Dr William Sutherland

Senior Lecturer in Astronomy
School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
Queen Mary University of London
My research has covered several areas relating to observational cosmology; in the 1990s I worked as a postdoctoral fellow and SERC Advanced Fellow in Oxford working on the IRAS PSCz redshift survey, the MACHO project gravitational microlensing survey (constraining compact-object dark matter), and the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, which made the first detection of redshift-space distortion in 2001 and the joint-first detection of baryon acoustic oscillations in 2005.From 2000 to 2009 I was the Project Scientist for design and construction of the VISTA telescope in Chile, first based at Edinburgh and Cambridge, joining QMUL (lead institute on VISTA) in 2007. Since the successful commissioning of VISTA in 2009, I have worked on several cosmological surveys using VISTA observations, including VIKING, GAMA and SHARKS. I am also involved in the design of the next-generation instrument for VISTA, a 2400-object multifibre spectrograph called 4MOST; and am working on constraining modified gravity using data from the GAIA spacecraft.


Ding Y, Clements DL, Leeuw LL, Heywood I, Dannerbauer H, Parmar A, Legodi P, Ivison RJ, Blake R, Gutiérrez CM, Carnero A and Sutherland W
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 535 (1), 370-391.

Banik I, Pittordis C, Sutherland W, Famaey B, Ibata R, Mieske S and Zhao H
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 527 (3), 4573-4615.

Pittordis C and Sutherland W
The Open Journal of Astrophysics, Maynooth University vol. 6

Manchanda D, Sutherland W and Pittordis C
The Open Journal of Astrophysics, Maynooth University vol. 6

Holzlöhner R, Amiaux J, Garcia-Herreros D, Kolb J, Pirard J-F, Sandrock S, Sutherland W, Szeifert T and Zins G
Advances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation V. vol. 12188, 1218818-1218818-13-1218818-1218818-13.

Driver SP, Bellstedt S, Robotham ASG, Baldry IK, Davies LJ, Liske J, Obreschkow D, Taylor EN, Wright AH, Alpaslan M, Bamford SP, Bauer AE, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bilicki M, Bravo M, Brough S, Casura S, Cluver ME, Colless M, Conselice CJ, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 513 (1), 439-467.

Broderick JW, Drouart G, Seymour N, Galvin TJ, Wright N, Rosell AC, Chhetri R, Dannerbauer H, Driver SP, Morgan JS, Moss VA, Prabu S, Afonso JM, De Breuck C, Emonts BHC, Franzen TMO, Gutiérrez CM, Hancock PJ, Heald GH, Hurley-Walker N, et al.
Publications of The Astronomical Society of Australia, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 39

Wright AH, Hildebrandt H, Kuijken K, Erben T, Blake R, Buddelmeijer H, Choi A, Cross N, de Jong JTA, Edge A, Gonzalez-Fernandez C, Solares EG, Grado A, Heymans C, Irwin M, Yoldas AK, Lewis JR, Mann RG, Napolitano N, Radovich M, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 632

Pittordis C and Sutherland W
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 488 (4), 4740-4752.

Kuijken K, Heymans C, Dvornik A, Hildebrandt H, de Jong JTA, Wright AH, Erben T, Bilicki M, Giblin B, Shan H-Y, Getman F, Grado A, Hoekstra H, Miller L, Napolitano N, Paolilo M, Radovich M, Schneider P, Sutherland W, Tewes M, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 625

Pittordis C and Sutherland W
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 480 (2), 1778-1795.

Kelvin LS, Bremer MN, Phillipps S, James PA, Davies LJM, De Propris R, Moffett AJ, Percival SM, Baldry IK, Collins CA, Alpaslan M, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Cluver M, Driver SP, Hashemizadeh A, Holwerda BW, Laine J, Lara-Lopez MA, Liske J, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 477 (3), 4116-4130.

Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 477 (2), 1913-1920.

Baldry IK, Liske J, Brown MJI, Robotham ASG, Driver SP, Dunne L, Alpaslan M, Brough S, Cluver ME, Eardley E, Farrow DJ, Heymans C, Hildebrandt H, Hopkins AM, Kelvin LS, Loveday J, Moffett AJ, Norberg P, Owers MS, Taylor EN, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 474 (3), 3875-3888.

