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01-11-2017 - Sears DRW, PEARCE MT, Caplin WE and McAdams S (2017). Simulating melodic and harmonic expectations for tonal cadences using probabilistic models. Journal of New Music Research, Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
08-09-2017 - HEALEY PGT and Duffy (2017). A New Medium for Remote Music Tuition. Journal of Music, Technology and Education, Intellect vol. 10 (1)
01-07-2017 - Cameron D, Potter K, Wiggins G and PEARCE MT (2017). Perception of Rhythmic Similarity is Asymmetrical, and Is Influenced by Musical Training, Expressive Performance, and Musical Context. Timing and Time Perception
01-06-2017 - van der Weij B, Pearce MT and Honing H (2017). A Probabilistic Model of Meter Perception: Simulating Enculturation. Front Psychol vol. 8, 824-824.
22-05-2017 - Pearce M and Müllensiefen D (2017). Compression-based Modelling of Musical Similarity Perception. Journal of New Music Research vol. 46 (2), 135-155.
30-03-2017 - Agres K, Abdallah S and Pearce M (2017). Information-Theoretic Properties of Auditory Sequences Dynamically Influence Expectation and Memory. Cognitive Science
25-01-2017 - Halpern AR, Zioga I, Shankleman M, Lindsen J, Pearce MT and Bhattacharya J (2017). That note sounds wrong! Age-related effects in processing of musical expectation. Brain Cogn vol. 113, 1-9.
05-01-2017 - Theodorou L and Healey P (2017). What can Hand Movements Tell us about Audience Engagement?
01-01-2017 - Albert S, Heath C and Healey P (2017). The Fine Art of Conversation.
01-01-2017 - Skach S, Healey PGT and Stewart R (2017). Talking Through Your Arse: Sensing Conversation with Seat Covers.
01-01-2017 - Concannon S, Healey PGT and Purver M (2017). Opening Up and Closing Down Discussion: Experimenting with Epistemic Status in Conversation.
01-01-2017 - Concannon S, Healey P and Purver M (2017). How natural is argument in natural dialogue? Computational Models of Natural Argument.
01-01-2017 - Howes C, Lavelle M, Healey PGT, Hough J and McCabe R (2017). Disfluencies in dialogues with patients with schizophrenia.
01-01-2017 - Bizzoni Y and Lappin S (2017). Deep learning of binary and gradient judgements for semantic paraphrase.
01-01-2017 - Duffy S and Healey PGT (2017). Co-ordinating Non-mutual Realities: The Asymmetric Impact of Delay on Video-Mediated Music Lessons.