- Chaos in matrix models and black hole evaporation
Berkowitz E, Hanada M and Maltz J
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 94 (12)
15-12-2016 - Codimension two surfaces pinched by normal curvature evolving by mean curvature flow
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Annales De L'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lineaire
09-12-2016 - Disordered quivers and cold horizons
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Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (12)
01-12-2016 - SUSY in silico: Numerical D-brane bound state spectroscopy
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Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 94 (10)
15-11-2016 - Precision lattice test of the gauge/gravity duality at large N
Berkowitz E, Rinaldi E, Hanada M, Ishiki G, Shimasaki S and Vranas P
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 94 (9)
01-11-2016 - Numerical tests of the gauge/gravity duality conjecture for D0-branes at finite temperature and finite N
Hanada M, Hyakutake Y, Ishiki G and Nishimura J
Physical Review D, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 94 (8)
15-10-2016 - A microscopic description of black hole evaporation via holography
Berkowitz E, Hanada M and Maltz J
International Journal of Modern Physics D, World Scientific Publishing vol. 25 (12)
01-10-2016 - What lattice theorists can do for superstring/M-theory
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International Journal of Modern Physics A, World Scientific Publishing vol. 31 (22)
09-08-2016 - Bounds on the Bondi energy by a flux of curvature
Alexakis S and Shao A
Journal of The European Mathematical Society, European Mathematical Society - Ems - Publishing House vol. 18 (9), 2045-2106.
25-07-2016 - Conformal Methods in General Relativity
Kroon JAV
05-07-2016 - Black hole collapse in the 1/c expansion
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Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (7)
01-07-2016 - Well-posedness of hyperbolic systems with multiplicities and smooth coefficients
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Mathematische Annalen, Springer Nature vol. 369 (1-2), 441-485.
22-06-2016 - Large random simplicial complexes, II; the fundamental group
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Journal of Topology and Analysis, World Scientific Publishing
22-06-2016 - Correction to Our Article “Topology of Random 2-Complexes” Published in DCG 47 (2012), pp. 117–149
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06-06-2016 - Tests of General Relativity with GW150914
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Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society (Aps) vol. 116 (22)
31-05-2016 - Killing spinors as a characterisation of rotating black hole spacetimes
Cole MJ and Kroon JAV
Classical and Quantum Gravity, Iop Publishing: Hybrid Open Access vol. 33 (12)
18-05-2016 - On the locally rotationally symmetric Einstein-Maxwell perfect fluid
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General Relativity and Gravitation, Springer Verlag (Germany) vol. 48 (6)
17-05-2016 - On hyperbolic systems with time-dependent Hölder characteristics
Garetto C and Ruzhansky M
Annali Di Matematica Pura Ed Applicata vol. 196 (1), 155-164.
12-04-2016 - Unique Continuation from Infinity in Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Spacetimes
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Communications in Mathematical Physics
24-02-2016 - Chaos in classical D0-brane mechanics
Gur-Ari G, Hanada M and Shenker SH
Journal of High Energy Physics, Springer Nature vol. 2016 (2)
01-02-2016 - A formalism for the calculus of variations with spinors
Bäckdahl T and Kroon JAV
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Aip Publishing vol. 57 (2)
12-01-2016 - Unique continuation from infinity for linear waves
Alexakis S, Schlue V and Shao A
Advances in Mathematics, Elsevier vol. 286, 481-544.
01-01-2016 - Random Simplicial Complexes
Costa A and Farber M
Springer Indam Series, Springer Nature vol. 14, 129-153.