Prof Martin Neil

Martin Neil

Professor of Computer Science and Statistics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


AI, Machine Learning, Risk, Bayesian Networks, Reliability


I am interested in intelligent risk assessment and decision analysis using knowledge and data. Typically this involves analysing and predicting the probabilities of unknown events using Bayesian statistical methods including causal, probabilistic models (Bayesian networks). In addition to working on theoretical and algorithmic foundations, this work covers a wide range of application domains such as medical analytics, legal reasoning, embedded software, operational risk in finance, systems and design reliability (including software), project risk,commercial risk, decision support, cost benefit analysis, AI and personalization, machine learning, legal argumentation, cyber security and football prediction.


solid heart iconPublications of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI


Relevant PublicationHunte JL, Neil M, Fenton NE, Osman M and Bechlivanidis C (2024). The effect of risk communication on consumers’ risk perception, risk tolerance and utility of smart and non-smart home appliances. Safety Science, Elsevier vol. 174 
bullet iconFenton N (2024). Fighting Goliath Exposing the Flawed Science and Statistics Behind the COVID-19 Event. 
Relevant PublicationHunte JL, Neil M and Fenton NE (2024). A hybrid Bayesian network for medical device risk assessment and management. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Elsevier vol. 241 
bullet iconMcLachlan S, Daley B, Saidi S, Kyrimi E, Dube K, Grossan C, Neil M, Rose L and Fenton N (2024). Approach and Method for Bayesian Network Modelling: The Case for Pregnancy Outcomes in England and Wales. Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies


Relevant PublicationLin P, Neil M, Fenton N and Dementiev E (2022). Region‐based estimation of the partition functions for hybrid Bayesian network models. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Wiley vol. 37 (11), 8897-8927.  
Relevant PublicationMclachlan S, Neil M, Dube K, Bogani R, Fenton N and Schaffer B (2022). Smart automotive technology adherence to the law: (de)constructing road rules for autonomous system development, verification and safety. International Journal of Law and Information Technology vol. 29 (4), 255-295.  
Relevant PublicationHunte JL, Neil M and Fenton NE (2022). A causal Bayesian network approach for consumer product safety and risk assessment. J Safety Res vol. 80, 198-214.  


bullet iconHunte JL, Neil M and Fenton NE (2021). A causal Bayesian network approach for consumer product safety and risk assessment. Journal of Safety Research, Elsevier vol. 80, 198-214.  
bullet iconNeil M and Fenton N (2021). Bayesian Hypothesis Testing and Hierarchical Modeling of Ivermectin Effectiveness. American Journal of Therapeutics, Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. vol. 28 (5), e576-e579.  
bullet iconNeil M (2021). Positive results from UK single gene testing for SARS-COV-2 may be inconclusive, negative or detecting past infections. 
bullet iconLin P, Neil M and Fenton N (2021). A Study of Using Bethe/Kikuchi Approximation for Learning Directed Graphic Models. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 9, 125428-125438.  


bullet iconMclachlan S, Paterson H, Dube K, Kyrimi E, Dementiev E, Neil M, Daley BJ, Hitman GA and Fenton NE (2020). Real-time Online Probabilistic Medical Computation using Bayesian Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI)
bullet iconOsman M, meder B, Fenton N, Neil M, Mclachlan S and Löfsted R (2020). Learning from behavioural changes that fail., Editors: Drayton L. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Elsevier 
bullet iconLin P, Neil M and Fenton N (2020). Improved High Dimensional Discrete Bayesian Network Inference using Triplet Region Construction. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, AI Access Foundation vol. 69, 231-295.  
Relevant PublicationKyrimi E, Raniere Neves M, Mclachlan S, Neil M, Marsh W and Fenton N (2020). Medical idioms for clinical Bayesian network development. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Elsevier 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Osman M and McLachlan S (2020). Bayesian Network Analysis of Covid-19 data reveals higher Infection Prevalence Rates and lower Fatality Rates than widely reported. Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Osman M and McLachlan S (2020). Bayesian network analysis of Covid-19 data reveals higher infection prevalence rates and lower fatality rates than widely reported. Journal of Risk Research 
bullet iconFenton N, Osman M, Mclachlan S and Neil M (2020). COVID-19 infection and death rates: the need to incorporate causal explanations for the data and avoid bias in testing. Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis (Routledge) 
bullet iconFenton N, Neil M and Constantinou A (2020). The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect, Judea Pearl, Dana Mackenzie, Basic Books (2018). Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier BV vol. 284, 103286-103286.  


