- Politimou N, Douglass-Kirk P, Pearce M, Stewart L and Franco F (2020). Melodic expectations in 5- and 6-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, Elsevier vol. 203
30-11-2020 - Harrison PMC, Bianco R, Chait M and Pearce MT (2020). PPM-Decay: A computational model of auditory prediction with memory decay. PLoS Computational Biology vol. 16 (11)
04-11-2020 - Zioga I, Harrison PMC, Pearce MT, Bhattacharya J and Luft CDB (2020). Auditory but not audiovisual cues lead to higher neural sensitivity to the statistical regularities of an unfamiliar musical style. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience vol. 32 (12), 2241-2259.
30-10-2020 - Rohanian M, Hough J and Purver M (2020). Multi-modal fusion with gating using audio, lexical and disfluency features for Alzheimer's Dementia recognition from spontaneous speech. Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 25 Oct 2020 - 29 Oct 2020.
25-10-2020 - Gregoromichelaki E, Mills G, Howes C, Eshghi A, Chatzikyriakidis S, Purver M, Kempson R, Cann R and Healey P (2020). Completability vs (In)completeness. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
22-10-2020 - Ratcliffe J and Tokarchuk L (2020). Evidence for embodied cognition in immersive virtual environments using a second language learning environment. 2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG) 24 Aug 2020 - 27 Aug 2020.
20-10-2020 - Ratcliffe J and Tokarchuk L (2020). Presence, Embodied Interaction and Motivation. Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia.
12-10-2020 - Schlichtkrull M, De Cao N and Titov I (2020). Interpreting graph neural networks for NLP with differentiable edge masking. The Ninth International Conference on Learning Representations.
01-10-2020 - Shekhar R, Pranjić M, Pollak S, Pelicon A and Purver M (2020). Automating News Comment Moderation with Limited Resources: Benchmarking in Croatian and Estonian. Journal of Language Technology and Computational Linguistics, German Society for Computational Linguistics & Language Technology vol. 34 (1), 49-79.
08-09-2020 - Lau JH, Armendariz CS, Lappin S, Purver M and Shu C (2020). How Furiously Can Colourless Green Ideas Sleep? Sentence Acceptability in Context. Trans. Assoc. Comput. Linguistics, MIT Press vol. 8, 296-310.
22-06-2020 - Lau JH, Santos Armendariz C, Lappin S, Purver M and Shu C (2020). How Furiously Can Colourless Green Ideas Sleep? Sentence Acceptability in Context. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, MIT Press vol. 8, 296-310.
17-06-2020 - Ycart A, Liu L, Benetos E and Pearce M (2020). Investigating the Perceptual Validity of Evaluation Metrics for Automatic Piano Music Transcription. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Ubiquity Press vol. 3 (1), 68-81.
12-06-2020 - Bianco R, Harrison PMC, Hu M, Bolger C, Picken S, Pearce MT and Chait M (2020). Long-term implicit memory for sequential auditory patterns in humans. eLife, eLife vol. 9
18-05-2020 - Ivanova E, Carboni G, Eden J, Krger J and Burdet E (2020). For Motion Assistance Humans Prefer to Rely on a Robot Rather Than on an Unpredictable Human. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 1, 133-139.
16-04-2020 - Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P (2020). Decomposing neural responses to melodic surprise in musicians and non-musicians: Evidence for a hierarchy of predictions in the auditory system. NeuroImage vol. 215
08-04-2020 - Clemente A, Vila-Vidal M, Pearce MT, Aguiló G, Corradi G and Nadal M (2020). A Set of 200 Musical Stimuli Varying in Balance, Contour, Symmetry, and Complexity: Behavioral and Computational Assessments. Behavioral Research Methods
12-02-2020 - Harrison PMC and Pearce MT (2020). A computational cognitive model for the analysis and generation of voice leadings. Music Perception vol. 37 (3), 208-224.
01-02-2020 - Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P (2020). Musical prediction error responses similarly reduced by predictive uncertainty in musicians and non-musicians. European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley
21-01-2020 - Tabak T and Purver M (2020). Temporal Mental Health Dynamics on Social Media., Editors: Verspoor K, Cohen KB, Conway M, Bruijn BD, Dredze M, Mihalcea R and Wallace BC. 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 (Part 2) at EMNLP 2020.
01-01-2020 - Tabak T and Purver M (2020). Temporal Mental Health Dynamics on Social Media. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for COVID-19 (Part 2) at EMNLP 2020.
01-01-2020 - Armendariz CS, Purver M, Pollak S, Ljubešić N, Ulčar M, Vulić I and Pilehvar MT (2020). SemEval-2020 Task 3: Graded Word Similarity in Context. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation.
01-01-2020 - De Cao N, Schlichtkrull MS, Aziz W and Titov I (2020). How do Decisions Emerge across Layers in Neural Models? Interpretation with Differentiable Masking. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP).
01-01-2020 - Wright GA and Purver M (2020). Creative Language Generation in a Society of Engagement and Reflection., Editors: Cardoso FA, Machado P, Veale T and Cunha JM.
01-01-2020 - Armendariz CS, Purver M, Ulcar M, Pollak S, Ljubesic N and Granroth-Wilding M (2020). CoSimLex: A Resource for Evaluating Graded Word Similarity in Context., Editors: Calzolari N, Béchet F, Blache P, Choukri K, Cieri C, Declerck T, Goggi S, Isahara H, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Mazo H, Moreno A, Odijk J and Piperidis S.
01-01-2020 - Armendariz CS, Purver M, Ulcar M, Pollak S, Ljubesic N, Robnik-Sikonja M, Granroth-Wilding M and Vaik K (2020). CoSimLex: A Resource for Evaluating Graded Word Similarity in Context.