Dr Primoz Skraba

Primoz Skraba

Reader in Applied and Computational Topology

School of Mathematical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London


topology, geometry, algorithms


My research is in applied topology: mostly geometry, algebra, and recently stochastic topology -- along with other areas such as algorithms, computational geometry, and machine learning. A long time ago I also used to do signal processing.

Much of my research is on understanding persistent homology and its various aspects. Some of the areas include:

Stability: Persistence diagrams are the main invariant that is studied. We often try to understand spaces from finite samples, in which case, stability is important as it allows us to get quantitative control. I am very interested in stability statements and how they relate to classical objects such as exact sequences. In general there is a mixture of combinatorial and algebraic aspects to these type of questions.

Variants:There are several variants to persistence, such as zig-zag, robustness, and multiparameter. There are many open and interesting questions in this area. I have worked on some of these and have recently started working on multiparameter questions more concretely.

Algorithms: A key factor in persistent homology is that it can be computed quite efficiently (thanks to the hard work of many other people). I have worked on various complexity questions and there are still interesting questions here.

Stochastic topology: this is, roughly speaking, asking about the topology of a space which comes from a random process. In particular, I am interested in the homology group (and ultimately homotopy groups) of these spaces. The random models I am interested in are usually geometric (Poisson, Boolean, or some regular tiling).


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science


Relevant PublicationAlonso ÁJ, Kerber M and Skraba P (2024). Probabilistic Analysis of Multiparameter Persistence Decompositions into Intervals. 
Relevant PublicationSkraba P and Yogeshwaran D (2024). Central limit theorem for euclidean minimal spanning acycles. Journal of Topology and Analysis, World Scientific Publishing, 1-37.  


Relevant PublicationBobrowski O and Skraba P (2023). Cluster Persistence for Weighted Graphs. Entropy, MDPI vol. 25 (12) 
Relevant PublicationBobrowski O and Skraba P (2023). A universal null-distribution for topological data analysis. Scientific Reports, Springer Nature vol. 13 (1) 


bullet iconBeltramo G and Skraba P (2022). Persistent homology in ℓ metric. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications vol. 101 
Relevant PublicationBeltramo G, Skraba P, Andreeva R, Sarkar R, Giarratano Y and Bernabeu MO (2022). Euler characteristic surfaces. Foundations of Data Science, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) vol. 4 (4), 505-536.  
Relevant PublicationCarlsson G, Hess K, Mémoli F, Rabadan R and Skraba P (2022). Preface. Foundations of Data Science, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) vol. 4 (4), i-i.  


bullet iconSkraba P and Bobrowski O (2020). Homological Percolation: The Formation of Giant k-Cycles. International Mathematics Research Notices, Oxford University Press (OUP) vol. 2022 (8), 6186-6213.  
Relevant PublicationBrüel-Gabrielsson R, Ganapathi-Subramanian V, Skraba P and Guibas LJ (2020). Topology-Aware Surface Reconstruction for Point Clouds. Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association, Wiley vol. 39 (5), 197-207.  
bullet iconSkraba P, Thoppe G and Yogeshwaran D (2020). Randomly weighted d-complexes: Minimal spanning acycles and Persistence diagrams. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics vol. 27 (2) 
bullet iconBobrowski O and Skraba P (2020). Homological percolation and the Euler characteristic. Physical Review E, American Physical Society (APS) vol. 101 (3) 
Relevant PublicationWang B, Bujack R, Rosen P, Skraba P, Bhatia H and Hagen H (2020). Interpreting Galilean Invariant Vector Field Analysis via Extended Robustness. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization V  221-235.  
bullet iconBrüel-Gabrielsson R, Nelson BJ, Dwaraknath A, Skraba P, Guibas LJ and Carlsson G (2020). A Topology Layer for Machine Learning. 


bullet iconSenozetnik M, Bradesko L, Subic T, Herga Z, Urbancic J, Skraba P and Mladenic D (2019). Estimating point-of-interest rating based on visitors geospatial behaviour. South African Computer Journal, National Library of Serbia vol. 16 (1), 131-154.  


bullet iconGovc D and Skraba P (2018). An Approximate Nerve Theorem. Foundations of Computational Mathematics vol. 18 (5), 1245-1297.  
Relevant PublicationPoulenard A, Skraba P and Ovsjanikov M (2018). Topological Function Optimization for Continuous Shape Matching. Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley vol. 37 (5), 13-25.  
bullet iconStopar L, Skraba P, Grobelnik M and Mladenic D (2018). StreamStory: Exploring Multivariate Time Series on Multiple Scales. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 25 (4), 1788-1802.  
bullet iconŠkraba P (2018). Persistent homology and machine learning. Informatica (Slovenia) vol. 42 (2), 253-258.  


bullet iconKazic B, Rupnik J, Skraba P, Bradesko L and Mladenic D (2017). Predicting Users’ Mobility Using Monte Carlo Simulations. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 5, 27400-27420.  
bullet iconBobrowski O, Kahle M and Skraba P (2017). Maximally persistent cycles in random geometric complexes. The Annals of Applied Probability, Institute of Mathematical Statistics vol. 27 (4), 2032-2060.  
bullet iconMole M, Wang L, Stanič S, Bergant K, Eichinger WE, Ocaña F, Strajnar B, Škraba P, Vučković M and Willis WB (2017). Lidar measurements of Bora wind effects on aerosol loading. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Elsevier vol. 188, 39-45.  
bullet iconŠoberl D, Kosta NM and Škraba P (2017). Decentralized Computation of Homology in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Spanning Trees. 


