- Anatomy of deconfinement
Hanada M, Jevicki A, Peng C and Wintergerst N
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (12)
01-12-2019 - Tests of general relativity with the binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Abraham S, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen G, Allocca A, Aloy MA, et al.
Physical Review D, American Physical Society vol. 100 (10)
20-11-2019 - Saving the universe with finite volume effects
Alexandre J and Clough K
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 100 (10)
15-11-2019 - Quantum gravity on a square graph
Majid S
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing vol. 36 (24)
14-11-2019 - Kilohertz gravitational waves from binary neutron star remnants: Time-domain model and constraints on extreme matter
Breschi M, Bernuzzi S, Zappa F, Agathos M, Perego A, Radice D and Nagar A
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 100 (10)
14-11-2019 - Construction of anti-de Sitter-like spacetimes using the metric conformal Einstein field equations: the tracefree matter case
Carranza DA and Valiente Kroon JA
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing vol. 36 (21), 215010-215010.
14-10-2019 - Cooling binary neutron star remnants via nucleon-nucleon-axion bremsstrahlung
Dietrich T and Clough K
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 100 (8)
10-10-2019 - Mini-BFSS matrix model in silico
Anous T and Cogburn C
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 100 (6)
15-09-2019 - Growth of massive scalar hair around a Schwarzschild black hole
Clough K, Ferreira PG and Lagos M
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 100 (6)
15-09-2019 - Directed topological complexity
Goubault E, Farber M and Sagnier A
Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, Springer Nature vol. 4 (1), 11-27.
21-08-2019 - Bredon cohomology and robot motion planning
Farber M, Grant M, Lupton G and Oprea J
Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Mathematical Sciences Publishers vol. 19 (4), 2023-2059.
16-08-2019 - Conformal wave equations for the Einstein-tracefree matter system
Carranza DA, Hursit AE and Valiente Kroon JA
General Relativity and Gravitation vol. 51 (7)
11-07-2019 - Phases of scrambling in eigenstates
Anous T and Sonner J
Scipost Physics, Stichting Scipost vol. 7 (1)
04-07-2019 - The fate of dense scalar stars
Muia F, Cicoli M, Clough K, Pedro F, Quevedo F and Vacca GP
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Iop Publishing vol. 2019 (07), 044-044.
01-07-2019 - Tests of General Relativity with GW170817
Abbott BP, Abbott R, Abbott TD, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adams C, Adams T, Addesso P, Adhikari RX, Adya VB, Affeldt C, Agarwal B, Agathos M, Agatsuma K, Aggarwal N, Aguiar OD, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Allen B, et al.
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 123 (1)
01-07-2019 - Quantum Riemannian geometry and particle creation on the integer line
Majid S
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing vol. 36 (13)
18-06-2019 - Inverse-chirp signals and spontaneous scalarisation with self-interacting potentials in stellar collapse
Rosca-Mead R, Moore CJ, Agathos M and Sperhake U
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing vol. 36 (13)
18-06-2019 - On Carleman and observability estimates for wave equations on time-dependent domains
Shao CT
Proceedings of The London Mathematical Society, London Mathematical Society
10-05-2019 - Higher topological complexity of aspherical spaces
Farber M and Oprea J
Topology and Its Applications, Elsevier vol. 258, 142-160.
01-05-2019 - Quantum Lyapunov spectrum
Gharibyan H, Hanada M, Swingle B and Tezuka M
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (4)
01-04-2019 - An upper bound for topological complexity
Farber M, Grant M, Lupton G and Oprea J
Topology and Its Applications vol. 255, 109-125.
15-03-2019 - Partial Deconfinement
Hanada M, Ishiki G and Watanabe H
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (3)
01-03-2019 - Quantum chaos, thermalization, and entanglement generation in real-time simulations of the Banks-Fischler-Shenker-Susskind matrix model
Buividovich PV, Hanada M and Schäfer A
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 99 (4)
15-02-2019 - The Chern–Gauss–Bonnet formula for singular non-compact four-dimensional manifolds
Buzano R and Nguyen HT
Communications in Analysis and Geometry, International Press of Boston vol. 27 (8), 1697-1736.
01-01-2019 - Real time quantum gravity dynamics from classical statistical Yang-Mills simulations
Hanada M and Romatschke P
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2019 (1)
01-01-2019 - Preface
Ruzhansky M and Dutta H
01-01-2019 - A perturbative approach to the construction of initial data on compact manifolds
Valiente Kroon JA and Williams JL
Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, International Press of Boston vol. 15 (3), 785-826.