- Musical prediction error responses similarly reduced by predictive uncertainty in musicians and non-musicians.
Quiroga-Martinez DR, C Hansen N, Højlund A, Pearce M, Brattico E and Vuust P
European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley
31-12-2019 - Smarty Pants: Exploring Textile Pressure Sensors in Trousers for Posture and Behaviour Classification
Skach S, Stewart R and Healey PGT
International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles.
30-12-2019 - Gender, Language and Society - Word Embeddings as a Reflection of Social Inequalities in Linguistic Corpora
Supej A, Plahuta M, Purver M, Mathioudakis M and Pollak S
Znanost in družbe prihodnosti, Slovensko sociološko srečanje [Annual meeting of the Slovenian Sociological Association: Science and future societies] Bled, Slovenia 18 Oct 2019 - 19 Oct 2019., 75-83. Editors: Ignjatović M, Kanjuo-Mrčela A and Kuhar R.
24-12-2019 - Simultaneous consonance in music perception and composition
Harrison P and Pearce M
Psychological Review, American Psychological Association
23-12-2019 - CoSimLex: A Resource for Evaluating Graded Word Similarity in Context
Armendariz CS, Purver M, Ulčar M, Pollak S, Ljubešić N, Robnik-Šikonja M, Granroth-Wilding M and Vaik K
11-12-2019 - Information-theoretic Modeling of Perceived Musical Complexity
Pearce M and Sauvé S
Music Perception, University of California Press
10-12-2019 - Uncertainty and Surprise Jointly Predict Musical Pleasure and Amygdala, Hippocampus, and Auditory Cortex Activity
Cheung V, HARRISON PMC, Meyer L, Pearce M, Haynes J-D and Koelsch S
Current Biology, Elsevier (Cell Press)
07-11-2019 - From learning to creativity: Identifying the behavioural and neural correlates of learning to predict human judgements of musical creativity
Zioga I, Harrison P, Pearce M, Bhattacharya J and Di Bernardi Luft C
Neuroimage, Elsevier
25-10-2019 - Predictability and uncertainty in the pleasure of music: a reward for learning?
Gold B, Pearce M, Mas-Herrero E, Dagher A and Zatorre RJ
The Journal of Neuroscience, Society For Neuroscience
21-10-2019 - Reward prediction tells us less than expected about musical pleasure
de Fleurian R, Harrison PMC, Pearce MT and Quiroga-Martinez DR
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
19-09-2019 - Detecting depression with word-level multimodal fusion
Rohanian M, Hough J and Purver M
20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association - INTERSPEECH Graz, Austria. vol. 2019-September, 1443-1447.
15-09-2019 - Co-ordination of Head Nods: Asymmetries between Speakers and Listeners
Zhang L and Healey PGT
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.
05-09-2019 - A Corpus Study on Questions, Responses and Misunderstanding Signals in Conversations with Alzheimer’s Patients
Nasreen S, Purver M and Hough J
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Full Papers.
01-09-2019 - PlayMapper: Illuminating design spaces of platform games
Warriar VR, Ugarte C, Woodward JR and Tokarchuk L
IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game. vol. 2019-August
01-08-2019 - Modelling player preferences in AR mobile games
Warriar VR, Woodward JR and Tokarchuk L
IEEE Conference on Computatonal Intelligence and Game. vol. 2019-August
01-08-2019 - Reduced prediction error responses in high-as compared to low-uncertainty musical contexts
Quiroga-Martinez DR, Hansen NC, Højlund A, Pearce MT, Brattico E and Vuust P
Cortex, Elsevier Bv vol. 120, 181-200.
28-06-2019 - Shaping Sounds
Deacon T, Bryan-Kinns N, Healey PGT and Barthet M
Proceedings of the 2019 on Creativity and Cognition., 121-132.
13-06-2019 - Intracranial Recordings and Computational Modeling of Music Reveal the Time Course of Prediction Error Signaling in Frontal and Temporal Cortices.
Omigie D, Pearce M, Lehongre K, Hasboun D, Navarro V, Adam C and Samson S
J Cogn Neurosci vol. 31 (6), 855-873.
01-06-2019 - Neural entrainment is associated with subjective groove and complexity for performed but not mechanical musical rhythms
Cameron DJ, Zioga I, Lindsen JP, Pearce MT, Wiggins GA, Potter K and Bhattacharya J
Experimental Brain Research, Springer Nature vol. 237 (8), 1981-1991.
31-05-2019 - Mapping Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives for Understanding Speech Interface Interactions
Clark L, Cowan BR, Edwards J, Munteanu C, Murad C, Aylett M, Moore RK, Edlund J, Szekely E, Healey P, Harte N, Torre I and Doyle P
Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 1-8.
02-05-2019 - Embodied Imagination
Esparza RPG, Healey PGT, Weaver L and Delbridge M
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 1-12.
02-05-2019 - Re-Representing Metaphor: Modelling metaphor perception using dynamically contextual distributional semantics
Frontiers in Psychology, Frontiers Media
15-04-2019 - Drawing as transcription: how do graphical techniques inform interaction analysis?
Albert S, Heath C, Skach S, Harris MT, Miller M and Healey PGT
Social Interaction Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality, Det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library vol. 2 (1)
28-03-2019 - The Re-Emergence of the Jewish Question
Lappin S
Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism, Academic Studies Press vol. 2 (1), 29-46.
01-03-2019 - Engaging With Contemporary Dance: What Can Body Movements Tell us About Audience Responses?
Theodorou L, Healey PGT and Smeraldi F
Front Psychol vol. 10, 71-71.
01-02-2019 - The influence of cost on the emergence of a common language among cooperating agents
McGinity MM, Purver M and Wiggins G
2019 AISB Convention., 21-27.
01-01-2019 - The Effect of Context on Metaphor Paraphrase Aptness Judgments
Bizzoni Y and Lappin S
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers., 165-175.
01-01-2019 - Predicting metaphor paraphrase judgements in context
Bizzoni Y and Lappin S
IWCS 2019 - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers., 165-175.
01-01-2019 - Designing an Interactive and Collaborative Experience in Audio Augmented Reality
Bauer V, Nagele A, Baume C, Cowlishaw T, Cooke H, Pike C and Healey PGT
Lecture Notes in Computer Science. vol. 11883, 305-311.