Dr Constantinos Papageorgakis

Constantinos Papageorgakis

Reader in Theoretical Physics
Head of The Department of Physics and Astronomy

School of Physical and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary University of London
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Theoretical Physics, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, (Super)Conformal Field Theories, String Theory


My current research focuses on the application of modern Machine Learning techniques to a diverse set of problems in theoretical and mathematical physics.

In the recent past I have investigated various aspects of superconformal field theories in multiple dimensions. A broad toolkit of approaches and techniques can be used to that effect, including the conformal bootstrap, the study of anomalies, superconformal indices and exact methods such as supersymmetric localisation. I have also researched the dynamics of solitons undergoing acceleration.

Older research involved the study of D-brane and M-brane dynamics, in string and M-theory respectively, as well as the structure of their associated supersymmetric/superconformal gauge theories. I have worked towards understanding multiple M2-branes in terms of superconformal Chern-Simons-matter theory in three dimensions, and multiple M5-branes through the superconformal (2,0) theory in six dimensions.