bullet iconKudryavtseva G and Škraba P (2016). The principal bundles over an inverse semigroup. Semigroup Forum, Springer Nature vol. 94 (3), 674-695.  
bullet iconSkraba P, Rosen P, Wang B, Chen G, Bhatia H and Pascucci V (2016). Critical Point Cancellation in 3D Vector Fields: Robustness and Discussion. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph vol. 22 (6), 1683-1693.  
bullet iconFortuna C, De Poorter E, Škraba P and Moerman I (2016). Data Driven Wireless Network Design: A Multi-level Modeling Approach. Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Nature vol. 88 (1), 63-77.  
bullet iconRupnik J, Muhic A, Leban G, Skraba P, Fortuna B and Grobelnik M (2016). News Across Languages - Cross-Lingual Document Similarity and Event Tracking. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, AI Access Foundation vol. 55, 283-316.  
bullet iconVejdemo-Johansson M and Skraba P (2016). Topology, Big Data and Optimization. Big Data Optimization: Recent Developments and Challenges  147-176.  


bullet iconKerber M, Sheehy DR and Skraba P (2015). Persistent Homology and Nested Dissection. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
bullet iconSkraba P, Wang B, Chen G and Rosen P (2015). Robustness-Based Simplification of 2D Steady and Unsteady Vector Fields. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 21 (8), 930-944.  
bullet iconVejdemo-Johansson M, Pokorny FT, Skraba P and Kragic D (2015). Cohomological learning of periodic motion. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, Springer Nature vol. 26 (1-2), 5-26.  


bullet iconSkraba P, Wang B, Chen G and Rosen P (2014). 2D Vector Field Simplification Based on Robustness. 2014 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium
bullet iconSkraba P and Wang B (2014). Interpreting Feature Tracking Through the Lens of Robustness. Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization III  19-37.  


bullet iconSkraba P and Wang B (2013). Approximating Local Homology from Samples. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
bullet iconChazal F, Guibas LJ, Oudot SY and Skraba P (2013). Persistence-Based Clustering in Riemannian Manifolds. Journal of the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) vol. 60 (6), 1-38.  
bullet iconWang B, Rosen P, Skraba P, Bhatia H and Pascucci V (2013). Visualizing Robustness of Critical Points for 2D Time‐Varying Vector Fields. Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley vol. 32 (3pt2), 221-230.  


bullet iconMuhic A, Rupnik J and Skraba P (2012). Cross-lingual document similarity. 
bullet iconChazal F, Skraba P and Patel A (2012). Computing well diagrams for vector fields on Rn. Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier vol. 25 (11), 1725-1728.  


bullet iconMilosavljević N, Morozov D and Skraba P (2011). Zigzag persistent homology in matrix multiplication time. Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry
bullet iconChazal F, Guibas LJ, Oudot SY and Skraba P (2011). Persistence-based clustering in riemannian manifolds. Proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual symposium on Computational geometry
bullet iconChazal F, Guibas LJ, Oudot SY and Skraba P (2011). Scalar Field Analysis over Point Cloud Data. Discrete & Computational Geometry, Springer Nature vol. 46 (4) 


bullet iconSkraba P, Ovsjanikov M, Chazal F and Guibas L (2010). Persistence-based Segmentation of Deformable Shapes. 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops


bullet iconMotskin A, Roughgarden T, Skraba P and Guibas L (2009). Lightweight Coloring and Desynchronization for Networks. IEEE INFOCOM 2009
bullet iconChazal F, Guibas LJ, Oudot SY and Skraba P (2009). Analysis of Scalar Fields over Point Cloud Data. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms


bullet iconSkraba P and Guibas L (2007). Energy Efficient Intrusion Detection in Camera Sensor Networks. 


bullet iconSkraba P, Fang Q, Nguyen A and Guibas L (2006). Sweeps over wireless sensor networks. Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information processing in sensor networks - IPSN '06
bullet iconSkraba P, Fang Q, Nguyen A and Guibas L (2006). Sweeps Over Wireless Sensor Networks. 2006 5th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks


bullet iconŠkraba P, Aghajan H and Bahai A (2004). Distributed Passive Routing Decisions in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004
bullet iconŠkraba P, Aghajan H and Bahai A (2004). Cross-Layer Optimization for High Density Sensor Networks: Distributed Passive Routing Decisions. 


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Probability, Statistics and Data Science
solid heart iconUniversality in Topological Data Analysis
Omer Bobrowski and Primoz Skraba
£330,778 Leverhulme Trust (22-07-2024 - 21-07-2027)
solid heart iconMathematical Foundations of Intelligence: An Erlangen Programme for AI UKRI AI Hub
Primoz Skraba, Omer Bobrowski and Haim Dubossarsky
£1,026,205 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-02-2024 - 31-01-2029)

solid heart iconVisiting Professorship - Dr Amit Patel
Primoz Skraba
£56,480 Leverhulme Trust (01-07-2022 - 30-06-2023)
solid heart iconTuring Defence and Security Programme
Primoz Skraba and Michael Farber
£130,489 Alan Turing Institute, The (01-10-2019 - 31-03-2021)
solid heart iconAutomated Analysis of Concrete Infrastructure
Primoz Skraba
£8,224 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (of Canada) (01-04-2019 - 31-03-2021)