Kettlety T, Hesling J, Phillipps S, Bremer MN, Cluver ME, Taylor EN, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, De Propris R, Driver SP, Holwerda BW, Kelvin LS, Sutherland W and Wright AH
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 473 (1), 776-783.

Venemans BP, Walter F, Decarli R, Ferkinhoff C, Weiß A, Findlay JR, McMahon RG, Sutherland WJ and Meijerink R
The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 845 (2)

Radovich M, Puddu E, Bellagamba F, Moscardini L, Roncarelli M, Getman F, Grado A and the KiDS collaborationhttp://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/team.php
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. vol. 42, 189-195.

Tortora C, Napolitano NR, La Barbera F, Roy N, Radovich M, Getman F, Brescia M, Cavuoti S, Capaccioli M, Longo G and the KiDS collaborationhttp://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/team.php
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. vol. 42, 123-128.

Roy N, Napolitano NR, La Barbera F, Tortora C, Getman F, Radovich M, Capaccioli M and the KiDS collaborationhttp://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/team.php
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. vol. 42, 135-138.

Napolitano NR, Covone G, Roy N, Tortora C, La Barbera F, Radovich M, Getman F, Capaccioli M, Colonna A, Paolillo M, Verdoes Kleijn GA, Koopmans LVE and the KiDS collaborationhttp://kids.strw.leidenuniv.nl/team.php
Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. vol. 42, 129-133.

Venemans BP, Walter F, Zschaechner L, Decarli R, De Rosa G, Findlay JR, McMahon RG and Sutherland WJ
The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 816 (1)

Driver SP, Wright AH, Andrews SK, Davies LJ, Kafle PR, Lange R, Moffett AJ, Mannering E, Robotham ASG, Vinsen K, Alpaslan M, Andrae E, Baldry IK, Bauer AE, Bamford SP, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bourne N, Brough S, Brown MJI, Cluver ME, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 455 (4), 3911-3942.

de Jong JTA, Kleijn GAV, Boxhoorn DR, Buddelmeijer H, Capaccioli M, Getman F, Grado A, Helmich E, Huang Z, Irisarri N, Kuijken K, La Barbera F, McFarland JP, Napolitano NR, Radovich M, Sikkema G, Valentijn EA, Begeman KG, Brescia M, Cavuoti S, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 582

Venemans BP, Kleijn GAV, Mwebaze J, Valentijn EA, Bañados E, Decarli R, de Jong JTA, Findlay JR, Kuijken KH, La Barbera F, McFarland JP, McMahon RG, Napolitano N, Sikkema G and Sutherland WJ
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 453 (3), 2259-2266.

Liske J, Baldry IK, Driver SP, Tuffs RJ, Alpaslan M, Andrae E, Brough S, Cluver ME, Grootes MW, Gunawardhana MLP, Kelvin LS, Loveday J, Robotham ASG, Taylor EN, Bamford SP, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brown MJI, Drinkwater MJ, Hopkins AM, Meyer MJ, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 452 (2), 2087-2126.

Sutherland W, Emerson J, Dalton G, Atad-Ettedgui E, Beard S, Bennett R, Bezawada N, Born A, Caldwell M, Clark P, Craig S, Henry D, Jeffers P, Little B, McPherson A, Murray J, Stewart M, Stobie B, Terrett D, Ward K, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, Edp Sciences vol. 575

Sutherland W and Rothnie P
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 446 (4), 3863-3873.

Sutherland W and Mularczyk L
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 438 (4), 3128-3136.

Negrello M, Hopwood R, Dye S, da Cunha E, Serjeant S, Fritz J, Rowlands K, Fleuren S, Bussmann RS, Cooray A, Dannerbauer H, Gonzalez-Nuevo J, Lapi A, Omont A, Amber S, Auld R, Baes M, Buttiglione S, Cava A, Danese L, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 440 (3), 1999-2012.

Jarvis MJ, Bonfield DG, Bruce VA, Geach JE, McAlpine K, McLure RJ, González-Solares E, Irwin M, Lewis J, Yoldas AK, Andreon S, Cross NJG, Emerson JP, Dalton G, Dunlop JS, Hodgkin ST, Le Févre O, Karouzos M, Meisenheimer K, Oliver S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 428 (2), 1281-1295.

