07-2019 - Putzu F, Konstantinova J and Althoefer K (2019). Soft particles for granular jamming. Towards Autonomus Robotics Systems (TAROS) 5 Jul 2019 - 3 Jul 2020.
03-07-2019 - Danabek D, Otaran A, Althoefer K and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Mobile robot trajectory analysis with the help of vision system. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference (TAROS).
03-07-2019 - Bálint LAP, Macías LHP and Althoefer K (2019). Virtual Reality Simulator for Medical Auscultation Training. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference.
28-06-2019 - Fras J and Althoefer K (2019). Soft Fiber-Reinforced Pneumatic Actuator Design and Fabrication: Towards Robust, Soft Robotic Systems. Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
28-06-2019 - Aljaber F and Althoefer K (2019). Light Intensity-Modulated Bending Sensor Fabrication and Performance Test for Shape Sensing. TAROS.
28-06-2019 - Ataka A, Stilli A, Konstantinova J, Wurdemann HA and Althoefer K (2019). Kinematic Control and Obstacle Avoidance for Soft Inflatable Manipulator. Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
28-06-2019 - Ali A, Althoefer K and Konstantinova J (2019). Dynamic Response Characteristics in Variable Stiffness Soft Inflatable Links. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference.
28-06-2019 - Hassan A, Godaba H and Althoefer K (2019). Design Analysis of a Fabric Based Lightweight Robotic Gripper. Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
28-06-2019 - Putzu F, Konstantinova J and Althoefer K (2019). Eversion-type soft overtube for endoscopic surgery. The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics.
23-06-2019 - Sadati S, Shiva A, Elnaz Naghibi S, Rucker C, Renson L, Bergeles C, Althoefer K, Nanayakkara T, Hauser H and Walker I (2019). Reduced Order vs. Discretized Lumped System Models with Absolute and Relative States for Continuum Manipulators. Robotics: Science and Systems XV.
22-06-2019 - Cao S, Liu T, Jones A and Tizani W (2019). Particle reinforced thermoplastic foams under quasi-static compression. Mechanics of Materials, Elsevier vol. 136
21-06-2019 - Sabnis K and Babinsky H (2019). Nozzle Geometry Effects on Corner Boundary Layers in Supersonic Wind Tunnels. AIAA Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) vol. 57 (8), 1-4.
12-06-2019 - Vizcaíno-Vergara M, Kari L and Busfield JJC (2019). Free volume evolution equation for physical ageing of filler reinforced rubber.
07-06-2019 - Nunez EFY, Busfield JJC, Pugno N, Manson R, Chen HL and Ramier J (2019). Application of rubber friction to FEA models of rubber sealing.
07-06-2019 - Hohenberger TW, Windslow RJ, Pugno N and Busfield JJC (2019). A strain-energy function to model low and high strain non-linearities in highly filled elastomers.
07-06-2019 - Li M, He B, Liang Z, Zhao C-G, Chen J, Zhuo Y, Xu G, Xie J and Althoefer K (2019). An Attention-Controlled Hand Exoskeleton for the Rehabilitation of Finger Extension and Flexion Using a Rigid-Soft Combined Mechanism. Front Neurorobot vol. 13, 34-34.
29-05-2019 - Banerjee SS, Hait S, Natarajan TS, Wiessner S, Stöckelhuber KW, Jehnichen D, Janke A, Fischer D, Heinrich G, Busfield JJC and Das A (2019). Water-Responsive and Mechanically-Adaptive Natural Rubber Composites by in-Situ Modification of Mineral Filler Structures. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (ACS)
24-05-2019 - Ataka A, Lam HK and Althoefer K (2019). Magnetic-Field-Inspired Navigation for Quadcopter Robot in Unknown Environments. 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
24-05-2019 - Shafti A, Ataka A, Lazpita BU, Shiva A, Wurdemann HA and Althoefer K (2019). Real-time robot-assisted ergonomics. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
20-05-2019 - Gryazev V, Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2019). Correction: Low-Order Models of Dual-Stream Jet Noise with Temperature Effects Based on the Goldstein Generalised Acoustic Analogy. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
20-05-2019 - Punekar J, Avital EJ and Rona A (2019). Skewness as means for separating crackle from screech. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
18-05-2019 - Gryazev V, Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2019). Low-Order Models of Dual-Stream Jet Noise with Temperature Effects Based on the Goldstein Generalised Acoustic Analogy. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
18-05-2019 - Markesteijn AP, Karabasov SA, Gryazev V, Ayupov RS, Benderskiy L and Lyubimov D (2019). Comparison of GPU CABARET, RANS and RANS/ILES High Resolution Method Solutions for the CoJen Jet Noise Experiment. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
18-05-2019 - Markesteijn AP and Karabasov SA (2019). An LES Study of Core Temperature, Velocity, and Mach Number Effect on the Far-Field Noise of Co-Axial Jets. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
18-05-2019 - Wang S, Housden RJ, Noh Y, Singh A, Lindenroth L, Liu H, Althoefer K, Hajnal J, Singh D and Rhode K (2019). Analysis of a customized clutch joint designed for the safety management of an ultrasound robot. Applied Sciences (Switzerland) vol. 9 (9)
09-05-2019 - Zhou H, Guo R, Liu R and Liu T (2019). Simulations on dynamic responses of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite sandwich plates with square honeycomb cores subjected to water blast. Fuhe Cailiao Xuebao/Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica vol. 36 (5), 1226-1234.
