

Emmanouil Benetos

Dr Emmanouil Benetos

Reader in Machine Listening
Director of Research for the School of EECS, Deputy Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in AI and Music

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Machine listening, Audio signal processing, Machine learning, Music information retrieval, Multimodal AI

Manolis Chiou

Dr Manolis Chiou


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Human-Robot Teaming, Human-Robot Interaction, Variable Autonomy, Mixed-Intitiative robotic systems

Paul Curzon

Prof Paul Curzon

Professor of Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Computer Science Education, Public Engagement in Computer Science and STEM, Interaction Design in Healthcare, Interaction Design and Human Error

Haim Dubossarsky

Dr Haim Dubossarsky

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing, Language Change (historical) and Variation (contemporary), Computational Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Question answering

Pat Healey

Prof Pat Healey

Professor of Human Interaction
Head of The Centre for Human-Centred Computing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Human Interaction, Communication, Dialogue

Ekaterina Ivanova

Dr Ekaterina Ivanova

Lecturer in Human-Machine Interaction

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

human-robot interaction, haptic communication, neurorehabilitation

Shalom Lappin

Prof Shalom Lappin

Professor of Natural Language Processing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Models of Human Cognition

Maria Liakata

Prof Maria Liakata

Professor of Natural Language Processing
Deputy Centre Lead and “Health and Wellbeing” Theme Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing, Semantics and Discourse, Social Media, Machine Learning, BioNLP an NLP for Mental Health

Athen Ma

Dr Athen Ma

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Complex networks, Network science, Machine learning and ecology, Ecological networks, Ecosystem responses, Global environmental change

Usman Naeem

Dr Usman Naeem

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Ambient Intelligent Environments, Context Awareness, Mobile Sensing, Gamification, Machine Learning Techniques, Educational Technologies

Marcus Pearce

Dr Marcus Pearce

Reader in Cognitive Science
“Cognitive and Neural Processing” Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Auditory Perception, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Psychology, Artificial Intelligence

Massimo Poesio

Prof Massimo Poesio

Professor of Computational Linguistics

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Computational linguistics / NLP, Games and NLP, Anaphora / Coreference, Disagreement and NLP, Brain data, Dialogue and interaction

Matthew Purver

Prof Matthew Purver

Professor of Computational Linguistics
Theme Lead: “Natural Language Processing” and Industry and External Engagement Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

computational linguistics, natural language processing, dialogue

Iran Roman

Dr Iran Roman


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Theoretical neuroscience, Machine Perception, Artificial Intelligence

Charalampos Saitis

Dr Charalampos Saitis

Lecturer in Digital Music Processing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Perception, cognition and aesthetics of sound, Crossmodal an multisensory perception involving sound, Enabling digital audio with an understanding of how we listen, Modelling human values (and biases) with digital music data, Digital tools for education

Michael Schlichtkrull

Dr Michael Schlichtkrull


School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural language processing, fact verification, question answering, graph neural networks

Laurissa Tokarchuk

Dr Laurissa Tokarchuk

Senior Lecturer

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Mobile and location-based gaming, social sensing, procedural content generation, data driven HCI, game ai

Geraint Wiggins

Prof Geraint Wiggins

Professor of Computational Creativity

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Computational Creativity, Music Cognition, Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence

Juntao Yu

Dr Juntao Yu

Lecturer in Computer Science

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Arkaitz Zubiaga

Dr Arkaitz Zubiaga

Senior Lecturer
Director of Graduate Studies (Research)
Theme Lead: “Social Data Science” and PhD PDRA Engagement Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

computational social science, natural language processing, social data science, social media mining