Lopez-Caniego M, Gonzalez-Nuevo J, Massardi M, Bonavera L, Herranz D, Negrello M, De Zotti G, Carrera FJ, Danese L, Fleuren S, Hardcastle M, Jarvis MJ, Kloeckner H-R, Mauch T, Procopio P, Righini S, Sutherland W, Auld R, Baes M, Buttiglione S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 430 (3), 1566-1577.

Hopkins AM, Driver SP, Brough S, Owers MS, Bauer AE, Gunawardhana MLP, Cluver ME, Colless M, Foster C, Lara-Lopez MA, Roseboom I, Sharp R, Steele O, Thomas D, Baldry IK, Brown MJI, Liske J, Norberg P, Robotham ASG, Bamford S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 430 (3), 2047-2066.

Venemans BP, Findlay JR, Sutherland WJ, De Rosa G, McMahon RG, Simcoe R, Gonzalez-Solares EA, Kuijken K and Lewis JR
Astrophysical Journal vol. 779 (1)

McCracken HJ, Milvang-Jensen B, Dunlop J, Franx M, Fynbo JPU, Le Fèvre O, Holt J, Caputi KI, Goranova Y, Buitrago F, Emerson JP, Freudling W, Hudelot P, López-Sanjuan C, Magnard F, Mellier Y, Møller P, Nilsson KK, Sutherland W, Tasca L, et al.
A&a (Astronomy & Astrophysics) vol. 544

Sutherland W
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 426 (2), 1280-1290.

Loveday J, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Driver SP, Hopkins AM, Peacock JA, Bamford SP, Liske J, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Brown MJI, Cameron E, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, Frenk CS, Gunawardhana M, Hill DT, Jones DH, Kelvin LS, Kuijken K, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 420 (2), 1239-1262.

Findlay JR, Sutherland WJ, Venemans BP, Reyle C, Robin AC, Bonfield DG, Bruce VA and Jarvis MJ
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 419 (4), 3354-3367.

Sutherland W
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 420 (4), 3026-3034.

Gonzalez-Nuevo J, Lapi A, Fleuren S, Bressan S, Danese L, De Zotti G, Negrello M, Cai Z-Y, Fan L, Sutherland W, Baes M, Baker AJ, Clements L, Cooray A, Dannerbauer H, Dunne L, Dye S, Eales S, Frayer DT, Harris AI, et al.
Astrophysical Journal vol. 749 (1)

Fleuren S, Sutherland W, Dunne L, Smith DJB, Maddox SJ, Gonzalez-Nuevo J, Findlay J, Auld R, Baes M, Bond NA, Bonfield DG, Bourne N, Cooray A, Buttiglione S, Cava A, Dariush A, De Zotti G, Driver SP, Dye S, Eales S, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 423 (3), 2407-2424.

Kim S, Wardlow JL, Cooray A, Fleuren S, Sutherland W, Khostovan AA, Auld R, Baes M, Bussmann RS, Buttiglione S, Cava A, Clements D, Dariush A, De Zotti G, Dunne L, Dye S, Eales S, Fritz J, Hopwood R, Ibar E, et al.
Astrophysical Journal vol. 756 (1)

Christodoulou L, Eminian C, Loveday J, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Hurley PD, Driver SP, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Peacock JA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Cameron E, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, Frenk CS, Gunawardhana M, Jones DH, Kelvin LS, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 425 (2), 1527-1548.

Foster C, Hopkins AM, Gunawardhana M, Lara-Lopez MA, Sharp RG, Steele O, Taylor EN, Driver SP, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Alpaslan M, Bauer AE, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Cameron E, Colless M, et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics vol. 547

Driver SP, Robotham ASG, Kelvin L, Alpaslan M, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Brough S, Brown M, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Andrae E, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bourne N, Cameron E, Colless M, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 427 (4), 3244-3264.

Smith DJB, Dunne L, Maddox SJ, Eales S, Bonfield DG, Jarvis MJ, Sutherland W, Fleuren S, Rigby EE, Thompson MA, Baldry IK, Bamford S, Buttiglione S, Cava A, Clements DL, Cooray A, Croom S, Dariush A, de Zotti G, Driver SP, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 416 (2), 857-872.