bullet iconWang J, Neil M and Fenton N (2019). A Bayesian network approach for cybersecurity risk assessment implementing and extending the FAIR model. Computers and Security, Elsevier vol. 89 
bullet iconFenton N, Lagnado D, Dahlman C and Neil M (2019). The Opportunity Prior: A proof-based prior for criminal cases. Law, Probability and Risk, Oxford University Press (OUP) 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Osman M and Lagnado D (2019). Causality, the critical but often ignored component guiding us through a world of uncertainties in risk assessment. Journal of Risk Research 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Lagnado D and Gill RD (2019). Modelling competing legal arguments using Bayesian model comparison and averaging. Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer Nature vol. 27 (4), 403-430.  
bullet iconFenton N, Neil M, Yet B and Lagnado D (2019). Analyzing the Simonshaven Case Using Bayesian Networks. Topics in Cognitive Science, Wiley vol. 12 (4), 1092-1114.  
bullet iconFENTON NE, NEIL M and NOGUCHI T (2019). An extension to the noisy-OR function to resolve the ‘explaining away’ deficiency for practical Bayesian network problem. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 


bullet iconFENTON NE, NOGUCHI T and NEIL M (2018). Addressing the Practical Limitations of Noisy-OR using Conditional Inter-causal Anti-Correlation with Ranked Nodes. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2018). Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks. 
bullet iconOSMAN M, FENTON NE, Pilditch T, Lagnado D and NEIL M (2018). Who do we trust on social policy interventions. Basic and Applied Social Psychology 
bullet iconOsman M, Fenton N, Pilditch T, Lagnado D and Neil M (2018). Whom Do We Trust on Social Policy Interventions? Basic and Applied Social Psychology 
bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2018). Improving Software Testing with Causal Modeling. Analytic Methods in Systems and Software Testing  27-64.  
Relevant PublicationYET B, NEIL M, FENTON N, CONSTANTINOU AC and DEMENTIEV E (2018). An Improved Method for Solving Hybrid Influence Diagrams. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier 
bullet iconFENTON NE and NEIL M (2018). Lawnmowers versus terrorists: A highly misleading view of risk. Significance, Royal Statistical Society vol. 15 (1), 12-15.  
bullet iconFENTON NE and NEIL M (2018). Are lawnmowers a greater risk than terrorists? 
Relevant PublicationYet B, Constantinou A, Fenton N and Neil M (2018). Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information in Hybrid Models Using Dynamic Discretization. IEEE Access, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) vol. 6, 7802-7817.  


bullet iconFENTON NE, Lagnado D, Dahlman C and Neil M (2017). The Opportunity Prior: A Simple and Practical Solution to the Prior Probability Problem for Legal Cases. International Conference on AI and the Law (ICAIL 17) Kings College, London 12 Jun 2017 - 15 Jun 2017
bullet iconNeil M and Fenton N (2017). Risk Management Using Bayesian Networks. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online  1-6.  


Relevant PublicationFenton N, Neil M, Lagnado D, William M, Yet B and CONSTANTINOU AC (2016). How to model mutually exclusive events based on independent causal pathways in Bayesian network models. Knowledge-Based Systems 
Relevant PublicationYet B, CONSTANTINOU AC, Fenton N, Neil M, Luedeling E and Shepherd K (2016). A Bayesian Network Framework for Project Cost, Benefit and Risk Analysis with an Agricultural Development Case Study. Expert Systems with Applications 
Relevant PublicationCONSTANTINOU AC, FENTON N and NEIL M (2016). Integrating expert knowledge with data in Bayesian networks: Preserving data-driven expectations when the expert variables remain unobserved. Expert Systems with Applications 
bullet iconFENTON NE, neil M and Berger D (2016). Bayes and the Law. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application vol. 3, 51-77.  


