Dr Michalis AgathosLecturer in Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, Bayesian inference, general relativity, modified gravity |
Dr Tarek AnousSenior Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences | UKRI Future Leaders Fellow School of Mathematical Sciences Black holes and their interiors, Accelerating spacetime, Disordered systems, Quantum field theory, Holography |
Dr Katy CloughSenior Lecturer, STFC Ernest Rutherford Research Fellow School of Mathematical Sciences Fundamental fields, Black holes, Early Universe, Numerical relativity, General relativity, Gravitational waves |
Prof Michael FarberProfessor of Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Topology and AI, Algorithmic robotics, Stochastic topology |
Prof Pau FiguerasProfessor of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics School of Mathematical Sciences General Relativity, Black Holes, Numerical Relativity, Gravitational Waves, Gravitational Aspects of String Theory, Holography |
Prof Claudia GarettoProfessor of Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Hyperbolic equations, Low regular coefficients, Multiplicities, Generalised Solutions |
Masanori HanadaSenior Lecturer School of Mathematical Sciences Quantum Field Theory, Strongly Coupled Quantum System, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Simulation, Artificial Intelligence |
Prof Shahn MajidProfessor of Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences quantum gravity, algebra, category theory, mathematical physics, quantum computing |
Dr Hong QiLecturer in Mathematical Sciences School of Mathematical Sciences Gravitational wave astronomy, Quantum computing, Dark matter, Multimessenger astrophysics, General relativity |
Prof Rodolfo RussoProfessor in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics School of Mathematical Sciences String Theory, Black holes, Quantum Field Theory |
Dr Arick ShaoReader in Mathematics School of Mathematical Sciences Partial differential equations, Analysis, Differential geometry, Mathematical relativity, Unique continuation, Control theory |
Prof Juan A. Valiente KroonProfessor in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics School of Mathematical Sciences Mathematical General Relativity, Computer Algebra |