Wijesinghe DB, da Cunha E, Hopkins AM, Dunne L, Sharp R, Gunawardhana M, Brough S, Sadler EM, Driver S, Baldry I, Bamford S, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock J, Popescu CC, Tuffs R, Andrae E, Auld R, Baes M, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 415 (2), 1002-1012.

Wijesinghe DB, Hopkins AM, Sharp R, Gunawardhana M, Brough S, Sadler EM, Driver S, Baldry I, Bamford S, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock J, Popescu CC, Tuffs RJ, Bland-Hawthorn J, Cameron E, Croom S, Frenk C, Hill D, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 410 (4), 2291-2301.

Brough S, Hopkins AM, Sharp RG, Gunawardhana M, Wijesinghe D, Robotham ASG, Driver SP, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brown MJI, Cameron E, Croom SM, Frenk CS, Foster C, Hill DT, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 413 (2), 1236-1243.

Driver SP, Hill DT, Kelvin LS, Robotham ASG, Liske J, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Loveday J, Peacock JA, Andrae E, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Brown MJI, Cameron E, Ching JHY, Colless M, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 413 (2), 971-995.

Gunawardhana MLP, Hopkins AM, Sharp RG, Brough S, Taylor E, Bland-Hawthorn J, Maraston C, Tuffs RJ, Popescu CC, Wijesinghe D, Jones DH, Croom S, Sadler E, Wilkins S, Driver SP, Liske J, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Loveday J, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 415 (2), 1647-1662.

Robotham ASG, Norberg P, Driver SP, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Loveday J, Merson A, Peacock JA, Brough S, Cameron E, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, Frenk CS, Gunawardhana M, Hill DT, Jones DH, Kelvin LS, Kuijken K, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 416 (4), 2640-2668.

Prescott M, Baldry IK, James PA, Bamford SP, Bland-Hawthorn J, Brough S, Brown MJI, Cameron E, Conselice CJ, Croom SM, Driver SP, Frenk CS, Gunawardhana M, Hil DT, Hopkins AM, Jones DH, Kelvin LS, Kuijken K, Liske J, Loveday J, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 417 (2), 1374-1386.

Taylor EN, Hopkins AM, Baldry IK, Brown MJI, Driver SP, Kelvin LS, Hill DT, Robotham ASG, Bland-Hawthorn J, Jones DH, Sharp RG, Thomas D, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Bamford SP, Brough S, Colless M, Cameron E, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 418 (3), 1587-1620.

Hill DT, Kelvin LS, Driver SP, Robotham ASG, Cameron E, Cross N, Andrae E, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Bland‐Hawthorn J, Brough S, Conselice CJ, Dye S, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Loveday J, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Croom SM, Frenk CS, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 412 (2), 765-799.

Terrett DL and Sutherland WJ
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy. vol. 7740

Dalton GB, Sutherland WJ, Emerson JP, Woodhouse GFW, Terrett DL and Whalley MS
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. vol. 7735

Emerson JP and Sutherland WJ
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series. vol. 7733

Eales S, Dunne L, Clements D, Cooray A, De Zotti G, Dye S, Ivison R, Jarvis M, Lagache G, Maddox S, Negrello M, Serjeant S, Thompson MA, Van Kampen E, Amblard A, Andreani P, Baes M, Beelen A, Bendo GJ, Benford D, et al.
Publications of The Astronomical Society of The Pacific vol. 122 (891), 499-515.

Baldry IK, Robotham ASG, Hill DT, Driver SP, Liske J, Norberg P, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Loveday J, Peacock JA, Cameron E, Croom SM, Cross NJG, Doyle IF, Dye S, Frenk CS, Jones DH, van Kampen E, Kelvin LS, Nichol RC, et al.
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society vol. 404 (1), 86-100.

Robotham A, Driver SP, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Loveday J, Peacock JA, Cameron E, Croom SM, Doyle IF, Frenk CS, Hill DT, Jones DH, van Kampen E, Kelvin LS, Kuijken K, Nichol RC, Parkinson HR, et al.
Publications of The Astronomical Society of Australia vol. 27 (1), 76-90.

Driver SP, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bamford SP, Hopkins AM, Liske J, Loveday J, Peacock JA and Team G
Astronomy & Geophysics, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 50 (5), 5.12-5.19.

