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  • Zero rest-mass fields and the Newman–Penrose constants on flat space
    Gasperín E and Valiente Kroon JA
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 61 (12), 122503-122503.  
  • Null geodesics and improved unique continuation for waves in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes
    McGill A and Shao A
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing 
  • Quantum gravity on polygons and R x Z_n FLRW mode
    Majid S and Argota Quiroz J
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing 
  • The near-boundary geometry of Einstein-vacuum asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes
    Shao A
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing 
  • Partial-symmetry-breaking phase transitions
    Hanada M and Robinson B
    Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 102 (9) 
  • Digital quantum groups
    Majid S and Pachol A
    Journal of Mathematical Physics, Aip Publishing 
  • Evolution equations for a wide range of Einstein-matter systems
    Normann M and Valiente Kroon JA
    General Relativity and Gravitation, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 52 (10) 
  • Gravitational collapse in cubic Horndeski theories
    Figueras P and França T
    Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing vol. 37 (22) 
  • Density matrices in quantum gravity
    Anous T, Kruthoff J and Mahajan R
    Scipost Physics, Stichting Scipost vol. 9 (4), 045-045.  
  • Revisiting the characteristic initial value problem for the vacuum Einstein field equations
    Hilditch D, Valiente Kroon JA and Zhao P
    General Relativity and Gravitation, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 52 (10) 
  • Improved existence for the characteristic initial value problem with the conformal Einstein field equations
    Hilditch D, Valiente Kroon JA and Zhao P
    General Relativity and Gravitation, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 52 (9) 
  • An invitation to the principal series
    Anous T and Skulte J
    Scipost Physics, Stichting Scipost vol. 9 (3) 
  • Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA
    Barausse E, Berti E, Hertog T, Hughes SA, Jetzer P, Pani P, Sotiriou TP, Tamanini N, Witek H, Yagi K, Yunes N, Abdelsalhin T, Achucarro A, van Aelst K, Afshordi N, Akcay S, Annulli L, Arun KG, Ayuso I, Baibhav V, et al.
    General Relativity and Gravitation, Springer (Part of Springer Nature) vol. 52 (8) 
  • Structure of Neutron Stars in Massive Scalar-Tensor Gravity
    Rosca-Mead R, Moore CJ, Sperhake U, Agathos M and Gerosa D
    Symmetry, Mdpi vol. 12 (9) 
  • On the Virasoro six-point identity block and chaos
    Anous T and Haehl FM
    Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2020 (8) 
  • Characterization of quantum chaos by two-point correlation functions
    Gharibyan H, Hanada M, Swingle B and Tezuka M
    Physical Review E, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 102 (2) 
  • Hyperbolic systems with non-diagonalisable principal part and variable multiplicities, II: microlocal analysis
    Garetto C, Jäh C and Ruzhansky M
    Journal of Differential Equations, Elsevier 
  • On the topological complexity of aspherical spaces
    Journal of Topology and Analysis, World Scientific Publishing 
  • Generating functions and topological complexity
    Farber M, Kishimoto D and Stanley D
    Topology and Its Applications, Elsevier vol. 278 
  • Real-Time Dynamics of Plasma Balls from Holography
    Bantilan H, Figueras P and Mateos D
    Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society vol. 124 (19) 
  • The effects of potential shape on inhomogeneous inflation
    Aurrekoetxea JC, Clough K, Flauger R and Lim EA
    Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 2020 (05), 030-030.  
  • Areas and entropies in BFSS/gravity duality
    Anous T, Karczmarek J, Mintun E, Van Raamsdonk M and Way B
    Scipost Physics, Stichting Scipost vol. 8 (4) 
  • GW190425: Observation of a Compact Binary Coalescence with Total Mass ∼ 3.4 M⊙
    Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abraham S, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen G, Allocca A, Aloy MA, et al.
    The Astrophysical Journal Letters, American Astronomical Society vol. 892 (1) 
  • A morphology-independent search for gravitational wave echoes in data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
    Tsang KW, Ghosh A, Samajdar A, Chatziioannou K, Mastrogiovanni S, Agathos M and Van Den Broeck C
    Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 101 (6) 
  • Digital finite quantum Riemannian geometries
    Majid S and Pacho A
    Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical, Iop Publishing vol. 53 (11) 
  • Inferring prompt black-hole formation in neutron star mergers from gravitational-wave data
    Agathos M, Zappa F, Bernuzzi S, Perego A, Breschi M and Radice D
    Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 101 (4) 
  • Random simplicial complexes in the medial regime
    Farber M and Mead L
    Topology and Its Applications: a Journal Devoted to General, Geometric, Set-Theoretic and Algebraic Topology, Elsevier, 107065-107065.  
  • Thermal phase transition in Yang-Mills matrix model
    Bergner G, Bodendorfer N, Hanada M, Rinaldi E, Schäfer A and Vranas P
    Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2020 (1) 
  • Quantum Riemannian Geometry
    Beggs EJ and Majid S