- Cognitive and sensory expectations independently shape musical expectancy and pleasure.
Cheung VKM, Harrison PMC, Koelsch S, Pearce MT, Friederici AD and Meyer L
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci vol. 379 (1895), 20220420-20220420.
18-12-2023 - AVeriTeC: A dataset for real-world claim verification with evidence from the web
Schlichtkrull M, Guo Z and Vlachos A
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36.
10-12-2023 - Development and validation of open-source deep neural networks for comprehensive chest x-ray reading: a retrospective, multicentre study
Cid YD, Macpherson M, Gervais-Andre L, Zhu Y, Franco G, Santeramo R, Lim C, Selby I, Muthuswamy K, Amlani A, Hopewell H, Indrajeet D, Liakata M, Hutchinson CE, Goh V and Montana G
The Lancet Digital Health, Elsevier vol. 6 (JAMA Netw Open 2 2019), e44-e57.
08-12-2023 - Are Embedded Potatoes Still Vegetables? On the Limitations of WordNet Embeddings for Lexical Semantics
Cheng X, Schlichtkrull M and Emerson G
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
06-12-2023 - Working with troubles and failures in conversation between humans and robots: workshop report
Förster F, Romeo M, Holthaus P, Wood LJ, Dondrup C, Fischer JE, Liza FF, Kaszuba S, Hough J, Nesset B, García DH, Kontogiorgos D, Williams J, Özkan EE, Barnard P, Berumen G, Price D, Cobb S, Wiltschko M, Tisserand L, et al.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Frontiers vol. 10
01-12-2023 - Modeling Brain Representations of Words' Concreteness in Context Using GPT‐2 and Human Ratings
Bruera A, Tao Y, Anderson A, Çokal D, Haber J and Poesio M
Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 47 (12)
01-12-2023 - Soundscapes of morality: Linking music preferences and moral values through lyrics and audio
Preniqi V, Kalimeri K and Saitis C
Plos One, Public Library of Science (Plos) vol. 18 (11)
29-11-2023 - Gender-Coded Sound: Analysing the Gendering of Music in Toy Commercials via Multi-Task Learning
Marinelli L, FAZEKAS G and Saitis C
24th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference Milan 5 Nov 2023 - 9 Nov 2023.
05-11-2023 - Comparing neural sentence encoders for topic segmentation across domains: not your typical text similarity task
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Peerj Computer Science, Peerj vol. 9
03-11-2023 - Evaluating the generalisability of neural rumour verification models
Kochkina E, Hossain T, Logan RL, Arana-Catania M, Procter R, Zubiaga A, Singh S, He Y and Liakata M
Information Processing and Management, Elsevier vol. 60 (1)
26-10-2023 - Attitudes to technology supported rheumatoid arthritis care: investigating patient and clinician perceived opportunities and barriers
MacBrayne A, Curzon P, Soyel H, Marsh W, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
Rheumatology Advances in Practice, Oxford University Press (Oup)
26-10-2023 - Auditory and reward structures reflect the pleasure of musical expectancies during naturalistic listening
Gold BP, Pearce MT, McIntosh AR, Chang C, Dagher A and Zatorre RJ
Frontiers in Neuroscience, Frontiers vol. 17
19-10-2023 - Sound of Care: Towards a Co-Operative AI Digital Pain Companion to Support People with Chronic Primary Pain
Del Sette BM, Carnes D and Saitis C
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing., 283-288.
14-10-2023 - A Digital Health Solution for Child Growth Monitoring at Home: Testing the Accuracy of a Novel “GrowthMonitor” Smartphone Application to Detect Abnormal Height and Body Mass Indices
Thaventhiran T, Orr J, Morris JK, Hsu A, Martin L, Davies KM, Harding V, Chapple P, Dunkel L and Storr HL
Mayo Clinic Proceedings Digital Health, Elsevier vol. 1 (4), 498-509.
29-09-2023 - Scoring Coreference Chains with Split-Antecedent Anaphors
Paun S, Yu J, Moosavi NS and Poesio M
Dialogue & Discourse, University of Illinois Libraries vol. 14 (2), 1-48.
28-09-2023 - Inclusive education: pedagogical approach to online versus face-to-face teaching
Baysan A and Naeem U
Frontiers in Education, Frontiers vol. 8
22-09-2023 - Lessons Learnt from Linear Text Segmentation: a Fair Comparison of Architectural and Sentence Encoding Strategies for Successful Segmentation
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing 7 Sep 2023 - 9 Sep 2023., 408-418.