Sutherland W
SCIENCE WITH THE VLT IN THE ELT ERA., 171-175. Editors: Moorwood A.

Sutherland W
2ND ARENA CONFERENCE ON THE ASTROPHYSICAL SCIENCE CASES AT DOME C. vol. 33, 83-88. Editors: Zinnecker H, Epchtein N and Rauer H.

EMERSON JP, Sutherland WJ and McPherson A
The Messenger vol. 126, 41-42.

EMERSON JP, Ward AK, Dalton GB and Caldwell M
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy. Edited by McLean, Ian S.; Iye, Masanori. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6269, pp. (2006).

McPherson AM, Born A, Sutherland W, Emerson J, Little B, Jeffers P, Stewart M, Murray J and Ward K
Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes, Pts 1 and 2. vol. 6267, 26707-26707. Editors: Stepp LM.

Hilton M, Collins C, De Propris R, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Couch WJ, Dalton GB, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson CA, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 363 (2), 661-674.

Cole S, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Norberg P, Baugh CM, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross NJG, Dalton G, Eke VR, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 362 (2), 505-534.

Croton DJ, Farrar GR, Norberg P, Colless M, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 356 (3), 1155-1167.

Conway E, Maddox S, Wild V, Peacock JA, Hawkins E, Norberg P, Madgwick DS, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Hawthorn JB, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 356 (2), 456-474.

Wild V, Peacock JA, Lahav O, Conway E, Maddox S, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 356 (1), 247-269.

Peacock JA, Colless M, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk C, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
MAPS OF THE COSMOS. (216), 77-94. Editors: Colless M, StaveleySmith L and Stathakis R.

Dalton G, Caldwell M, Ward K, Whalley M, Burke K, Lucas J, Richards T, Ferlet M, Edeson R, Tye D, Shaughnessy B, Strachan M, Atad-Ettedgui E, Leclerc M, Gallie A, Bezawada N, Clark P, Bissonauth N, Luke P, Dipper N, et al.
Proceedings of Spie - The International Society For Optical Engineering vol. 5492 (PART 2), 988-997.

Blake C, Pracy MB, Couch WJ, Bekki K, Lewis I, Glazebrook K, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 355 (3), 713-727.

Eke VR, Frenk CS, Baugh CM, Cole S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, de Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson CA, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 355 (3), 769-784.

Percival WJ, Burkey D, Heavens A, Taylor A, Cole S, Peacock JA, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 353 (4), 1201-1218.

Croton DJ, Gaztanaga E, Baugh CM, Norberg P, Colless M, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 352 (4), 1232-1244.

Erdogdu P, Lahav O, Zaroubi S, Efstathiou G, Moody S, Peacock JA, Colless M, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 352 (3), 939-960.

Croton DJ, Colless M, Gaztanaga E, Baugh CM, Norberg P, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 352 (3), 828-836.

Burgett WS, Vick MM, Davis DS, Colless M, De Propris R, Baldry I, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis R, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 352 (2), 605-654.

Padilla ND, Baugh CM, Eke VR, Norberg P, Cole S, Frenk CS, Croton DJ, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 352 (1), 211-225.

De Propris R, Colless M, Peacock JA, Couch WJ, Driver SP, Balogh ML, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 351 (1), 125-132.

Baugh CM, Croton DJ, Gaztanaga E, Norberg P, Colless M, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 351 (2), L44-L49.

EMERSON JP, Sutherland WJ, Strachan M, Clark P, Dalton GB and Caldwell M
Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy, eds Moorwood & Iye, Proc of SPIE, 5492-34, Glasgow.

Magliocchetti M, Maddox SJ, Hawkins E, Peacock JA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, de Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson CA, Jones B, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 350 (4), 1485-1494.

Balogh M, Eke V, Miller C, Lewis I, Bower R, Couch W, Nichol R, Bland-Hawthorn J, Baldry IK, Baugh C, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 348 (4), 1355-1372.

Eke VR, Baugh CM, Cole S, Frenk CS, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 348 (3), 866-878.

McPherson A, Born A, Sutherland W and Emerson J
GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2. vol. 5489, 638-649. Editors: Oschmann JM.

Alcock C, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Clement CM, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Muzzin A, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Quinn PJ, Rodgers AW, et al.
Astron J vol. 127 (1), 334-354.

