• Gravitational waves emitted in a black hole binary merger
  • Islands in the dual of an interface CFT model
  • Inhomoegeneities and formation of overdensities after inflation

Welcome to The Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation

The Queen Mary Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation is a world-leading multidisciplinary research centre on geometric analysis, partial differential equations, topology and all aspects of gravitation.  The Centre for Geometry, Analysis and Gravitation is leading the research on gravitational waves and quantum gravity at Queen Mary University of London, and it has become a reference centre in the UK and worldwide. Its members are a unique blend of pure and applied mathematicians working on different aspects of general relativity, numerical and mathematical relativity quantum gravity and gravitational aspects of string theory and holography.  

The Centre has received funding from prestigious sources such as the European Research Council (ERC), Royal Society University Research Fellowships, UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, various EPSRC standard grants, STFC Ernst Rutherford Fellowships, and STFC Consolidated grants.



Recent Publications

  • Chatzakou M and Ruzhansky M (2024). Revised logarithmic Sobolev inequalities of fractional order. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques, Elsevier vol. 197 
  • Abac AG, Abbott R, Abouelfettouh I, Acernese F, Ackley K, Adhicary S, Adhikari N, Adhikari RX, Adkins VK, Agarwal D, Agathos M, Abchouyeh MA, Aguiar OD, Aguilar I, Aiello L, Ain A, Ajith P, Akutsu T, Albanesi S, Alfaidi RA, et al. (2024). A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154. The Astrophysical Journal, American Astronomical Society vol. 977 (2) 
  • Kowacs A and Ruzhansky M (2024). Lieb–Thirring inequalities on the spheres and SO(3). Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Springer Nature vol. 14 (6) 

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Recent Grants

Hopf algebroids and quantum variational calculus
Shahn Majid
£253,728 Leverhulme Trust (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2027)
STFC New Applicant Scheme: Fundamental Implications of Fields, Strings and Gravity
Masanori Hanada
£9,960 Science & Technology Research Council (STFC) (01-10-2024 - 30-09-2026)
UKRI FLF: Tarek Anous - The materials approach to quantum spacetime
Tarek Anous
£1,518,987 MRC Medical Research Council (30-06-2024 - 29-06-2028)

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