Prof Christopher White

Christopher White

Professor of Theoretical Physics
SPCS Deputy Director of Education, Director of Teaching and Learning for Physics and Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Particle physics, Gravity, Theoretical physics, High energy physics, Research impact


I have a long-standing interest in the theory describing the tiny quarks and gluons that live inside the proton (Quantum Chromodynamics), including how to use this theory to predict what happens at particle physics experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider. In the last few years, I have studied a remarkable new relationship ("the double copy") between particle physics theories and gravity. This gives tantalising hints of new mathematical structures underlying our theories of the universe, and also has practical applications e.g. for gravitational wave experiments.

A further recent project involves mining online data, and using machine learning techniques, to see how we can quantify the societal impact of fundamental physics, and communicate this effectively to the general public.