07-09-2023 - Increasing the Motivation to Train Through Haptic Social Interaction – Pilot study
Nehrujee A, Ivanova E, Srinivasan S, Balasubramanian S and Burdet E
2023 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). vol. 00, 1-6.
01-09-2023 - A third eye to augment environment perception
Meara MO, Cheng X, Eden J, Ivanova E and Burdet E
2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). vol. 00, 1239-1244.
31-08-2023 - Assessing the Strengths and Weaknesses of Large Language Models
Lappin S
Journal of Logic, Language and Information, Springer
30-08-2023 - The Onboarding Phase in a Game for Text Labelling: Comparing the Effect of Animated vs. Textual Onboarding on Player Experience and Accuracy
Althani F, Madge C and Poesio M
2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG). vol. 00, 1-8.
24-08-2023 - Can Training Make Three Arms Better Than Two Heads for Trimanual Coordination?
Huang Y, Eden J, Ivanova E and Burdet E
Ieee Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Ieee) vol. 4, 148-155.
16-08-2023 - Exploring Pre-Trained Neural Audio Representations for Audio Topic Segmentation
Ghinassi I, Purver M, Phan H and Newell C
2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). vol. 00, 1086-1091.
14-07-2023 - Probabilistic modelling of microtiming perception
Kaplan T, Jamone L and Pearce M
Cognition, Elsevier vol. 239
11-07-2023 - Tracing Linguistic Markers of Influence in a Large Online Organisation
Khare P, Shekhar R, Karan M, McQuistin S, Perkins C, Castro I, Tyson G, Healey P and Purver M
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)., 82-90.
09-07-2023 - LEDA: a Large-Organization Email-Based Decision-Dialogue-Act Analysis Dataset
Karan M, Khare P, Shekhar R, McQuistin S, Castro I, Tyson G, Perkins C, Healey P and Purver M
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023., 6080-6089.
09-07-2023 - Dissociating haptic feedback from physical assistance does not improve motor performance
Ivanova E, Peña-Perez N, Eden J, Yip Y and Burdet E
2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). vol. 00, 1-5.
01-07-2023 - A virtual reality platform to evaluate the effects of supernumerary limbs’ appearance
Jiang Z, Huang Y, Eden J, Ivanova E, Cheng X and Burdet E
2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). vol. 00, 1-5.
01-07-2023 - Errare humanum est: What do RFC Errata say about Internet Standards?
McQuistin S, Karan M, Khare P, Perkins C, Purver M, Healey P, Castro I and Tyson G
2023 7th Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA). vol. 00, 1-9.
29-06-2023 - Target-Oriented Investigation of Online Abusive Attacks: A Dataset and Analysis
Alharthi R, Shekhar R and Zubiaga A
Ieee Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
23-06-2023 - Session-based cyberbullying detection in social media: A survey
Yi P and Zubiaga A
Online Social Media and Networks, Elsevier vol. 36
17-06-2023 - Multimodal Topic Segmentation of Podcast Shows with Pre-trained Neural Encoders
Ghinassi I, Wang L, Newell C and Purver M
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval., 602-606.
12-06-2023 - SexWEs: Domain-Aware Word Embeddings via Cross-Lingual Semantic Specialisation for Chinese Sexism Detection in Social Media
Jiang A and Zubiaga A
Seventeenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. vol. 17, 447-458.
02-06-2023 - AnnoBERT: Effectively Representing Multiple Annotators’ Label Choices to Improve Hate Speech Detection
Yin W, Agarwal V, Jiang A, Zubiaga A and Sastry N
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. vol. 17, 902-913.
02-06-2023 - The human brain reactivates context-specific past information at event boundaries of naturalistic experiences
Hahamy A, Dubossarsky H and Behrens TEJ
Nature Neuroscience, Springer Nature vol. 26 (6), 1080-1089.
29-05-2023 - Check-worthy claim detection across topics for automated fact-checking
Abumansour AS and Zubiaga A
Peerj Computer Science, Peerj vol. 9
15-05-2023 - mySkills - A Reflective Framework for Employability Skills
Naeem U, Bosman L and Revell C
2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). vol. 00, 1-6.
04-05-2023 - Learner Engagement Analytics in a Hybrid Learning Environment
Naeem U and Bosman L
2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). vol. 00, 1-7.
04-05-2023 - Learning like human annotators: Cyberbullying detection in lengthy social media sessions
Yi P and Zubiaga A
ACM Web Conference 2023., 4095-4103.