Hawkins E, Maddox S, Cole S, Lahav O, Madgwick DS, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Baugh CA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 346 (1), 78-96.

Alcock C, Alves DR, Becker A, Bennett D, Cook KH, Drake A, Freeman K, Geha M, Griest K, Kovacs G, Lehner M, Marshall S, Minniti D, Nelson C, Peterson B, Popowski P, Pratt M, Quinn P, Rodgers A, Stubbs C, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 598 (1), 597-609.

Madgwick DS, Hawkins E, Lahav O, Maddox S, Norberg P, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Hawthorn JB, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 344 (3), 847-856.

De Propris R, Colless M, Driver SP, Couch W, Peacock JA, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton GB, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Hawkins E, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 342 (3), 725-737.

McPherson AM, Craig S and Sutherland W
LARGE GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2. vol. 4837, 82-93. Editors: Oschmann JM and Stepp LM.

Geha M, Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Griest K, Keller SC, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
Astron J vol. 125 (1), 1-12.

Craig S, Atad-Ettedgui E, Casali M, Bennett R, Egan I, Stobie B, Stanghellini S and Sutherland W
LARGE GROUND-BASED TELESCOPES, PTS 1 AND 2. vol. 4837, 178-188. Editors: Oschmann JM and Stepp LM.

Percival WJ, Sutherland W, Peacock JA, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 337 (3), 1068-1080.

Bennett DP, Becker AC, Quinn JL, Tomaney AB, Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Calitz JJ, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Fragile PC, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Johnson BR, Keller SC, Laws C, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 579 (2), 639-659.

Norberg P, Cole S, Baugh CM, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross NJG, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 336 (3), 907-931.

Verde L, Heavens AF, Percival WJ, Matarrese S, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 335 (2), 432-440.

Elgaroy O, Lahav O, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Madgwick DS, Bridle SL, Baugh CM, Baldry IK, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou GP, Ellis RS, et al.
Phys Rev Lett vol. 89 (6)

Lewis I, Balogh M, De Propris R, Couch W, Bower R, Offer A, Bland-Hawthorn J, Baldry IK, Baugh C, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Cross N, Dalton G, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 334 (3), 673-683.

Lahav O, Bridle SL, Percival WJ, Peacock JA, Efstathiou G, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 333 (4), 961-968.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Griest K, Hawley SL, Keller S, Lehner MJ, Lepischak D, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 573 (1), 338-350.

Norberg P, Baugh CM, Hawkins E, Maddox S, Madgwick D, Lahav O, Cole S, Frenk CS, Baldry I, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 332 (4), 827-838.

Magliocchetti M, Maddox SJ, Jackson CA, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, de Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 333 (1), 100-120.

Madgwick DS, Lahav O, Baldry IK, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 333 (1), 133-144.

Baldry IK, Glazebrook K, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Hawkins E, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 569 (2), 582-594.

Efstathiou G, Moody S, Peacock JA, Percival WJ, Baugh C, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 330 (2), L29-L35.

Egan I, Atad-Ettedgui E, Casali M, Craig S, Ellis M, Hastings P, Henry D, Laidlaw K, Murray J, Stewart M and Sutherland W

Emerson J and Sutherland W

Sadler EM, Jackson CA, Cannon RD, McIntyre VJ, Murphy T, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 329 (1), 227-245.

De Propris R, Couch WJ, Colless M, Dalton GB, Collins C, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Cross N, Deeley K, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 329 (1), 87-101.

Welch DL, Kovács G, Cook KH, Alcock C, Allsman R, Alves DR, Axelrod T, Becker A, Bennett D, Drake A, Freeman K, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner M, Marshall S, Minniti D, Nelson C, Peterson B, Popowski P, Pratt M, et al.
International Astronomical Union Colloquium, Cambridge University Press (Cup) vol. 185, 412-413.

Colless M, Dalton G, Maddox S, Sutherland W, Norberg P, Cole S, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 328 (4), 1039-1063.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Keller SC, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
Nature vol. 414 (6864), 617-619.

Norberg P, Baugh CM, Hawkins E, Maddox S, Peacock JA, Cole S, Frenk CS, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 328 (1), 64-70.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, Stubbs CW, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 562 (1), 337-347.