Relevant PublicationConstantinou AC, Yet B, Fenton N, Neil M and Marsh W (2015). Value of information analysis for interventional and counterfactual Bayesian networks in forensic medical sciences. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Elsevier vol. 66, 41-52.  
bullet iconFENTON NE, Zhou Y, Hospedales T and Neil M (2015). Probabilistic Graphical Models Parameter Learning with Transferred Prior and Constraints. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Amsterdam, Netherlands 12 Jul 2015 - 16 Jul 2015
bullet iconZhou Y, Fenton N, Hospedales TM and Neil M (2015). Probabilistic graphical models parameter learning with transferred prior and constraints. 


bullet iconLin P, Neil M and Fenton NE (2014). Risk Aggregation in the presence of Discrete Causally Connected Random Variables. Annals of Actuarial Science vol. 8 (2), 298-319.  
bullet iconFenton N, Lagnado D, Hsu A, Berger D and Neil M (2014). Response to on the use of the likelihood ratio for forensic evaluation: response to Fenton et al.. Sci Justice vol. 54 (4), 319-320.  
bullet iconFenton N, Berger D, Lagnado D, Neil M and Hsu A (2014). When 'neutral' evidence still has probative value (with implications from the Barry George Case). Science and Justice vol. 54 (4), 274-287.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2014). Decision Support Software for Probabilistic Risk Assessment Using Bayesian Networks. IEEE Software, IEEE Explore vol. 31 (2), 21-26.  
bullet iconZhou Y, Fenton N and Neil M (2014). Bayesian network approach to multinomial parameter learning using data and expert judgments. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 55, 1252-1268.  
bullet iconZhou Y, Fenton N and Neil M (2014). An Extended MPL-C Model for Bayesian Network Parameter Learning with Exterior Constraints. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Nature vol. 8754, 581-596.  


bullet iconFenton NE, Neil M and Hsu A (2013). Calculating and understanding the value of any type of match evidence when there are potential testing errors. Artificial Intelligence and Law, Springer (part of Springer Nature) vol. 22 (1), 1-28.  
bullet iconFENTON NE, Neil M and Lagnado D (2013). A General Structure for Legal Arguments About Evidence Using Bayesian Networks. Cognitive Science, Wiley Online Library vol. 37 (1), 61-102.  
bullet iconZhou Y, Fenton N, Neil M and Zhu C (2013). Incorporating Expert Judgement into Bayesian Network Machine Learning. 
Relevant PublicationConstantinou AC, Fenton NE and Neil M (2013). Profiting from an inefficient association football gambling market: Prediction, risk and uncertainty using Bayesian networks. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS vol. 50, 60-86.  
bullet iconLangseth H, Marquez D and Neil M (2013). Fast Approximate Inference in Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using Dynamic Discretisation. 


Relevant PublicationConstantinou A, FENTON NE and Neil M (2012). pi-football: A Bayesian network model for forecasting Association Football match outcomes. Knowledge Based Systems, Elsevier vol. 36, 322-339.  
bullet iconNeil M, Chen X and Fenton NE (2012). Optimizing the Calculation of Conditional Probability Tables in Hybrid Bayesian Networks using Binary Factorization. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, IEEE vol. 7 (24), 1306-1312.  
bullet iconNeil M and Marquez D (2012). Availability modelling of repairable systems using Bayesian networks. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier/Science Direct vol. 25 (4), 698-704.  
bullet iconFENTON NE, Lagnado D and Neil M (2012). Legal idioms: a framework for evidential reasoning. Argument and Computation, Taylor & Francis Online vol. 4 (1), 46-63.  
bullet iconFENTON NE and Neil M (2012). Risk Assessment with Bayesian Networks. 


