Dr Radomir Slavchov

Radomir Slavchov
School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering


bullet iconMeasuring the Equilibrium Spreading Pressure—A Tale of Three Amphiphiles
Peychev B, Arabadzhieva D, Minkov IL, Dimitrova IM, Mileva E, Smoukov SK and Slavchov RI
Molecules, Mdpi vol. 29 (17) 
bullet iconElectrolytes at Uncharged Liquid Interfaces: Adsorption, Potentials, Surface Tension, and the Role of the Surfactant Monolayer
Slavchov RI, Peychev B and Minkov I
Langmuir, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 40 (33), 17170-17189.  
bullet iconCorrosion maps: Stability and composition diagrams for corrosion problems in CO2 transport
Slavchov RI, Iqbal MH, Faraji S, Madden D, Sonke J and Clarke SM
Corrosion Science, Elsevier vol. 236 
bullet iconQuantifying the Hydrophobic Effect per CF2 Moiety from Adsorption of Fluorinated Alcohols at the Water/Oil Interface
Peychev B, Arabadzhieva D, Minkov IL, Mileva E and Slavchov RI
Molecules, Mdpi vol. 29 (7) 
bullet iconPhase transitions of fluorotelomer alcohols at the water¦alkane interface studied via molecular dynamics simulation
Burrows S, Shon JW, Peychev B, Slavchov R and Smoukov S
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry 


bullet iconTheory of adsorption of ethoxylates at the water | oil and water | air interfaces. 1. Monolayers of single–component and Poisson distributed alkylphenol ethoxylates
Slavchov RI
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier 
bullet iconEffect of the solvent quadrupolarizability on the strength of the hydrogen bond: Theory vs data for the Gibbs energy and enthalpy of homo- and heteroassociation between carboxylic acids and water
Farren LJ, Sharifi N, Clarke SM and Slavchov RI
The Journal of Chemical Physics, American Institute of Physics vol. 158 (21) 
bullet iconMeasuring the Adsorption of Electrolytes on Lipid Monolayers.
Peychev B, Arabadzhieva D, Minkov I, Mileva E, Smoukov SK and Slavchov RI
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, American Chemical Society, 4652-4656.  
bullet iconCan diesel internal injector deposits form via an electrokinetic mechanism?
Slavchov RI, Radev I, Philippi W, Peinecke V, Clarke SM and Filip S
Fuel, Elsevier vol. 338 
bullet iconInteractions between Small Inorganic Ions and Uncharged Monolayers on the Water/Air Interface
Peychev B and Slavchov RI
Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), American Chemical Society 


bullet iconMinimum surfactant concentration required for inducing self-shaping of oil droplets and competitive adsorption effects
Feng J, Valkova Z, Lin EE, Nourafkan E, Wang T, Tcholakova S, Slavchov R and Smoukov SK
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry vol. 18 (35), 6729-6738.  


bullet iconCharacterization of capillary waves: a review and a new optical method
Slavchov R, Peychev B and Ismail A
Physics of Fluids, Aip Publishing vol. 33 (10) 
bullet iconThe cause of accelerated desorption of sparingly soluble dodecanol monolayers: Convection or leakage?
Minkov IL, Dimitrova IM, Arabadzhieva D, Mileva E and Slavchov RI
Colloids and Surfaces a: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier vol. 629 
Relevant PublicationProcessing code for optical characterization of flat capillary waves
Slavchov R, Peychev B and ISMAIL A
bullet iconAdsorption model and phase transitions of diblock perfluoroalkylated surfactants at the water—alkane interface
Peychev B and Slavchov RI
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 


bullet iconQuadrupolarizability of Liquid Mixtures.
Dimitrova IM, Yordanova VI and Slavchov RI
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Biophysical Chemistry, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter, American Chemical Society 
bullet iconThe role of NO2 and NO in the mechanism of hydrocarbon degradation leading to carbonaceous deposits in engines
Slavchov RI, Salamanca M, Russo D, Salama I, Mosbach S, Clarke SM, Kraft M, Lapkin AA and Filip SV
Fuel, Elsevier vol. 267 
bullet iconNanotechnology in Medicine
Nikolova M, Slavchov R and Nikolova G
In Drug Discovery and Evaluation: Methods in Clinical Pharmacology, Springer Nature 533-546.  