Percival WJ, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, Lumsden S, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 327 (4), 1297-1306.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, Stubbs CW, et al.
Astrophys J Suppl S vol. 136 (2), 439-462.

Cole S, Norberg P, Baugh CA, Frenk CS, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 326 (1), 255-273.

Cross N, Driver SP, Couch W, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Colless M, Collins C, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, Lewis I, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 324 (4), 825-841.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker A, Bennett DP, Clayton GC, Cook KH, Dalal N, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Gordon KD, Griest K, Kilkenny D, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Misselt KA, Nelson CA, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 554 (1), 298-315.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennet DP, Cook KH, Dalal N, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 552 (2), 582-590.

Alard C, Blommaert JADL, Cesarsky C, Epchtein N, Felli M, Fouque P, Ganesh S, Genzel R, Gilmore G, Glass IS, Habing H, Omont A, Perault M, Price S, Robin A, Schultheis M, Simon G, van Loon JT, Alcock C, Allsman RA, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 552 (1), 289-308.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, Stubbs CW, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 552 (1), 259-267.

The Identification of Dark Matter., 248-252.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Dalal N, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
Astrophys J vol. 550 (2), L169-L172.

Sharpe J, Rowan-Robinson M, Canavezes A, Saunders W, Branchini E, Efstathiou G, Frenk C, Keeble O, McMahon RG, Maddox S, Oliver SJ, Sutherland W, Tadros H and White SDM
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 322 (1), 121-130.

Peacock JA, Cole S, Norberg P, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon RD, Colless M, Collins C, Couch W, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver SP, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, Lahav O, et al.
Nature vol. 410 (6825), 169-173.

Sharpe J, Rowan-Robinson M, Canavezes A, Saunders W, Branchini E, Efstathiou G, Frenk C, Keeble O, McMahon RG, Maddox S, Oliver SJ, Sutherland W, Tadros H and White SDM
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 322 (1), 121-130.

Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Charles PA, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, McGowan KE, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, et al.
Mon Not R Astron Soc vol. 321 (4), 678-684.

Peacock JA, Colless M, Peacock J, Baugh CM, Bland-Hawthorn J, Bridges T, Cannon R, Cole S, Collins C, Couch W, Cross N, Dalton G, Deeley K, De Propris R, Driver S, Efstathiou G, Ellis RS, Frenk CS, Glazebrook K, Jackson C, et al.
RELATIVISTIC ASTROPHYSICS. vol. 586, 245-258. Editors: Wheeler JC and Martel H.

Lehner MJ, Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves DR, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Dalal N, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Geha M, Griest K, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Nelson CA, Peterson BA, Popowski P, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, et al.
In Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, Springer Nature 334-341.

Rowan-Robinson M, Sharpe J, Oliver SJ, Keeble O, Canavezes A, Saunders W, Taylor AN, Valentine H, Frenk CS, Efstathiou GP, McMahon RG, White SDM, Sutherland W, Tadros H and Maddox S
Monthly Notices of The Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press (Oup) vol. 314 (2), 375-397.

Wood PR, Alcock C, Allsman RA, Alves D, Axelrod TS, Becker AC, Bennett DP, Cook KH, Drake AJ, Freeman KC, Griest K, King LJ, Lehner MJ, Marshall SL, Minniti D, Peterson BA, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, Stubbs CW, Sutherland W, et al.
ASYMPTOTIC GIANT BRANCH STARS. (191), 151-158. Editors: LeBertre T, Lebre A and Waelkens C.

Bennett DP, Alcock C, Allsman RA, Axelrod TS, Cook KH, Freeman KC, Griest K, Marshall SL, Perlmutter S, Peterson BA, Pratt MR, Quinn PJ, Rodgers AW, Stubbs CW and Sutherland W
Aip Conference Proceedings, Aip Publishing vol. 336 (1), 77-90.

Chris Clarkson, Richard Nelson, Timothy Clifton, William Sutherland, Edward Gillen, Karim Malik, Thomas Haworth, Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Theresa Baker, David Mulryne, Philip Bull, Juan A. Valiente Kroon, Charalampos Markakis, Mohammad Mahdi Godazgar, Katy Clough, Pau Figueras and Arick Shao
£1,625,769 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-04-2023 - 30-09-2026

William Sutherland
£51,157 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC)
01-04-2023 - 31-03-2025