Dr Diego Perez-Liebana

Diego Perez-Liebana

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London


Artificial Intelligence, Games, Tree Search, Evolutionary Computation


My research is centred in the application of Artificial Intelligence to games, Reinforcement Learning and Evolutionary Computation. At the moment, I am especially interested on General Video Game Playing, which involves the creation of content and agents that play any real-time game that is given to it. He has published more than 60 papers in leading conferences and journals with 2 best paper awards, a BCS Intelligence Prize, and 1,900+ citations. Applying search algorithms, evolutionary computation and reinforcement learning to games, he is the main organizer of popular game AI competitions (GVGAI, MARLO) - securing substantial industry funding by MSR and Google Deepmind, general chair of the 2019 IEEE Conference on Games, track chair of academic (IEEE-CEEC, IEEE-CIG, ACM-FDG) and industry (nucl.ai) game conferences, organiser of game AI workshops and meetups, and frequently invited speaker at industry events like the London Games Festival. He is currently co-supervising 5 PhD students. As QMUL?s IGGI industry liaison, he is drawing on his extensive games industry experience, with several published PC and console titles and developed game AI tools under his belt.