bullet iconFrom the molecular quadrupole moment of oxygen to the macroscopic quadrupolarizability of its liquid phase
Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Menon A
Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing Llc vol. 151 (6) 
bullet iconImproved methodology for performing the inverse Abel transform of flame images for color ratio pyrometry.
Dreyer JAH, Slavchov RI, Rees EJ, Akroyd J, Salamanca M, Mosbach S and Kraft M
Applied Optics, Optical Society of America vol. 58 (10), 2662-2670.  
bullet iconBarrier kinetics of adsorption-desorption of alcohol monolayers on water under constant surface tension.
Minkov IL, Arabadzhieva D, Salama IE, Mileva E and Slavchov RI
Soft Matter vol. 15 (8), 1730-1746.  
bullet iconCorrection: Barrier kinetics of adsorption-desorption of alcohol monolayers on water under constant surface tension (Soft Matter (2019), DOI: 10.1039/c8sm02076k)
Minkov IL, Arabadzhieva D, Salama IE, Mileva E and Slavchov RI
Soft Matter vol. 15 (8), 1890-1890.  


bullet iconFlexoelectricity and the Formation of Carbon Nanoparticles in Flames
Martin JW, Botero M, Slavchov RI, Bowal K, Akroyd J, Mosbach S and Kraft M
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 122 (38), 22210-22215.  
bullet iconEffective osmotic cohesion due to the solvent molecules in a delocalized adsorbed monolayer.
Slavchov RI and Ivanov IB
J Colloid Interface Sci vol. 532, 746-757.  
bullet iconAn adsorption-precipitation model for the formation of injector external deposits in internal combustion engines
Slavchov RI, Mosbach S, Kraft M, Pearson R and Filip SV
Applied Energy vol. 228, 1423-1438.  
bullet iconPolar curved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soot formation
Martin JW, Bowal K, Menon A, Slavchov RI, Akroyd J, Mosbach S and Kraft M
Proceedings of The Combustion Institute vol. 37 (1), 1117-1123.  
bullet iconVapor Pressure and Heat of Vaporization of Molecules That Associate in the Gas Phase
Slavchov RI, Novev JK, Mosbach S and Kraft M
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 57 (16), 5722-5731.  


bullet iconThe Polarization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Curved by Pentagon Incorporation: The Role of the Flexoelectric Dipole
Martin JW, Slavchov RI, Yapp EKY, Akroyd J, Mosbach S and Kraft M
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 121 (48), 27154-27163.  
bullet iconContribution of the surface dipole moment and the contact potential-induced disjoining pressure to the stress balance at a three-phase contact
Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Radoev BP
Colloid Journal, Pleiades Publishing vol. 79 (6), 815-821.  
bullet iconEvaporating foam films of pure liquid stabilized via the thermal Marangoni effect
Novev JK, Panchev N and Slavchov RI
Chemical Engineering Science vol. 171, 520-533.  
bullet iconComment on “A spherical cavity model for quadrupolar dielectrics” [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 114502 (2016)]
Dimitrova IM, Slavchov RI, Ivanov T and Mosbach S
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 146 (18) 
bullet iconAdsorption parameters and phase behaviour of non-ionic surfactants at liquid interfaces
Slavchov RI and Ivanov IB
Soft Matter, Royal Society of Chemistry (Rsc) vol. 13 (46), 8829-8848.  


bullet iconEnergy of Liposome Patch Adhesion to the Pipet Glass Determined by Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy
Nakayama Y, Slavchov RI, Bavi N and Martinac B
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters vol. 7 (22), 4530-4534.  
bullet iconAdsorption of Ions at Uncharged Insoluble Monolayers
Peshkova TV, Minkov IL, Tsekov R and Slavchov RI
Langmuir, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 32 (35), 8858-8871.  
bullet iconA spherical cavity model for quadrupolar dielectrics
Dimitrova IM, Slavchov RI, Ivanov T and Mosbach S
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 144 (11) 


bullet iconThe polarized interface between quadrupolar insulators: Maxwell stress tensor, surface tension, and potential
Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Ivanov T
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 143 (15) 