bullet iconFENTON NE and Neil M (2011). Avoiding Legal Fallacies in Practice Using Bayesian Networks. Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy vol. 36, 114-150.  
bullet iconFENTON NE and Neil M (2011). The use of Bayes' and causal modelling in decision making, uncertainty and risk. UPGRADE, the Journal of CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies) vol. 12 (5), 10-21.  


bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2010). Comparing risks of alternative medical diagnosis using Bayesian arguments. J Biomed Inform vol. 43 (4), 485-495.  
bullet iconNeil M, Marquez D and Fenton N (2010). Improved Reliability Modeling using Bayesian Networks and Dynamic Discretization. Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 95 (4), 412-425.  
bullet iconFenton NE, Hearty P, Neil M and Radliński Ł (2010). Software project and quality modelling using Bayesian networks. Artificial intelligence applications for improved software engineering development: new prospects , Editors: Meziane F and Vadera S. 1-25.  
bullet iconMarquez D, Neil M and Fenton N (2010). Improved reliability modeling using Bayesian networks and dynamic discretization. RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY vol. 95 (4), 412-425.  


bullet iconNeil M and Marquez D (2009). Dependability Modelling of Repairable Systems using Bayesian Networks. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Elsevier vol. 42 (5), 221-226.  
bullet iconNeil M and Marquez D (2009). Dependability modelling of repairable systems using Bayesian Networks. 
bullet iconHearty P, Fenton N, Marquez D and Neil M (2009). Predicting Project Velocity in XP Using a Learning Dynamic Bayesian Network Model. IEEE T SOFTWARE ENG vol. 35 (1), 124-137.  
bullet iconN Fenton MN and Radliński Ł (2009). Software Project and Quality Modelling Using Bayesian Networks. Artificial Intelligence Applications for Improved Software Engineering Development: New Prospects. (Part of the Advances in Intelligent Information Technologies (AIIT) Book Series)  1-25.  
bullet iconNeil M and Hager D (2009). Modeling Operational Risk in Financial Institutions using Hybrid Dynamic Bayesian Networks. Journal of Operational Risk vol. 4 (1), 3-33.  


bullet iconMarquez D, Neil M and Fenton N (2008). Solving dynamic fault trees using a new hybrid Bayesian network inference algorithm. 2008 Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation - Conference Proceedings, MED'08, 609-614.  
bullet iconFenton N, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Radlinski L and Krause P (2008). On the effectiveness of early life cycle defect prediction with Bayesian Nets. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING vol. 13 (5), 499-537.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2008). Avoiding legal fallacies in practice using Bayesian networks. Seventh International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics Lausanne, Switzerland 20 Aug 2008 - 23 Aug 2008
bullet iconNeil M, Tailor M, Marquez D, Fenton NE and Hearty P (2008). Modelling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks. Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 93 (7), 933-939.  
bullet iconMarquez D, Neil M and Fenton N (2008). Solving Dynamic Fault Trees using a New Hybrid Bayesian Network Inference Algorithm. 
bullet iconFENTON NE, Neil M and Marquez D (2008). Using Bayesian Networks to Predict Software Defects and Reliability. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Institution of Mechanical Engineers vol. 222 (4), 701-712.  
bullet iconNeil M, Marquez D and Fenton N (2008). Using Bayesian Networks to Model the Operational Risk to Information Technology Infrastructure in Financial Institutions. Journal of Financial Transformation vol. 22, 131-138.  