30-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care: Opportunities & Barriers for technology in RA -Key themes from Qualitative arm of Mixed-Methods Study
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H, Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
British SOciety for Rheumatology Annual COnference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care, questionnaire study: Opportunities for technology to improve RA care
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Soyel H, Marsh D, Fenton N, Pitzalis C and Humby F
British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference, 2023 Manchester Central 24 Apr 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - Attitudes to Technology supported Rheumatoid Arthritis care Questionnaire study: Barriers to People with RA & their clinicians using Technology in the care pathway
Curzon P, Macbrayne A, Humby F, Marsh D, Soyel H, Fenton N and Pitzalis C
British Society for Rheumatology Annual COnference 2023 Manchester Central 24 Mar 2023 - 26 Apr 2023.
24-04-2023 - The Right Variety: Improving Expressive Range Analysis with Metric Selection Methods
Withington O and Tokarchuk L
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games., 1-11.
12-04-2023 - Few-Shot Learning for Cross-Target Stance Detection by Aggregating Multimodal Embeddings
Khiabani PJ and Zubiaga A
Ieee Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
10-04-2023 - “Who's there?”: Depicting identity in interaction
Healey PGT, Howes C, Kempson R, Mills GJ, Purver M, Gregoromichelaki E, Eshghi A and Hough J
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 46, e37-e37.
05-04-2023 - AI4PCR: Artificial intelligence for practicing conflict resolution
Hsu A and Chaudhary D
Computers in Human Behavior Artificial Humans, Elsevier vol. 1 (1), 100002-100002.
04-04-2023 - Computational Models of Anaphora
Poesio M, Yu J, Paun S, Aloraini A, Lu P, Haber J and Cokal D
Annual Review of Linguistics, Annual Reviews vol. 9, 28.1-28.27.
31-03-2023 - Special issue on intelligent systems for tackling online harms
Godoy D, Tommasel A and Zubiaga A
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing vol. 27 (1), 1-3.
17-03-2023 - Anaphoric reference to mereological entities
Cokal D, Filik R, Sturt P and Poesio M
Discourse Processes, Taylor & Francis vol. 60 (3), 202-223.
16-03-2023 - Speakers Raise their Hands and Head during Self-Repairs in Dyadic Conversations
Ozkan EE, Healey PGT, Gurion T, Hough J and Jamone L
Ieee Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
10-03-2023 - Probabilistic Approaches to Linguistic Theory
Bernardy J-P, Blanck R, Chatzikyriakidis S, Lappin S and Maskharashvili A
24-02-2023 - Worlds apart? Testing the cultural distance hypothesis in music perception of Chinese and Western listeners.
Klarlund M, Brattico E, Pearce M, Wu Y, Vuust P, Overgaard M and Du Y
Cognition, Elsevier vol. 235, 105405-105405.
18-02-2023 - Editorial: Remote XR user studies
Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M, Men L, Ortega FR and Bryan-Kinns N
Frontiers in Computer Science, Frontiers Media vol. 5
06-02-2023 - Timbre Semantic Associations Vary Both Between and Within Instruments
Reymore L, Noble J, Saitis C, Traube C and Wallmark Z
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, University of California Press vol. 40 (3), 253-274.
01-02-2023 - Observational prospective study of social media, smartphone use and self-harm in a clinical sample of young people: study protocol
Bye A, Carter B, Leightley D, Trevillion K, Liakata M, Branthonne-Foster S, Williamson G, Zenasni Z and Dutta R
Bmj Open, Bmj vol. 13 (2)
01-02-2023 - Semantic Data Engineering for Intelligent Educational Learning Systems through Process Mining
Okoye K, Islam S, Naeem U and Hosseini S
2023 Future of Educational Innovation-Workshop Series Data in Action. vol. 00, 1-6.
18-01-2023 - Maximizing the positive and minimizing the negative: Social media data to study youth mental health with informed consent
Leightley D, Bye A, Carter B, Trevillion K, Branthonne-Foster S, Liakata M, Wood A, Ougrin D, Orben A, Ford T and Dutta R
Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers vol. 13
10-01-2023 - Reflection on Teaching Observation for Computer Science and Engineering to Design Effective Teaching Resources in Transnational Higher Education
Gill SS, Thibodeau D, Kaur R, Naeem U and Stockman A
Handbook of Research on Developments and Future Trends in Transnational Higher Education, Igi Global
05-01-2023 - The Time-Embedding Travelers at WiC-ITA
Periti F and Dubossarsky H
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 3473
01-01-2023 - The Intended Uses of Automated Fact-Checking Artefacts: Why, How and Who
Schlichtkrull M, Ousidhoum N and Vlachos A
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023., 8618-8642.
01-01-2023 - Sequential Path Signature Networks for Personalised Longitudinal Language Modeling
Tseriotou T, Tsakalidis A, Foster P, Lyons T and Liakata M
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023., 5016-5031.