bullet iconGigaseal Mechanics: Creep of the Gigaseal under the Action of Pressure, Adhesion, and Voltage
Slavchov RI, Nomura T, Martinac B, Sokabe M and Sachs F
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 118 (44), 12660-12672.  
bullet iconMarkov chain model for the critical micelle concentration of surfactant mixtures
Slavchov RI and Georgiev GS
Colloid and Polymer Science, Springer Nature vol. 292 (11), 2927-2937.  
bullet iconAdsorption of ions at the interface oil|aqueous electrolyte and at interfaces with adsorbed alcohol
Slavchov RI and Peshkova TV
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 428, 257-266.  
bullet iconQuadrupole terms in the Maxwell equations: Debye-Hückel theory in quadrupolarizable solvent and self-salting-out of electrolytes
Slavchov RI
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 140 (16) 
bullet iconQuadrupole terms in the Maxwell equations: Born energy, partial molar volume, and entropy of ions
Slavchov RI and Ivanov TI
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 140 (7) 
bullet iconFully atomistic molecular‐mechanical model of liquid alkane oils: Computational validation
Zahariev TK, Slavchov RI, Tadjer AV and Ivanova AN
Journal of Computational Chemistry, Wiley vol. 35 (10), 776-788.  
bullet iconGigaseal Mechanics: Creep of the Gigaseal under the Action of Pressure, Adhesion, and Voltage
Slavchov RI, Nomura T, Martinac B, Sokabe M and Sachs F
Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol. 118 (44), 12660-12672.  


bullet iconComment on “Surface tension of concentrated electrolyte solutions” (R.I. Slavchov, J.K. Novev, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 387 (2012) 234)
Slavchov RI and Novev JK
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 423, 168-169.  
bullet iconSurface tension and surface Δχ-potential of concentrated Z+:Z− electrolyte solutions
Slavchov RI, Novev JK, Peshkova TV and Grozev NA
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 403, 113-126.  
bullet iconCohesive and non-cohesive adsorption of surfactants at liquid interfaces
Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Ivanov IB
Understanding Complex Systems, 199-225.  
bullet iconCohesive and Non-cohesive Adsorption of Surfactants at Liquid Interfaces
Slavchov RI, Dimitrova IM and Ivanov IB
In Without Bounds: a Scientific Canvas of Nonlinearity and Complex Dynamics, Springer Nature 199-225.  


bullet iconSurface tension of concentrated electrolyte solutions
Slavchov RI and Novev JK
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 387 (1), 234-243.  


bullet iconHofmeister effect on micellization, thin films and emulsion stability
Ivanov IB, Slavchov RI, Basheva ES, Sidzhakova D and Karakashev SI
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 168 (1-2), 93-104.  


bullet iconComparative validation of the analytical models for the Marangoni effect on foam film drainage
Karakashev SI, Ivanova DS, Angarska ZK, Manev ED, Tsekov R, Radoev B, Slavchov R and Nguyen AV
Colloids and Surfaces a Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier vol. 365 (1-3), 122-136.  
bullet iconQuantum hydrodynamics of electron gases
Slavchov R and Tsekov R
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 132 (8) 
bullet iconJustification of biexponential rate law of spreading over heterogeneous and rough surfaces
Slavchov R, Dutschk V, Heinrich G and Radoev B
Colloids and Surfaces a Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier vol. 354 (1-3), 252-260.  


bullet iconStreaming Potential Effect on the Drainage of Thin Liquid Films Stabilized by Ionic Surfactants
Tsekov R, Ivanova DS, Slavchov R, Radoev B, Manev ED, Nguyen AV and Karakashev SI
Langmuir, American Chemical Society (Acs) vol. 26 (7), 4703-4708.  


bullet iconScreened potential of a charged step defect on a semiconductor surface
Slavchov R, Ivanov T and Radoev B
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. vol. 19 (22) 


bullet iconEffect of the surface polarizability on electrostatic screening in semiconductors
Slavchov R, Ivanov T and Radoev B
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Iop Publishing vol. 18 (26) 


bullet iconEquilibrium profile and rupture of wetting film on heterogeneous substrates
Slavchov R, Radoev B and Stöckelhuber KW
Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. vol. 261 (1-3), 135-140.  
bullet iconOn the nature of Athabasca Oil Sands
Czarnecki J, Radoev B, Schramm LL and Slavchev R
Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Elsevier vol. 114, 53-60.  

Grants of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering

solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Sustainable Engineering
bullet icon(S&E QM Matched Funded PhD Studentship, Commercial, 2024/25, Non-Lab based, Band C, 4 Year) Solutions for Carbon Capture and Storage: Quadrupolar Solvency and Association
Radomir Slavchov
01-10-2024 - 31-01-2029
bullet iconPrevention of phase-separation of corrosive aqueous acidic solution out of liquid carbon dioxide - SEMS Industry-supported PhD studentship
Radomir Slavchov
02-02-2024 - 01-02-2027

bullet iconBP-ICAM project Battery thermal management fluids and systems
Radomir Slavchov
£10,165 BP International Ltd
01-05-2021 - 30-09-2022
bullet iconBP-ICAM fellowship
Radomir Slavchov
£14,320 BP International Ltd
01-06-2020 - 31-05-2021