

Michalis Agathos

Dr Michalis Agathos

Lecturer in Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences

gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, Bayesian inference, general relativity, modified gravity

Tarek Anous

Dr Tarek Anous

Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences | UKRI Future Leaders Fellow
Outreach Lead

School of Mathematical Sciences

Black holes and their interiors, Accelerating spacetime, Disordered systems, Quantum field theory, Holography

Katy Clough

Dr Katy Clough

Senior Lecturer, STFC Ernest Rutherford Research Fellow

School of Mathematical Sciences

Fundamental fields, Black holes, Early Universe, Numerical relativity, General relativity, Gravitational waves

Michael Farber

Prof Michael Farber

Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences

Topology and AI, Algorithmic robotics, Stochastic topology

Pau Figueras

Prof Pau Figueras

Professor of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Head of The Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation

School of Mathematical Sciences

General Relativity, Black Holes, Numerical Relativity, Gravitational Waves, Gravitational Aspects of String Theory, Holography

Claudia Garetto

Prof Claudia Garetto

Professor of Mathematics
Science and Engineering EDI Lead
Deputy Head of The Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation

School of Mathematical Sciences

Hyperbolic equations, Low regular coefficients, Multiplicities, Generalised Solutions

Masanori Hanada

Masanori Hanada

Senior Lecturer

School of Mathematical Sciences

Quantum Field Theory, Strongly Coupled Quantum System, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Simulation, Artificial Intelligence

Shahn Majid

Prof Shahn Majid

Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences

quantum gravity, algebra, category theory, mathematical physics, quantum computing

Huy Nguyen

Dr Huy Nguyen

Reader in Geometry

School of Mathematical Sciences
Hong Qi

Dr Hong Qi

Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences

Gravitational wave astronomy, Quantum computing, Dark matter, Multimessenger astrophysics, General relativity

Rodolfo Russo

Prof Rodolfo Russo

Professor in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

School of Mathematical Sciences

String Theory, Black holes, Quantum Field Theory

Michael Ruzhansky

Prof Michael Ruzhansky

Professor of Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences
Arick Shao

Dr Arick Shao

Reader in Mathematics

School of Mathematical Sciences

Partial differential equations, Analysis, Differential geometry, Mathematical relativity, Unique continuation, Control theory

Juan A. Valiente Kroon

Prof Juan A. Valiente Kroon

Professor in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
Director of Research

School of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematical General Relativity, Computer Algebra

Shengwen Wang

Dr Shengwen Wang

Lecturer in Geometric Analysis

School of Mathematical Sciences