
Leadership Team

Pat Healey

Prof Pat Healey

Professor of Human Interaction
Head of The Centre for Human-Centred Computing

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Human Interaction, Communication, Dialogue

Maria Liakata

Prof Maria Liakata

Professor of Natural Language Processing
Deputy Centre Lead and “Health and Wellbeing” Theme Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Natural Language Processing, Semantics and Discourse, Social Media, Machine Learning, BioNLP an NLP for Mental Health

Marcus Pearce

Dr Marcus Pearce

Reader in Cognitive Science
“Cognitive and Neural Processing” Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

Auditory Perception, Cognitive Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Psychology, Artificial Intelligence

Matthew Purver

Prof Matthew Purver

Professor of Computational Linguistics
Theme Lead: “Natural Language Processing” and Industry and External Engagement Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

computational linguistics, natural language processing, dialogue

Arkaitz Zubiaga

Dr Arkaitz Zubiaga

Senior Lecturer
Director of Graduate Studies (Research)
Theme Lead: “Social Data Science” and PhD PDRA Engagement Lead

School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

computational social science, natural language processing, social data science, social media mining