01-01-2023 - SemEval-2023 Task 11: Learning with Disagreements (LeWiDi)
Leonardelli E, Abercrombie G, Almanea D, Basile V, Fornaciari T, Plank B, Rieser V, Uma A and Poesio M
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)., 2304-2318.
01-01-2023 - Reformulating NLP tasks to Capture Longitudinal Manifestation of Language Disorders in People with Dementia.
Gkoumas D, Purver M and Liakata M
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing., 15904-15917.
01-01-2023 - Reformulating NLP tasks to Capture Longitudinal Manifestation of Language Disorders in People with Dementia.
Gkoumas D, Purver M and Liakata M
EMNLP., 15904-15917. Editors: Bouamor H, Pino J and Bali K.
01-01-2023 - PANACEA: An Automated Misinformation Detection System on COVID-19
Zhao R, Arana-Catania M, Zhu L, Kochkina E, Gui L, Zubiaga A, Procter R, Liakata M and He Y
The 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational., 67-74.
01-01-2023 - Multimodal Automated Fact-Checking: A Survey
Akhtar M, Schlichtkrull M, Guo Z, Cocarascu O, Simperl E and Vlachos A
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023., 5430-5448.
01-01-2023 - Message from the Program Chairs
Pradhan S, Ogrodniczuk M, Nedoluzhko A, Poesio M and Ng V
Emnlp 2023 - Proceedings of The 6th Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference, Crac 2023
01-01-2023 - Lon-eå at SemEval-2023 Task 11: A Comparison of Activation Functions for Soft and Hard Label Prediction.
Hosseini P, Hosseini M, Al-Azzawi SS, Liwicki M, Castro I and Purver M
SemEval@ACL., 1329-1334.
01-01-2023 - Lon-eå at SemEval-2023 Task 11: A Comparison of Activation Functions for Soft and Hard Label Prediction
Hosseini P, Hosseini M, Al-azzawi S, Liwicki M, Castro I and Purver M
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)., 1329-1334.
01-01-2023 - Lexicools at SemEval-2023 Task 10: Sexism Lexicon Construction via XAI
Nakwijit P, Samir M and Purver M
Proceedings of the The 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)., 23-43.
01-01-2023 - Implicit auditory memory in older listeners: From encoding to 6-month retention
Bianco R, Hall ETR, Pearce MT and Chait M
Current Research in Neurobiology, Elsevier vol. 5
01-01-2023 - Extended Overview of the CLEF-2023 LongEval Lab on Longitudinal Evaluation of Model Performance
Alkhalifa R, Bilal I, Borkakoty H, Camacho-Collados J, Deveaud R, El-Ebshihy A, Espinosa-Anke L, Gonzalez-Saez G, Galuščáková P, Goeuriot L, Kochkina E, Liakata M, Loureiro D, Mulhem P, Piroi F, Popel M, Servan C, Madabushi HT and Zubiaga A
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 3497, 2181-2203.
01-01-2023 - Exploring Minecraft Settlement Generators with Generative Shift Analysis.
Hervé J-B, Withington O, Hervé M, Tokarchuk L and Salge C
Corr vol. abs/2309.05371
01-01-2023 - Exploring Minecraft Settlement Generators with Generative Shift Analysis
Hervé JB, Withington O, Hervé M, Tokarchuk L and Salge C
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. vol. 3626
01-01-2023 - Editorial: Remote XR user studies.
Tokarchuk L, Ratcliffe J, Hoover M, Men L, Ortega FR and Bryan-Kinns N
Frontiers Comput. Sci. vol. 5
01-01-2023 - Data Augmentation for Fake Reviews Detection
Liu M and Poesio M
Proceedings of the Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing - Large Language Models for Natural Language Processings., 673-680.
01-01-2023 - Creation and evaluation of timelines for longitudinal user posts
Hills A, Tsakalidis A, Nanni F, Zachos I and Liakata M
EACL 2023 - 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference., 3773-3786.
01-01-2023 - Aggregating Crowdsourced and Automatic Judgments to Scale Up a Corpus of Anaphoric Reference for Fiction and Wikipedia Texts
Yu J, Paun S, Camilleri M, Garcia P, Chamberlain J, Kruschwitz U and Poesio M
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics., 767-781.
01-01-2023 - Active PETs: Active Data Annotation Prioritisation for Few-Shot Claim Verification with Pattern Exploiting Training
Zeng X and Zubiaga A
Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Findings of EACL 2023., 190-204.
01-01-2023 - A Digital Language Coherence Marker for Monitoring Dementia
Gkoumas D, Tsakalidis A and Liakata M
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing., 16021-16034.