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01-12-2016 - Grammaticality, Acceptability, and Probability: A Probabilistic View of Linguistic Knowledge
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12-10-2016 - If You Have to Ask, You'll Never Know: Effects of Specialised Stylistic Expertise on Predictive Processing of Music
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12-10-2016 - Brains of older adults process melodic expectancy differently from those of younger adults
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01-10-2016 - Algorithmically-generated Corpora that use Serial Compositional Principles Can Contribute to the Modeling of Sequential Pitch Structure in Non-tonal Music
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08-07-2016 - Exploring Audience Behaviour During Contemporary Dance Performances
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05-07-2016 - Modelling information resources and their salience in medical device design
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01-06-2016 - Nonlinear Changes in the Rhythm of European Art Music: Quantitative Support for Historical Musicology
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01-04-2016 - Neuroaesthetics
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01-03-2016 - Brain responses in humans reveal ideal observer-like sensitivity to complex acoustic patterns
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19-01-2016 - Perceived and Induced Emotion Responses to Popular Music: Categorical and Dimensional Models
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01-01-2016 - Linking Melodic Expectation to Expressive Performance Timing and Perceived Musical Tension
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01-01-2016 - CRUDE: Combining Resource Usage Data and Error Logs for Accurate Error Detection in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
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01-01-2016 - Better late than Now-or-Never: The case of interactive repair phenomena
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