bullet iconFenton NE, Neil M and Caballero JG (2007). Using ranked nodes to model qualitative judgments in Bayesian Networks. IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN vol. 19 (10), 1420-1432.  
bullet iconNeil M, Tailor M and Marquez D (2007). Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks using dynamic discretization. STAT COMPUT vol. 17 (3), 219-233.  
bullet iconNeil M, FENTON NE, Hearty P, Marquez D and Tailor M (2007). Modelling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks. Reliability Engineering & System Safety vol. 93, 1-19.  
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N and Marquez D (2007). Using Bayesian Networks and Simulation for Data Fusion and Risk Analysis. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series: Information and Communication Security , Editors: Skanata and Byrd DM. 
bullet iconNeil M, Tailor M and Marquez D (2007). Inference in hybrid Bayesian networks using dynamic discretization. Statistics and Computing vol. 17, 219-233-219-233.  
bullet iconFenton N, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Marquez D, Krause P and Mishra R (2007). Predicting software defects in varying development lifecycles using Bayesian nets. INFORM SOFTWARE TECH vol. 49 (1), 32-43.  
bullet iconKhodakarami V, Fenton N and Neil M (2007). Project Scheduling: Improved approach to incorporate uncertainty using Bayesian Networks. Project Management Journal vol. 38, 39-49.  
bullet iconMarquez D, Neil M and Fenton NE (2007). Improved Dynamic Fault Tree modelling using Bayesian Networks. 
bullet iconRadliński Ł, Fenton NE, Marquez D and Hearty P (2007). Empirical Analysis of Software Defect Types. Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Information Technology and Web Engineering: Models, Concepts and Challenges (Proceedings of 28 International ISAT Conference)  223-231-223-231.  
bullet iconRadliński Ł, Fenton NE, Neil M and Marquez D (2007). Improved Decision-Making for Software Managers Using Bayesian Networks. 
bullet iconFenton NE, Neil M, Marsh W, Hearty P, Radlinski L and Krause P (2007). Project Data Incorporating Qualitative Factors for Improved Software Defect Prediction. ICSE PROMISE (Predictive Models in Software Engineering) 07 Minneapolis, USA 1 Jan 1970
bullet iconFenton NE, Neil M and Gallan J (2007). Using Ranked nodes to model qualitative judgements in Bayesian Networks. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering vol. 19, 1420-1432-1420-1432.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2007). Managing Risk in the Modern World: Bayesian Networks and the Applications. 
bullet iconMarquez D, Neil M and Fenton NE (2007). A new Bayesian Network approach to Reliability modelling. 
bullet iconRadliński Ł, Fenton NE, Neil M and Marquez D (2007). Modelling Prior Productivity and Defect Rates in a Causal Model for Software Project Risk Assessment. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies vol. 16 (4A), 256-260.  


bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N and MARSH DWR (2006). A Software Metrics Challenge: Data for Project Prediction. 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007), Minneapolis, USA
bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2006). Expert elicitation for reliable system design - Comment. STAT SCI vol. 21 (4), 451-453.  
bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2006). Comment: Expert elicitation for reliable system design. Statistical Science vol. 21 (4), 451-453.  
bullet iconJoseph A, Fenton NE and Neil M (2006). Predicting football results using Bayesian nets and other machine learning techniques. KNOWL-BASED SYST vol. 19 (7), 544-553.  
bullet iconNeil M and FENTON NE (2006). AgenaRisk. 
bullet iconNeil M, Tailor M, Fenton N, Marquez D and Hearty P (2006). Modeling Dependable Systems using Hybrid Bayesian Networks. 
bullet iconFenton NE, Radlinski L and Neil M (2006). Improved Bayesian Networks for Software Project Risk Assessment Using Dynamic Discretisation. Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality (Prceedings of Software Engineering Techniques 2006, Warsaw, Poland, 17-20 Oct 2006) , Editors: Sacha K. 139-148-139-148.  
bullet iconNeil M, FENTON NE, Krause P and Mishra R (2006). Bayesian networks for software process control. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 
bullet iconNeil M, FENTON NE, Marsh W, Mishra R and Krause P (2006). Predicting Software Defects in Varying Development Lifecycles using Bayesian Nets. ICSE (International Conference on Software Engineering) 2006, May 20-28, 2006, Shanghai, China
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2006). Expert Elicitation for Reliable System Design. Statistical Science vol. 21, 451-453-451-453.  
bullet iconNeill M, Tailor M, Marquez D, Fenton N and Hearty P (2006). Modeling dependable systems using hybrid Bayesian networks. 


bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N and Tailor M (2005). Using Bayesian networks to model expected and unexpected operational losses. RISK ANAL vol. 25 (4), 963-972.  
bullet iconNEIL MD and Fenton NE (2005). Improved Methods for building large-scale Bayesian Networks. Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 2005, Edinburgh University
bullet iconHearty P, FENTON NE, Neil M and Cates P (2005). Automated population of causal models for improved software risk assessment. 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Long Beach, California, USA 7 Nov 2005 - 11 Nov 2005
bullet iconNEIL MD and Fenton NE (2005). Improved Software Defect Prediction. 10th European SEPG, London
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2005). A Critique of Software Defect Prediction Models. Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering , Editors: Zhang D and JJP T. 72-86-72-86.  


bullet iconFenton N, Marsh W, Neil M, Cates P, Forey S and Tailor M (2004). Making resource decisions for software projects. 
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2004). Combining evidence in risk analysis using Bayesian networks. Safety Critical Systems Newsletter vol. 14, 8-13-8-13.  


bullet iconNeil M and FENTON NE (2003). Improved Programme Selection. 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Forey S and Harris R (2003). Assessing Vehicle Reliability using Bayesian Networks. Global Vehicle Reliability , Editors: Strutt JE and Hall PL. 25-42-25-42.  
bullet iconNeil M, Shaw R, Johnson S, Malcolm B, Donald I and Qiu XC (2003). Measuring & Managing Culturally Inspired Risk. 11th Safety-Critical Systems Symposium Bristol, UK 4 Feb 2003 - 6 Feb 2003
bullet iconNeil M, Malcolm B and Shaw R (2003). Modeling an Air Traffic Control Environment Using Bayesian Belief Networks. 
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Forey S and Harris R (2003). Assessing vehicle reliability using Bayesian networks., Editors: Strutt JE and Hall PL. 
bullet iconNeil M, FENTON NE and Krause P (2003). Software Quality Prediction Using Bayesian Networks. Software Engineering with Computational Intelligence. Khoshgoftaar, TM (ed)  


bullet iconFenton N, Krause P and Neil M (2002). Software measurement: Uncertainty and causal modeling. IEEE SOFTWARE vol. 19 (4), 116-+.  
bullet iconFenton NE, Krause P and Neil M (2002). Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality Control. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics vol. 12 (2), 173-188.  


bullet iconFenton N and Neil M (2001). Making decisions: using Bayesian nets and MCDA. KNOWL-BASED SYST vol. 14 (7), 307-325.  
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N, Forey S and Harris R (2001). Using Bayesian belief networks to predict the reliability of military vehicles. COMPUT CONTROL ENG J vol. 12 (1), 11-20.  
bullet iconFenton N, Krause P and Neil M (2001). Probabilistic Modelling for Software Quality Control. 
bullet iconNeil M, FENTON NE and Krause P (2001). Software Metrics: Uncertainty and causal Modelling. EuroSPI conference, Limerick Institute of Technology


bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N and Nielsen L (2000). Building large-scale Bayesian networks. KNOWL ENG REV vol. 15 (3), 257-284.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2000). Software metrics: roadmap. 
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2000). The Jury Fallacy and the use of Bayesian nets to simplify probabilistic legal arguments. Mathematics Today (Bulletin of the IMA) vol. 36 (6), 180-187.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (2000). Bayesian belief nets: a causal model for predicting defect rates and resource requirements. Software Testing and Quality Engineering vol. 2, 48-53-48-53.  
bullet iconLittlewood B, Strigini L, Wright D, Fenton NE and Neil M (2000). Bayesian Belief Networks for Safety Assessment of Computer-based Systems. System Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Applications , Editors: Gelenbe E. 349-364-349-364.  
bullet iconNeil M, Fenton N and Nielsen L (2000). Building large-scale Bayesian Networks. The Knowledge Engineering Review, 15(3) vol. 15, 257-284-257-284.  


bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (1999). Software metrics: successes, failures and new directions. Journal of Systems and Software vol. 47 (2-3), 149-157.  
bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (1999). A critique of software defect prediction models. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on vol. 25 (5), 675-689.  