01-05-2019 - Abdullah A and Bailey CG (2019). Corrigendum to “Punching behaviour of column-slab connection strengthened with non-prestressed or prestressed FRP plates” [Eng. Struct. 160 (2018) 229–242]. Engineering Structures, Elsevier vol. 187
01-05-2019 - Yan Y, Avital E, Williams JJR and Korakianitis T (2019). CFD analysis for the performance of Gurney flap on aerofoil and vertical axis turbine. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research vol. 8 (3), 385-392.
01-05-2019 - Li W, Konstantinova J, Alomainy A and Althoefer K (2019). Elastomer-based touch sensor: Visualization of tactile pressure distribution. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS).
26-04-2019 - Abrar T, Putzu F, Konstantinova J and Althoefer K (2019). EPAM: Eversive Pneumatic Artificial Muscle. 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft).
14-04-2019 - Li W, Konstantinova J, Noh Y, Ma Z, Alomainy A and Althoefer K (2019). An Elastomer-based Flexible Optical Force and Tactile Sensor. 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft).
14-04-2019 - Zhang K, Zhu Y, Lou C, Zheng P and Kovač M (2019). A Design and Fabrication Approach for Pneumatic Soft Robotic Arms Using 3D Printed Origami Skeletons. 2019 2nd IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft).
14-04-2019 - Del-Valle-Mojica JF, ALONSO-RASGADO MT, Jimenez-Cruz D, BAILEY C and Board T (2019). Effect of femoral head size, subject weight and activity level on acetabular cement mantle stress following total hip arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Wiley
12-04-2019 - BAILEY CG, Diaz-Lopez R, Alonso-Rasgado T, Jimenez-Cruz D and Board T (2019). Impact of femoroacetabular impingement and dysplasia of the hip on hip joint sphericity. Hip International, SAGE Publications
09-04-2019 - Shiva A, Sadati SMH, Noh Y, Fraś J, Ataka A, Würdemann H, Hauser H, Walker ID, Nanayakkara T and Althoefer K (2019). Elasticity Versus Hyperelasticity Considerations in Quasistatic Modeling of a Soft Finger-Like Robotic Appendage for Real-Time Position and Force Estimation. Soft Robot vol. 6 (2), 228-249.
01-04-2019 - Matsuno T, Wang Z, Althoefer K and Hirai S (2019). Adaptive update of reference capacitances in conductive fabric based robotic skin. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters vol. 4 (2), 2212-2219.
27-02-2019 - BUSFIELD JJC and WINDSLOW R (2019). Viscoelastic Modelling of Extrusion Damage in Elastomer Seals. Soft Materials, Taylor & Francis vol. 17 (3), 228-240.
20-02-2019 - Chermprayong P, ZHANG K, Xiao F and Kovac M (2019). An Integrated Delta Manipulator for Aerial Repair: A New Aerial Robotic System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
13-02-2019 - Wang F, Contò FP, Naz N, Castrejón-Pita JR, Castrejón-Pita AA, Bailey CG, Wang W, Feng JJ and Sui Y (2019). A fate-alternating transitional regime in contracting liquid filaments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics vol. 860, 640-653.
10-02-2019 - Wu F, Liu T, Xiao X, Zhang Z and Hou J (2019). Static and dynamic crushing of novel porous crochet-sintered metal and its filled composite tube. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 209, 830-843.
01-02-2019 - Zhang Y, Liu T and Xu Z (2019). Dynamic response of hybrid carbon fibre laminate beams under ballistic impact. Composite Structures, Elsevier vol. 210, 409-420.
01-02-2019 - Ye W, Li Q and Zhang K (2019). Kinematics and Performance Analysis of 2R2T Parallel Manipulator with Partially Decoupled Motion. Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery vol. 50 (1), 374-382.
25-01-2019 - Saponaro G, JAMONE L, Alexandre B and Giampiero S (2019). Beyond the Self: Using Grounded Affordances to Interpret and Describe Others’ Actions. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
17-01-2019 - FRAS J and ALTHOEFER K (2019). Soft biomimetic prosthetic hand:
Design, manufacturing and preliminary examination. International Conference on Intelligent Robots.
07-01-2019 - Ataka A, Shiva A, Lam H-K and Althoefer K (2019). Magnetic-field-inspired Navigation for Soft Continuum Manipulator. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2018 1 Oct 2018 - 5 Oct 2018.
07-01-2019 - Wang S, Housden J, Noh Y, Singh A, Back J, Lindenroth L, Liu H, Hajnal J, Althoefer K, Singh D and Rhode K (2019). Design and Implementation of a Bespoke Robotic Manipulator for Extra-corporeal Ultrasound. J Vis Exp (143)
07-01-2019 - Suwondo R, Cunningham L, Gillie M and Bailey C (2019). Progressive collapse analysis of composite steel frames subject to fire following earthquake. Fire Safety Journal, Elsevier vol. 103, 49-58.
01-01-2019 - Althoefer K, Konstantinova J and Zhang K (2019). Preface.
01-01-2019 - Musafir RE, Schor FJ and Avital EJ (2019). Prediction of jet noise spectra at arbitrary angles and temperature ratios based on cold jet measurements at 90°.
01-01-2019 - Omarali B, Palermo F, Valle M, Poslad S, Althoefer K and Farkhatdinov I (2019). Position and Velocity Control for Telemanipulation with Interoperability Protocol.
01-01-2019 - Junput B, Wei X and Jamone L (2019). Feel It on Your Fingers: Dataglove with Vibrotactile Feedback for Virtual Reality and Telerobotics.