bullet iconFenton NE and Neil M (1998). A strategy for improving safety related software engineering standards. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on vol. 24 (11), 1002-1013.  
bullet iconFenton NE, Littlewood B, Neil M, Strigini L, Sutcliffe A and Wright D (1998). Assessing dependability of safety critical systems using diverse evidence. IEE Proceedings Software vol. 145, 35-39-35-39.  
bullet iconCourtois PJ, Fenton NE, Littlewood B, Neil M, Strigini L and Wright D (1998). Examination of bayesian belief network for safety assessment of nuclear computer-based systems. 
bullet iconNeil M, Ostralenk G, Tobin M and Southworth M (1998). Lessons from using Z to specify a software tool. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 24, 15-23-15-23.  


bullet iconNeil M and Fenton N (1996). Predicting Software Quality using Bayesian Belief Networks. 
bullet iconLittlewood B, Neil M and Ostrolenk G (1996). Uncertainty in Software-Intensive Systems. High Integrity Systems Journal vol. 1, 407-413-407-413.  
bullet iconLittlewood B, Neil M and Ostrolenk G (1996). The Role of Models in Managing Uncertainty of Software-Intensive Systems. Reliability Engineering and System Safety vol. 46, 87-95-87-95.  
bullet iconNeil M, Littlewood B and Fenton NE (1996). Applying Bayesian belief networks to systems dependability assessment. Safety-Critical Systems: the Convergence Of High Tech and Human Factors; Proceedings of the 4th Safety Critical Systems Symposium , Editors: Redmill F. 71-93.  


bullet iconBache RM and Neil MD (1995). Introducing Metrics into Industry: A Perspective on GQM. 
bullet iconNeil MD (1995). Statistical Control of Software Quality. 


bullet iconOstrolenk G, Tobin M, Southworth M and Neil M (1994). Cost Effective Evaluation of a COBOL Parser Using an Operational Profile. 
bullet iconNeil MD (1994). Measurement as an alternative to Bureaucracy for the achievement of Software Quality. Software Quality Journal vol. 3, 65-78-65-78.  
bullet iconNeil MD and Bache RM (1994). Metrics Analysis. 


bullet iconNeil MD and Lano K (1993). Approaches to Maintenance Process Improvement via Measurement. 
bullet iconNeil MD and Bache RM (1993). Data Linkage Maps. Journal for Software Maintenance: Research and Practice vol. 5, 223-240-223-240.  
bullet iconWoherem EE, Neil MD and Estdale JF (1993). Software Process Improvement through the GQM Approach: A Maintenance Case Study, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA. 
bullet iconNeil M and Bache R (1993). Data linkage maps. Journal of Software Maintenance Research and Practice, Wiley vol. 5 (3), 155-164.  


bullet iconNeil MD (1992). Multivariate Assessment of Software Products. Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability vol. 1, 17-37-17-37.  


bullet iconBache RM and Neil M (1990). Validating Technologies for Certifying Software Products. Proceedings of IFIP Conference on Approving Software Products (ASP-90)  
bullet iconNeil MD, Slater D and Cole RJ (1990). Measures for Maintenance Management: A Case Study. Journal for Software Maintenance: Research and Practice vol. 2, 223-240-223-240.  


solid heart iconGrants of specific relevance to the Centre for Multimodal AI
solid heart iconKnowledge Discovery from Health Use Data
William Marsh, Martin Neil and John Robson
£171,569 Alan Turing Institute, The (01-04-2019 - 31-12-2020)
solid heart iconPAMBAYESIAN_FULL
Norman Fenton, William Marsh, Martin Neil, Paul Curzon, Akram Alomainy, Dylan Morrissey, Graham Hitman, Anita Patel, Frances Humby, David Collier and Victoria Tzortziou Brown
£1,531,821 EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (01-07-2017 - 30-06-2021)
solid heart iconImproved Understanding of Causal Models
Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
£383,510 Leverhulme Trust (16-01-2017 - 19-02-2020)